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Chapter 46

Chapter 46

“How dare you!” Queenie yelled.

“No, I didn‘t. I merely spoke the truth! You can choose not to listen if you don‘t want to,” Patrick hissedback at her.

He stretched out his arm, picked up a plate of fish and chips, and held it out to Queenie. “Here, havesome fish. It helps make you smarter. Feel free to help yourself as much as you want. This one‘s on me!”he said sweetly.

Then, Patrick picked up his own tray of food and stalked off.

Queenie gazed at the plate of fish and chips that seemed to be mocking her and resisted the urge to flingthe plate onto the ground.

Her argument with Patrick had attracted a lot of attention. Almost everyone in the cafeteria hadrecognized Genevieve, and they started whispering among themselves. However, Genevieve ignoredtheir stares.

“I‘ll be going to the hospital to donate blood in the afternoon, so I can‘t have lobster for dinner. But I cantreat you to some,” Genevieve said.

She had enjoyed seeing Patrick put Queenie in her place. novelbin

“Are you donating blood out of kindness?”

As Patrick had been protecting her all this time, she decided to be honest with him. “I guess so. My bloodtype is pretty rare, which happens to be the same blood type as Dr. Jensen‘s friend. His friend is

undergoing surgery soon, and he needs blood. I will be donating a few bags so he can store them forfuture use.”

Patrick was confused. “Timothy is pretty famous in the medical field. How rare is the patient‘s blood typethat he insisted on drawing yours? Won‘t your rich husband be upset?”

“Stop being dramatic, will you?” Genevieve replied in exasperation.

“If I had a wife, I wouldn‘t allow anyone to stick a needle in her, let alone allow her to perform acts ofkindness for others...” Patrick clicked his tongue. “Armand is clueless on how to dote on his wife.”

Genevieve was speechless. Unable to stand his nonsense anymore, she took her empty cup to thedrinks section

Queenie happened to be there as well. As the incident earlier was still fresh in her mind, she glared atGenevieve with resentment. When she noticed that Genevieve was making herself a cup of coffee, shediscreetly poured some hot water into a cup.

When Genevieve was done with her coffee, Queenie picked up the cup of hot water and approachedGenevieve.

She glanced at the surveillance camera in the corner and realized that they were in the camera‘s blindspot. Thus, she quickened her pace toward Genevieve. Pretending to slip, she hurled the hot watertoward Genevieve.

However, Genevieve shifted to the side instantaneously as if she had predicted Queenie‘s movements.

Two people had been walking behind Genevieve. After she dodged, the hot water splashed onto the

Chapter 46

shorter man‘s suit,

The suit did not provide much protection, and the man hissed in pain as the water scalded him.

Queenie had not expected this turn of events. Her face turned pale as she stammered an apology, “I I‘msorry! T–The floor was a little s–slippery...”

The man endured the pain and reprimanded Queenie, “Couldn‘t you be more careful then? You‘re luckythat the hot water landed on me. If it scalded Mr. Faulkner, will you be able to compensate for thedamages?”

Only then did Queenie realize that the man standing next to him was Armand. He looked at her with suchcoldness that her knees almost gave way beneath her.

Genevieve had only heard some footsteps behind her and never expected it to be Armand.

She smiled slightly and reminded Queenie, “Ms. Lane, from now on, please be careful when you‘recarrying a cup of hot water.”

Queenie almost exploded in anger.

This is not fair! I didn‘t manage to take revenge against Genevieve and even got myself implicated!

Armand and the man turned away from her. Gritting her teeth, Queenie mustered up her courage andstood in their way. “Mr. Faulkner, I want to report Genevieve!”


As she spoke, she pointed an accusing finger at Genevieve. “Central Group is a prolific company thatplaces utmost importance on reputation. However, Genevieve cheated on her husband and even causedher own company to go bust. With such a poor reputation, I don‘t think she should even be allowed aninterview with Central Group.”

Queenie paused for a moment before continuing, “She had submitted the written test in under tenminutes, and her results were a mess! How can she still take part in the test that will be held in theafternoon?”

Upon hearing that, Genevieve‘s expression darkened, and a frigid look appeared in her eyes.

She did not let herself be bothered by Queenie as she was here for the interview. However, she did notexpect Queenie to continue behaving so arrogantly.

Armand approached Queenie and stood in front of her. He exuded a domineering aura. “Are you sayingthat I‘m blind or that I‘m deaf? Or do you think that I can‘t keep up with the news and I need you toeducate me?”

Queenie started to tremble in fear. “No, Mr. Faulkner. That‘s not what I meant...”

Coldness flashed across Armand‘s sharp eyes. “Even if she has a poor reputation like what you said, it isup to the HR department to decide whether or not to grant her a chance. Seeing how you dared to standin my way, you must think that your words carry a lot of weight or that I‘m easy to convince.”

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