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Chapter 946

Chapter 946

738 (Vouchers

Women are unlucky, starting from feeling sorry

for men.

This is the law.

Jeremy Walker slapped him, but it made Marina Maya feel bad.

Marina Maya hurriedly said, “What are you doing?”

Marina Maya reached out and grabbed Jeremy Walker ‘s hand, preventing him from hurting herself.

It was this action that gave her a glimpse of the gifts on the table.

Jeremy Walker noticed Marina Maya ‘s gaze, and

immediately said shamelessly, “I prepared this for you. I owe you a debt, and now I have no money. I

can’t give you an expensive gift. I can only buy a bouquet of flowers.”

This is a bouquet of flowers and a box of condoms sent by the hotel. Tim really couldn’t think of a way

to ask the staff to put the camera in the bouquet under the guise of giving gifts to the guests.

It is also reasonable for the hotel to send flowers and condoms.

Jeremy Walker didn’t think much of it before, so he let the staff put it down.

Marina Maya was very happy to hear that it was for herself.

Chapter 46

28 Vouchers

She kind of returned to the time when the two first fell in


Jeremy Walker picked up the bouquet and handed it to Marina Maya, “Do you like it?”

Jeremy Walker picked up the flowers, the tiny camera inside fell into the bouquet, and Damien Smyth,

who was on the other side of the camera, couldn’t see what was going on here.

But fortunately, the sound can still be heard.

No matter what age a woman is, she cannot resist the romance of flowers.

Marina Maya hesitated for a moment, but still reached out to take it, “What are you wasting this money


Looking closely, you can see that Marina Maya’s cheeks are flushed.

That was the reaction a woman would have when she had a crush on the opposite sex.

Seeing Marina Maya blushing, Jeremy Walker, a veteran in love, naturally knew that Marina Maya still

had himself in his heart. He took the opportunity to hold Marina Maya ‘s hand with both hands, and said

affectionately, ” Marina, I have never forgotten you all these years.”

Who can resist such affectionate words.

These words can also satisfy a woman’s vanity.

It can heal the emotional pain of so many years.

Chapter 946

18388 Vouchers

Fortunately, Marina Maya is still a little sensible, she is a married woman.

“Jeremy Walker, it’s been so many years, forget it, I have a family.”

That last sentence, Marina Maya reminded Jeremy Walker, and reminded herself even more.

She has a family and she cannot betray her husband.

Jeremy Walker saw that the time was right, so he didn’t care about so much, and hugged Marina Maya,

” Marina, Marina, I really miss you. In the past twenty years, I haven’t missed you for a moment. I just

suppressed my love. Your thoughts.”

Jeremy Walker started to move his hands and feet, and the flowers in Marina Maya ‘s hands fell to the

ground. She was frightened by Jeremy Walker ‘s actions, ” Jeremy Walker, stop talking.”

Jeremy Walker stopped talking, he directly used actions to conquer Marina Maya.

He was ashamed of Marina Maya, but people like Jeremy Walker were selfish.

Marina Maya is a different person now, and she can help herself.

He must now grasp at the straw of Marina Maya.

The two are old lovers, and it is easy to regain their old relationship.

Chapter 946

1388 Vouchers

Jeremy Walker, a veteran in love, kissed Marina Maya directly, and kept moving his hands, ” Marina,

Marina, I miss you.”

That anxious look, just like the two of us just met more than 20 years ago.

Marina Maya and Felix Maya ‘s sex is very formulaic, not emotional, just like completing a task, and as

they get older, Felix Maya is also busy with business, and the couple can’t have sex almost once a


Women in their fifties also need nourishment from sex.

Jeremy Walker’s enthusiastic offensive directly made Marina Maya flustered.

Jeremy Walker, you can’t…”

Naturally, Marina Maya stepped on the flowers on the ground, just in time to damage the camera


At South Gate Villa, Damien Smyth was a little annoyed.

At the critical moment, it failed.

Vivienne Quinn put the child to sleep and went back to the room. Seeing Damien Smyth staring at the

phone annoyed, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

Damien Smyth said calmly, “A live broadcast of a middle- aged man, I saw half of it, and it’s gone.”

Vivienne Quinn was dumbfounded, ” Damien Smyth, you still have such a hobby.”

Chapter 946

1288 Vouchers

Damien Smyth knew what Vivienne Quinn was thinking when he smiled.

“This is a live broadcast of Jeremy Walker and Marina Maya. I asked Tim to put a camera in Jeremy

Walker’s hotel room. When I got to the highlights, the camera must have been stepped on.”

Vivienne Quinn was surprised again, ” Marina Maya

betrayed Felix Maya? Why is Marina Maya with Jeremy Walker? The two of them… Marina Maya is so

interested in Lindsay Walker, is it because of Jeremy Walker ?”

Damien Smyth nodded, ” Lindsay Walker is their daughter.”

This truth shocked Vivienne Quinn, but at the same time she suddenly realized.

“No wonder!”

No wonder Marina Maya is so interested in Hale, that is her own grandson.

In the hotel.

Jeremy Walker continues to give Felix Maya his hat.

Marina Maya has been waiting for this sex for a long time, struggling at first, and then she wants more.

Jeremy Walker worked very hard. He knew that as long as he took care of Marina Maya, the future

would be easy.

Although Marina Maya is old, it is well maintained, and it doesn’t affect anything when the lights arenovelbin

turned off.

Chapter 946

Marina Maya moaned continuously in the room.

After about half an hour, the room returned to calm.

283 Vouchers

Jeremy Walker put his arms around Marina Maya and asked, “Is it comfortable? Is it the same as when

I was young?”

Marina Maya blushed, ” Don’t make me shy.”

Those resentments dissipated in this sex.

The way men coax women is so simple and rude.

Women love this way too.

Jeremy Walker smiled, “Your body is still the same as when you were young, I like it.”

Even in the countryside, Marina Maya doesn’t need to do farm work. She lives a leisurely life and is

much better maintained than her peers.

Marina Maya didn’t speak, and after the passion passed, guilt surged up in her heart.

She is Felix Maya ‘s wife after all.

Thinking of this, Marina Maya sat up and began to get dressed, “Just pretend nothing happened

tonight, I have to go back, he will be back soon.”


Jeremy Walker followed suit, with a remorseful tone, Marina, I’m sorry for you, otherwise you wouldn’t

marry someone else, poor Lindsay, when you returned to Washington DC earlier, you could support

Lindsay, Smyth Family How can you bully Lindsay like this.”


Chapter 946

When it comes to her daughter, Marina Maya feels uncomfortable and heartbroken.

11 88 Nouchers

Jeremy Walker continued, “The Smyth Family is too bullying. It all started with the madam Smyth and

Violet Smyth. They instigated Lindsay and Damien Smyth to date. Otherwise, how could such a thing

happen, and in the end it was Sigrid Smyth that Bastard bullied.”

Marina Maya also regretted it. If she came back earlier, she would be able to see her daughter.

Marina Maya felt very uncomfortable and hated Violet Smyth very much.

She also believes that it all started with Violet Smyth.

her daughter different from Vivienne Quinn?

If it weren’t for Violet Smyth and madam Smyth who have been giving Lindsay Walker hope, Lindsay

Walker would not have come to an end.

Marina Maya gritted her teeth and said, “I will seek justice for Lindsay. The day after tomorrow is the

birthday party held by the Smyth Family for the eldest daughter. My daughter is dead. Their family

wants to have fun and dream.

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