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Chapter 136

Harriet called Genevieve again a few days ago. As they chatted, Genevieve learned a few dishesArmand liked to eat from Harriet. She practiced with Maria at home for a long time and felt that thetaste was rather good. If Armand comes back to Jadeborough in the afternoon, I can cook those dishesfor him to try in the evening. She rubbed her finger against the edge of her phone, looking at themessage she had just sent. As she was immersed in her thoughts, she suddenly heard someonecalling her. “Genevieve.” She looked up and saw Jenny coming to her station. Putting the phone on thetable, she stood up and asked, “Ms. Griffin, what’s the matter?” “Mr. Leigh from a subsidiary companyat Baykeep called and told me he was taking his team to Bera to discuss a project. However, hisinterpreter suddenly got the stomach flu when waiting for the plane.” Jenny rubbed her temples andsaid helplessly, “He had to be hospitalized after being sent to the hospital for surgery.” She continued,“Besides the Baykeep subsidiary company, you’re the only one who can interpret Beranese. Get readyto go to Bera with Mr. Leigh and his team. Your daily salary will be tripled for this business trip, and allthe flight tickets and accommodation will be reimbursed by the Baykeep subsidiary company.” Sincethe head of the company personally called to talk to Jenny, and it was a transnational project,Genevieve could only agree. “Has Mr. Leigh and the others already left?” “They flew to Bera shortlyafter sending the interpreter to the hospital.” Jenny nodded and said, “You just have to book a flight fortomorrow morning. Do you have a visa?” “I had it done before. It shouldn’t have expired yet.” She flewall around the world before and had visas for almost all countries in Epea. “Good.” Jenny pattedGenevieve on the shoulder. “Thanks for this.” Genevieve was about to make a polite remark, but whenshe opened her mouth, she felt a dull stinging pain in her throat. She quickly took the coffee on thetable and drank two mouthfuls. After the coffee went down her throat, the slight tingling sensation soondisappeared. Jenny frowned at her and asked with concern, “Genevieve, are you okay?” “Yeah, mythroat just felt uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because I didn’t drink enough water in the hot weather.”Genevieve smiled. Since the day before yesterday, she occasionally felt a piercing pain in her throat,but it only lasted for three or four seconds. She went to the hospital for a checkup, but the doctor didnot find anything wrong. “Take care of your throat and drink more water.” Jenny chatted with Genevievenovelbin

a while longer before going back to her office to work. After Genevieve sat down, she picked up herphone on the table and saw that Armand had replied to her. He said: I’m not finished with my work, soI’ll stay in Xedells for a few more days. She replied: Oh. Mr. Leigh’s team from the Baykeep subsidiarycompany is going to Bera for business. Their interpreter can’t go, so I’m taking his place. He texted:Ok. Ok? That’s it? Sometimes, I feel like this man is very cold, but he talks a lot and is very patientwhen explaining things to me. The longer we get along, the more his indifference makes me feel at aloss. She felt her heart itch and sent another message: We haven’t contacted each other for so long,and I’ll be flying abroad for a business trip tomorrow. It may take about a week before I come back. Is‘ok’ all you have to say to me? After sending the message, she calmed down and carefully scanned herwords. Then, she felt like she was pushing her luck a little, so she quickly deleted the message. Shesent five emoticons in a row, bumping the “Message Deleted” text bubble to the top of the chat so thatthe man would not see it. I deleted it fast enough that he didn’t see it, right?

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