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Chapter 995

Today’s Susanna Wallis behaved very well.

He was obedient in class, and when get out of class was over, he lay quietly on the desk.

She also does not participate in other students’ plans to trick teachers. In Susanna Wallis’ eyes, putting

boogers in the teacher’s water cup, pouring glue on the stool, and putting a water basin on the door are

all pediatrics.

Eight-year-old Susanna Wallis is more scheming and cold- blooded.

Some children may really be born with bad bones in their bones.

In a blink of an eye.

It’s the next day.

The temperature plummeted, and as night fell, it began to rain cats and dogs.

In the dormitory, Susanna Wallis suddenly woke up.

The little girl on the bed next to her was also awakened by the thunder. Seeing that Susanna Wallis

was about to go out, she asked,” Susanna, where are you going? It’s raining outside.”

There are four children in a dormitory, Susanna Wallis is the youngest and the oldest is twelve.


Chapter 995

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Susanna Wallis smiled sweetly, ” Hans is looking for me.”

The little girl sat up, “It’s so late, why did Hans ask you, Hans is very fierce, aren’t you afraid of him?”


“I don’t know, Sister Hanhan, go to sleep, I’ll be back in a while.” Susanna Wallis looked harmless to

humans and


The little girl’s name is Lyne, and her family background is very good. Because of rebellion, she was

sent here by her parents.

Lyne is only 10 years old this year. Hearing what Susanna Wallis said, he said, “Then I will go with


Lyne is very righteous. Before Susanna Wallis was sent here, Lyne was the youngest in the dormitory

and the object of being bullied.

Susanna Wallis has helped her, and Lyne is grateful. Although she is older than Susanna Wallis, she

likes to follow Susanna Wallis and listen to Susanna Wallis in

whatever she does.

Susanna Wallis whispered, “Okay.”

Susanna Wallis already had a plan, a plan to get out of here.

Hans was on duty today, he couldn’t sleep, so he was grading students’ homework in the office.

Hans looks fierce on the outside, but he still wants to teach this group of students well. Even though he

knows that

these children can’t do their homework seriously, and the

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homework is plagiarized or fooling him, he still corrects it seriously and makes annotations.

Susanna Wallis asked Lyne to wait in the hallway, then pushed open the door and entered the office.

Hans was very surprised when he saw Susanna Wallis, with a straight face, he said fiercely, “Susanna

Wallis, why don’t you sleep, what are you doing here?”

Susanna Wallis walked in, keeping a harmless look all the time,” Hans, I want to go home.”

“You have only been here for more than a month. Don’t even think about going back before you have

been remodeled. Your family sent you here, and I will be responsible for them.” Hans actually couldn’t

see through the student in front of him. It’s cute, but it feels scary.novelbin

Every child who is sent has a rebellious period. In the first few days of arrival, he refused to obey the

discipline, and clamored to go back and fight against the teacher.

Susanna Wallis was an exception. She was so obedient that all the teachers thought that the parents

made a mistake and sent such a well-behaved and sensible child to reform.

This is the first time Susanna Wallis has asked to go home.

Susanna Wallis stared at Hans like that for a while, making Hans feel a little scared, and reprimanded,

“Go back to the dormitory and sleep.”

Susanna Wallis didn’t listen, but approached, stared at Hans, and suddenly showed a weird smile, ”

Hans, I will definitely


Chapter 005

go home today.”

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Before Hans could react, Susanna Wallis took off all her clothes, threw herself into Hans’ arms, and

shouted at the top of her voice, ” Hans, don’t, Hans…”

Hans was dumbfounded, he quickly pushed Susanna Wallis away, and scolded, ” Susanna Wallis, what

are you doing?”

Susanna Wallis cried as soon as she said she cried, grabbed her clothes in front of her, and ran

outside, “Help, help.”

Susanna Wallis grumbled loudly, and Lyne, who was waiting in the corridor, was dumbfounded when

she saw Susanna Wallis come out with her clothes and trousers gone.

Lyne didn’t know what happened, so she followed Susanna Wallis to call for help, and followed

Susanna Wallis to run outside.

Hans came to his senses and knew that things were bad, so he hurried out to chase after him,

Susanna Wallis is back…”

The heavy rain poured down, and Susanna Wallis ran into the rain in embarrassment. She yelled, and

Lyne also yelled, the whole dormitory building was alarmed, and other teachers on duty also came out

to see what was going on.

At this time, Erica Booth came with Jack Maya. Erica Booth, who had just entered the school, saw

Susanna Wallis running out of the school in naked clothes. She was startled, and hurried forward to

embrace Susanna Wallis. Arms, Susanna, Susanna, what’s going on?”

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Susanna Wallis cried, “Auntie, Hans undressed me.”


Outer 996


from Susanna Wallis is equivalent to sentence Hans to death.

Hans who was chasing after heard this slander and yelled angrily,” Susanna Wallis, what nonsense are

you talking about, when did I take off your clothes?”

Only then did Hans realize why Susanna Wallis was sent to transform.

Susanna Wallis is different from other rebellious and

naughty children. Susanna Wallis is like a dormant poison needle, giving you a fatal injection when you

are not paying attention.

The badness of other children is just rebellious, they have their own ideas, and they want to gain the

attention of their parents or show their individuality through destruction.

And Susanna Wallis ‘s badness is deep in her bones, and she kills without blood.

Susanna Wallis kept crying, and her bare arms were bruised, which made Irma look so delicate.

Jack Maya stepped forward and saw it, and with what Susanna Wallis said, he was furious,” Hans, you

are a teacher, how can you do such a bas*ard -like thing.”

Hans couldn’t argue, “I didn’t, Mr. Zhou, listen to me, it’s like this, Susanna Wallis came to the office just

now, she took off her clothes and threw herself into my arms, I


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