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Chapter 71

“Old Mrs. Faulkner said she didn’t give you anything when you got married, so she forged one of thegifts that Old Mr. Faulkner gave her in the past into these two rings,” explained Frankie. “I’ve heard thatOld Mrs. Faulkner treasures the gifts from Old Mr. Faulkner a lot and never shows them to outsiders,”whispered Patrick, who happened to be next to Genevieve. He added, “It’s surprising that Old Mrs.Faulkner would use a gift from Old Mr. Faulkner to forge a pair of rings for Armand. No other memberof the Faulkner family receives such treatment.” “Really?” Genevieve muttered and peered at the velvetbox in Armand’s hand. A pair of stunning silver rings were housed inside the velvet box. The man’sversion of the ring was simple and elegant, whereas the woman’s version had five equal-sized grooveswith a line of five premium pearls set into each of them. There were tiny claws on the edge of thegrooves to hold the pearls in place, and the sides of the grooves were carved with a fine, wavy design.Although Genevieve had amassed a sizable jewelry collection in the past, which included pearls andrings with gemstones, she now felt that those rings in her collection could not compare to the one infront of her at the moment. What great taste Old Mrs. Faulkner has! Just as she was admiring the ring,Armand lifted his head abruptly and looked at her, saying in a low voice, “Genev, come here.” She hadnever before heard him addressing her in that way. It sounds too intimate. Glancing at Frankie, shequickly realized what Armand was going to do. Hence, she walked over and consciously stretched outher right hand. The next instant, Armand removed the woman’s version of the rings from the velvet boxand placed it on Genevieve’s finger. The ring fitted perfectly on her ring finger. Wriggling her fingers alittle, Genevieve fell into deep thought. This ring fits my finger perfectly. How does Old Mrs. Faulknerknow my finger size? “What are you thinking?” Armand gave Genevieve a cursory glance before takingout the men’s ring from the velvet box and passing it to her. Stretching out his left hand, he enunciated,“Put it on for me.” “Okay.” Taking a deep breath, she held Armand’s hand anxiously. His fingers werelong and slender. Genevieve nervously put the men’s ring on his ring finger. All of a sudden, shethought of the scene when she married Cooper in the church and exchanged rings, causing her actionsto pause suddenly. Frankie was quietly looking on from the side. Puzzlement flashed across his eyesas he noticed Genevieve abruptly stop moving. “Mrs. Faulkner?” He had visited City Hall to confirm thatnovelbin

Armand and Genevieve were legally married. Then why… In an instant, Armand’s gaze darkened.Suddenly, he wrapped his hands on the back of Genevieve’s head and kissed her in front of everyone.It was a long and passionate kiss. Even Frankie could not help but turn away in embarrassment. After aconsiderable amount of time, Armand released Genevieve and shot her a piercing glance that seemedto be a warning. “Genevieve, you are my wife from the moment you married me.” His voice was so lowthat only the two of them could hear it, and it was also extremely frigid. “I won’t let you off the hook ifyou dare to think of another man in front of me again.” The sensation of his cold breath on her cheekssent a shiver down Genevieve’s spine. He noticed that I was absorbed in my thoughts just now. “I’m notthinking of anyone. I just think that I’m too stupid,” she hurriedly explained. “Besides, comparing you toCooper is nothing but an insult to you.” Cooper would still be fighting for survival if it were not for herfather, who had brought Cooper into the Rachford residence back then. Her heart was filled withdisgust each time she thought about Cooper. Hearing that, Armand extended his left hand toward heronce more. His expression had somewhat softened. “Put it on.” “Okay.” This time, Genevieve did notget distracted and slipped the ring onto the man’s finger smoothly. As soon as she put her hand down,Armand grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into his embrace while saying to Frankie, “Shehas no experience, so she was a little nervous just now.” “Is that so?” Frankie was stunned for amoment and remarked unintentionally, “The wedding of Mdm. Genevieve and Mr. Sutton back then wasbroadcast live nationwide—” “Indeed, she’s been married previously, but she still lacks experience inother areas.” Armand’s voice was deep and low, and his expression remained indifferent. As Frankiewas an experienced man, he immediately understood what Armand was trying to say. A smile suddenlyspread across his face. “Old Mrs. Faulkner invited you and Mrs. Faulkner to dinner at the Faulknerresidence next Thursday.” Nodding slightly, Armand responded, “All right. I’ll ask the secretarialdepartment to include it in my schedule.” “I shall take my leave now.” As he spoke, Frankie nodded toArmand and turned around to leave. Maria trailed after him to see him off. “What did you mean justnow?” Genevieve gave the man in front of her a perplexed look. “What did you mean by—” I lackexperience in other areas? Does he mean kissing?

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