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Chapter 189

Chapter 189 I Do Not Want You To Stay Here

When Genevieve walked out of the hospital, it was drizzling outside. Only after she got in the car did she take out her phone to message Patrick and ask him why he hadcalled her. He did not reply to her after a long time, so she reckoned he was probably busy. Upon glancing at the time on her phone, she clicked into WhatsApp and texted Armand: Sir, are youback at Jadeborough? He replied quickly: I just got off the plane, but I need to head to the office first. With a smile on her face, she responded: Grandma messaged me one hour ago to tell us to go to theFaulkner residence for dinner tonight. I just came out of the hospital, and I’ll go to the Faulkner residenceto keep her company in a while. Armand: Is your body okay?Genevieve: I told Dr. Jensen I would return to the hospital for my admission around nine in the evening.Accompany me to the hospital. By the way, don’t leave after you reach your office. I prepared a surprisefor you. Armand: Okay.

After her conversation with him ended, she quit Whatsapp and looked at the time on her phone again. At the thought of the present on the way to his office and the scheduled post on Twitter, she lookedforward to seeing his expression. While holding her phone, she smiled. Then, she started the car and headed toward the Faulknerresidence. The car Marilyn sat in drove past the road lined with sycamore trees and finally stopped in the Faulknerresidence’s open-air parking lot. After she got out of the car, she looked in the direction of the principal house. On the day when she took the injection that aided in preventing miscarriage, she returned home very

quickly once her condition stabilized. That meant she had not come to the Faulkner residence for almost a month. Harriet also did not call herto check on her. Yet, the elderly woman personally called her an hour ago, inviting her to the Faulkner residence. “Mdm. Marilyn.” After Marilyn entered the residence, a housekeeper took over the umbrella and bag in her hands andbrought her to the study upstairs. A smile touched her lips when she walked into the study and saw Harriet sitting on the couch with adignified bearing. Very quickly, she walked over and asked, “Grandma, why did you invite me over…” Only when she got closer to the couch did she notice there were a few items on the coffee table.Instantly, her eyes widened. Harriet cast an impassive glance at her before pointing to the couch next to her. After Marilyn sat down, she said, “I gave a call to the residence at Xedells. Return to Xedells thisafternoon and stay there. Don’t ever come back to Jadeborough.” “Grandma, what do you mean by this?” Marilyn stared at the elderly woman as her hands unconsciouslygrabbed the armrest tightly. “Marilyn, you were married to Samuel. Your relationship with Armand ended a long time ago. Therefore, Idon’t want you to stay in Jadeborough any longer.” Harriet spoke with authority. Upon hearing Harriet’s words, Marilyn could not maintain a calm expression. “That’s not right! I datedArmand for thirteen years. I should have married him!” “Are you getting angry at me?” Harriet asked calmly, her gaze sharp. “When you got together withSamuel, I came to find you and asked you to think about it carefully. It was you who chose Samuel andgave up on your relationship with Armand.” “No, I didn’t…” Marilyn was stumped for words, then tried to explain. “I was forced. I didn’t want to marry Samuel…” Harriet questioned, “Who forced you? Was it your parents? Even if your mother tried to force you into thenovelbin

marriage, it’d be pointless if you refused to marry Samuel. Do you think I don’t understand yourpersonality? Marilyn, you’re too greedy. You felt that Armand didn’t spend much time with you, and hemight not be able to get the right of succession to the Faulkner family. You thought you might not be ableto solidify the standing of the Wood family in Xedells if you marry him, and he might not be able toprovide you with everything you wanted. As a result, you had a change of heart and got together withSamuel as you relished how well he treated you.” Glancing at Marilyn, whose face had turned pale, she continued, “I knew from the start that Samuel likedyou. However, he repressed his feelings deep in his heart because of your relationship with Armand. Heeven came to me. He told me that he wanted to get married and wanted me to make the arrangementsfor him, yet you intervened. Samuel was willing to do anything for you. By making use of his post, hegave many huge projects to your family and helped your father expand his relationship network…” Harriet tried to suppress her anger as she said, “He loved you so deeply, yet you made a scheme andkilled him!”

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