Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 591 Who Is The Traitor
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Chapter 591 Who Is The Traitor

Harper was taken aback and frowned in deep thought. 'Is it a coincidence? What is the connectionbetween the death of the one from the Qin Clan in the Joy City and the spy's secret searching of ourmansion for the Heavenly Book?' She racked her brain to find an explanation.

But what bemused her even more was that the spy had concealed himself so well in their mansion.Furthermore, only a few people knew that the third Heavenly Book was in their mansion. 'How did thespy come to know about this? No matter who it was, we will be in danger if he is not found out.'

"I don't think many people know that the third Heavenly Book is in our mansion, do they?" Harperasked Matthew anxiously. She thought, 'If I consider all the people I know, I should be able to come upwith some clues.'

"Yes. The only four people around me knowing about it are Jack, Barry, Noah and Rufus," Matthewreplied as he held Harper by the waist. After a pause, he asked, "How about you?"

"I'm the only one." With a gravely ponderous face, Harper reasoned quickly. 'The Heavenly Book isvery important and this is the reason why I have told no others about it over the years. I am the onlyone who knows where the third one is. I have not shared the secret with any of my subordinates.Therefore, the secret could only have been betrayed by those four near Matthew. Jack and Barry havebeen Matthew's personal guards for so many years, while Noah is a good friend of his. The relationshipbetween Matthew and his steward Noah is even better than that between him and Rufus. I see noreason to suspect Rufus either. Even though I don't know much about him, I know that he sincerelyprotects Matthew.'

"In other words, one of those four betrayed me." Matthew's eyes became cold as ice He suspected thatthe news might have been leaked from Harper. However, a spy sent by the Great Jade Kingdom hadmonitored her for more than ten years and even thoroughly searched the place where she stayedbefore her marriage. What was more, he even thoroughly searched the whole Chu Clan mansion and

still failed to find the Heavenly Book. This proved that the book was hidden by Harper quite well. Yetthe information was leaked out after she handed over the Heavenly Book to Matthew. Therefore, one ofthe four men betrayed him.

Although Harper didn't want to admit it, there was no other choice but to turn her suspicions upon them.There must be something crooked with one of the four. "Which places did the spy search out?"

"My courtyard, my study, your courtyard, and the small warehouse where you store your dowry."Matthew told Harper what Barry had told him. The spy was clever. He knew enough to search thoseplaces, but the Heavenly Book was extremely important. How could Matthew be so lax as to put it in hisown mansion? There were many people keeping an eye on him, and no matter how and where it washidden in the mansion, it would be unsafe.

"The small warehouse where I keep my dowry?" Harper pondered that information thoughtfully andconcluded, "Then Rufus is excluded from our suspicions."

Matthew nodded. "I remember that I never said that the Heavenly Book is your dowry, but the spysearched through dowry. That is to say, the spy must be a member of our mansion, and he knows thesituation here very well. When I took out the Heavenly Book, Rufus was also there. I said that althougheveryone was hoping to get it, they would never expect that it was thrown into a dark corner and gotmoldy!"

"Yes, this man knows both you and me very well. After all, the book appeared after I married you andmoved into your mansion. This man suspected that the third one was brought here by me, so he lookedthrough my dowry..." Harper stopped abruptly. She didn't want to suspect anyone of those men whomshe had trusted so much.

"Leave it to me," said Matthew with his icy cold eyes.

"Darling, don't you want me to handle this matter? After all, I haven't been with them for a long time. Itwill be easier for me to handle it..."

"No, I'll take care of it," said Matthew as he kissed her hand. "I'm not a weak man."

Harper smiled and said, "Okay then, I'll leave it to you."

"Knock on the door and come in. Why are you hiding outside?" Matthew said coldly, suddenly lookingout of the window.

A man jumped in through the window and sat on the windowsill. The man turned out to be Howard. Hesaid at once, "I had something on my mind and forgot to tell you about it, so I came over. I didn't expectto see you two flirting with each other. I didn't mean to disturb you."novelbin

"What is it?" Harper asked, ignoring his teasing.

"Scott once cured Francis, and they were on good terms with each other." Howard told the couple theinformation he found out. "Francis leaked the news that Scott had made the Longevity Pills."

"I have guessed that Francis was involved in that incident. But I didn't expect that he was on goodterms with Scott." Harper's face was transformed by surprise. "Was it really Walden who killedeveryone in Scott's family?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. And you won't guess who saved Hodge's son." Howard looked atHarper who was confused.


"Marquis Scarlet."

Harper was truly dumbfounded. Francis was actually the mastermind of the crime. Yet, Marquis Scarletwas the one who rescued Hodge's son, Milo. Was the rescue also arranged by Francis? So, wasFrancis the one who framed Alexander?

Matthew had already guessed that Francis had his hands in everything, but he didn't figure out whatmotive he had. After all, the poison in his body had not yet cleared up at that time. Wasn't he worriedthat Harper would refuse to treat him after he recklessly framed Alexander?

"Have you figured out the relationship between Francis and the Scarlet Devils?"

"I can't find any clues," Howard said frankly. "I can't even find any clues about the relationship betweenFrancis and anyone else."

Harper sighed and thought, 'That's not strange. Francis, who had been silent for so many years,suddenly took action. He must have been well prepared. How could he pretend to be so innocent?'

She was a little upset, but quickly restrained her sadness. She had no reason to expect someone to bekind, but the feeling of being deceived was painful to her.

"Don't feel sad for him. He counts for nothing," Matthew comforted Harper, holding her hands.

Harper shook her head. "I'm not sad. I just find it incredible. What can make a person change so fast?"

Howard looked at Harper and said, "Everything is fine in the south region."

After hearing that, Harper looked at him and said, "You don't have to be responsible for that..."

"After all, he raised me for many years, and I have to do something for the Chu Clan," Howard saidslowly. Actually, he just wanted to do something for Harper. "Besides, I have buried Hailey's corpse," headded.

"I killed her. Don't you hate me? After all, she is your sister," Harper asked Howard with an intense look.She knew that if someone had killed her own sister, she would take revenge with no hesitation.

With a deep look at Harper, Howard answered, "Sister? I'm alone and single, and I don't have a sister."

With these words, Howard left. He felt that he had nothing, no family, no sister, and no reason to hateHarper.

"Master Howard," Robert called as soon as Howard emerged from Matthew's mansion. Howard kepthis composure and asked, "What? Does she have something else to say?"

Robert shook his head and replied, "No, not Lady Harper. His Lord wants to see you."

"Charles wants to see me?" Howard didn't know what to make of that. "What does he want from me?Does he think that I can help him make a comeback?"

Robert was embarrassed for a moment. In fact, it was Harper who could help Charles to rise, notHoward or Alexander. Charles must be fully aware that Harper would never help him at all, so naturally,he hoped that Howard would help him rise, after he knew that his son had returned to the imperialcapital.

"I don't know why His Lord wants to see you. I'm just passing on the message." Robert gritted his teeth.It was extremely risky for him to pass any message on behalf of Charles. He knew that Harper could beprovoked fiercely by any sign of betrayal. Although his action was not treacherous, his secrecy mightlook suspicious.

Howard looked at him and smiled meaningfully. "You delivered a message for him. Does Harper knowabout this?"

Robert's face turned pale. Of course, she didn't know. If she had known, he wouldn't have stoppedHoward privately, but told him in an open manner.

"Judging from your look, I would say she doesn't know," Howard said, about to leave. As he passedRobert, he added, "Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't push her limits. If you do, you'll regret it."

"I haven't betrayed Lady Harper."

"It's not about whether you betrayed her, what counts is her opinion of you," Howard said gently. "Youshould know how hard it is to win her trust, and how much she detests Charles. And you should alsoknow that if I were you, I would definitely stay away from Charles. It's not worthwhile to arouse thesuspicions of your new master."

"Lady Harper is not that sort of person!" Robert rebutted. "She is different from everyone else in theChu Clan mansion."

"If she were the same as the others, she would have died long ago. How else could she live until now?"Howard sneered. "Nobody thought highly of her before, but now, no one can surpass her. Even I envyher."

"Master Howard, don't you really hate her?" Robert was a little surprised to hear what he said. He hadassumed that Howard was getting close to Harper to get revenge. But now he realized that hisassumption was wrong. If not for revenge, then for what?

"I hate her!" Howard turned back and looked at Robert. "Of course I hate her. How could I not hate her?"

Robert narrowed his eyes and said, "Master Howard, as long as I live, I won't allow you to hurt a hairon her head."

Howard smiled bitterly and said, "What makes you think it's necessary to kill those whom you hate? Ihate her indeed, but so what? Compared with coldness, I prefer hatred. At least hatred is something Ican feel."

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