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Chapter 74

Employing his ruthless ways, Armand punished everyone who was involved but did not go afterSamuel’s mother. Steven lifted his head and cast a glance at Armand, who was looking glum. He wenton, “I know that you’ve been together with Ms. Marilyn for many years, and when both of you wereabout to get engaged… I saw the document that the lawyer drafted for you, where half of the shares ofCentral Group owned by you will be transferred to the child once Ms. Wood delivers the baby…”Lowering his voice, Steven reminded, “But Mr. Faulkner, Ms. Wood got married to Mr. Samuel longago. You’ve done enough for Ms. Wood…” With a frosty expression, Armand interrupted, “Samuel ismy brother after all. Besides, I owe him my life.” While exuding a menacing aura, he lowered his gazeand stared at Steven as he instructed, “Go and pick Timothy up.” “All right.” Not daring to say anythingfurther, Steven bowed slightly and headed toward the staircase. He then heaved a sigh of despairinwardly. Marilyn was the only person in this world who was capable of manipulating Armand and hadthe audacity to shoot at him. Armand was also willing to do anything for her unconditionally. He evengot married just for her sake. It might be because of the strong brandy or Armand’s excellent kissingskills that had Genevieve feeling as though she was floating in the vast expense of outer space. Hermind was constantly in a muddle as a result. The next day, when the sunshine woke her up by glaringat her through the window, she could vividly feel the intense hangover she was having. Rubbing herhead, Genevieve sat on the bed for quite some time before she finally recalled that she had looked for

Armand last night. She even pinned him against the wall and teased him. Once Genevieve hadrecollected last night’s memories, her face flushed scarlet, and she felt slightly embarrassed. Loweringher head, she realized that she was dressed in the same vest and mini-skirt that she had worn lastnight. So nothing happened last night? For some reason, a sense of defeat washed over Genevieve.Why would he leave after he was almost about to remove my clothes completely? After washing up,Genevieve went downstairs for breakfast. Patrick was the only one eating, and he informed Genevievethat Armand had some urgent matters to deal with, so he had left the mansion with Steven in the weehours of the morning. “Oh.” Pulling out a chair, Genevieve sat down and poured herself a glass oforange juice. I guess I’m overthinking things. After taking a few sips of the orange juice, she foundPatrick, who was seated opposite her, gazing at her with a complicated expression when she put downthe glass. She could not help but furrow her brows. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Patrick’sexpression instantly changed as he teased, “Well, that’s because you’re so adorable, Mrs. Faulkner!”“Shut up!” Genevieve did not find that to be a compliment. Instead, she had goosebumps all over herskin and felt like she was about to throw up. While having her breakfast, she switched on her phone toscroll through the news. Suddenly, the financial news about a new shareholder of Specter Corporation,who seemed to be someone from the Faulkner family of Xedells, popped up. The Faulkner family? AsGenevieve continued scrolling down, she did not find any information related to the new shareholder.Just then, she recalled that Armand had promised to help her regain Specter Corporation within sixmonths. Could this be his arrangement to send someone in there? With nothing else to do after havingher breakfast, Genevieve asked Patrick a few casual questions. Upon discovering that Armand lovedeating salmon, she bought a few salmons during her grocery shopping with Maria. Throughout the restof the day, Genevieve was in the kitchen learning how to cook fish from Maria, while Patrick was forcedto try out the dishes. At the third plate of salmon, Patrick revealed an expression of devastation.“Genev, stop mutilating these fishes. Instead, just end my life as I don’t want to live anymore.”Genevieve murmured, “Is it that awful?” She then tried a small bite by using a fork, and her faceinstantly contorted. Is this really what I’ve made? After destroying eight salmons and Patrick’s stomach,Genevieve finally made a salmon dish that tasted decent in the evening. Even Maria praised, “Ms.novelbin

Rachford, the fish tastes good. I’m sure Mr. Armand would love it.” Glancing at the clock on the wall,Genevieve plastered a grin on her face as she instructed, “It’s almost dinner time. Give Mr. Armand acall for him to come home for dinner.” She then added, “Forget about it. I’m afraid he’ll find meannoying.” With that, she took the salmon and displayed it in the middle of the dining table. She wantedto make Armand something that he loved eating as an act of appreciation. Maria shook her head andsaid sincerely, “One will only find others bothersome if they’re strangers. Yes, I’m well aware of thepromise that you made with Mr. Armand. But both of you have registered your marriage and are livingunder the same roof, so you can’t act like complete strangers.” Maria had witnessed Genevieve’sgrowth, so she viewed the latter as her daughter. Therefore, Maria hoped that Genevieve would beable to take revenge and find someone to take care of her for the rest of her life. At the thought of theincidents that had occurred to Genevieve recently, Maria got teary-eyed. She urged Genevieve, “Justgive it a try. If he indeed finds you annoying, then you can simply not ring him in the future. Besides, thesalmon will not taste as good if it’s not eaten right away.” Genevieve hesitated briefly before shenodded. “Okay, I’ll give him a call.”

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