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Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Is He Married On Monday morning, Genevieve wore a black suit to work. Her immaculately ironed suit pantsaccentuated her slim and long legs. In the black suit, she looked professional and gave off an air ofcompetence. The HR department of Central Group had spent the weekend, finished processing to process all theemployment contracts of the new employees. After reaching the company, Genevieve scanned her face and took a lift to the floor where her office waslocated. Although there weren’t many people in the translation department, their office occupied the entire floor ofthe building. Hence, it was spacious and bright. Entering the office area, Genevieve sat down at her cubicle after greeting her colleagues courteously. After a while, some of her colleagues approached to chat with her and showered praises on her. “Youhave the best examination result among the employees of the translation department within these twoyears. I heard that you’ve been a translator for the President of Dartan too. You’re awesome!” Hearing this, Genevieve’s eyes flickered as the video that went viral on Twitter flashed across her mind. “It was just luck.” Genevieve soon lifted her face and flashed a faint grin at that colleague. “As I’m newhere, please do give me guidance.” Hearing that, that colleague waved her hand. “Sure, it’s no big deal. Colleagues should help each otherout.”

While they were chattering, someone pushed open the door and walked into the office. It was Queenie,and she was carrying a few bags in her hands. “Hello, everyone. I’m Queenie Lane, and I’ve just joined the translation department. Hope we can getalong well. I have brought some desserts for everyone.” As she spoke, she took out the desserts from the bags and distributed them to all of her colleagues.“They aren’t expensive stuff. My aunt who runs a bakery made them. I hope you don’t mind.” “Wow, your aunt is amazing!” one of the colleagues exclaimed.

“This pudding looks cute, and it seems delicious too!” another person chimed in. Queenie distributed the desserts one by one to her colleagues. Soon, she was standing in front ofGenevieve. Handing the latter a piece of cake, Queenie said, “Genevieve, I’m sorry for being mean toyou before. Please don’t hate me.” Hearing her words, Genevieve lifted her head and looked at Queenie, slightly shocked. There was asmile on her face, and she looked sincere. It seems like she’s truly apologetic to me. However, I don’t believe her. She then recalled what happened on Friday. She and Patrick had forced Queenie to wear a bikini anddance at the entrance of the restaurant that was in front of the company. There were a lot of onlookers atthat time. Other than that, Patrick had uploaded the video of her on Internet, and it had gone viral. Queenie wasutterly humiliated by it. Queenie probably has a deep-running hatred for me now after going through such humiliation. How is itpossible for her to want to reconcile with me? As Genevieve didn’t take the cake from her, Queenie asked cautiously, “What’s wrong?” After pausingmomentarily, she asked again, “Genevieve, are you still holding a grudge against me?” Upon hearing that, Genevieve immediately heightened her senses and put her guard up. However, sheremained her composure and took the cake from Queenie. Then, she said with a smile, “Of course not.As you have apologized to me, I won’t hold a grudge anymore. Besides, we are colleagues now.” “Great. That’s good to hear.” A smile spread across Queenie’s face as she said that. She then turned todistribute the desserts to other colleagues. Looking at Queenie who was talking to the other colleagues enthusiastically, Genevieve knew that theformer was trying to gain their liking. After a while, she retracted her gaze and put the cake on the cornerof her desk. Around ten o’clock, Jenny, who had invigilated Genevieve’s examination, came to the office. She was also the assistant manager of the translation department. As Mr. Ziegler, the manager, was on abusiness trip, the translation department was temporarily put under her control. novelbin

Jenny called for a meeting in the conference room. After introducing Genevieve and the other newemployees, she asked the other colleagues to report their work progress. Before the meeting ended, Jenny suddenly remembered something and said, “Oh, right! To welcome ournew employees, our company will hold a welcome party at Lovely Heart Hotel tonight. Mr. Faulkner willcome to the party too. All the new employees can go back earlier this afternoon and attend the welcomeparty at half-past seven tonight. Genevieve was not interested in the welcome party. However, when she heard Jenny mentioningArmand, she realized that he hadn’t been back to the mansion for a few days already. She soon snapped back to her senses as Jenny ordered a senior employee to help her familiarizeherself with her work. Standing up, she walked out of the conference room with that colleague. Before that, Genevieve only did some work at her family’s company once in a while, and she only wentthere in the afternoon. In the morning, she would either go shopping or sleep at home. At that time, herlife was comfortable and relaxed. As she used to be indolent, she had a hard time dealing with the overwhelming workload on her first dayupon entering the working world. Although she was exhausted, she had a sense of satisfaction as she felt that she was a useful personwho held some value at that moment. After working hard for the entire morning, Genevieve finally had some time to take a break. She thenheaded to the pantry with her mug, planning to drink a cup of coffee and rest for a while before goingback to work. When she entered the pantry, there were several female colleagues leaning against the cabinet whilegossiping. “I’m so envious of the new employees to be able to attend the party, and they can even meet Mr.Faulkner,” said one of the colleagues. She then heaved a sigh before she continued, “Do you guys thinkMr. Faulkner is married? I think there isn’t another person like him in the whole country who is still abachelor that has such incredible net worth, is there?” “I think he’s a married man,” one of them answered. “Before this, when I was scrolling through Twitter, I

saw a netizen posted that she saw Mr. Faulkner bring a woman to the City Hall to register theirmarriage.”

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