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Chapter 929

Marina Maya felt dejected, Felix Maya thought he had said something wrong and hurt his wife, so he

quickly said,” Marina, I have no other meaning…

“Honey, I want to raise Joy.” Marina Maya interrupted Felix Maya.

Felix Maya said in surprise,” Marina, do you want to raise Joy? He has a guardian. We are not related

to Joy. How can we adopt him? Sigrid Smyth doesn’t agree.”

“Sigrid Smyth is not a qualified father at all. He spends his days drinking and drinking, which will spoil

Joy.” Marina Maya was worried about Joy ‘s future, and said, “Husband, let’s talk to Sigrid Smyth and

ask him to give the child to us to raise. We will give him some benefits, he is single with a child, and it is

not easy to find a wife, so he will definitely agree.”

Marina Maya means to let Felix Maya use power to overwhelm others.

Felix Maya, who has always been upright and upright all his life, suddenly changed his face,

“Nonsense, you must not do it. If you like children, we will go to the orphanage to adopt them.”

Marina Maya also turned pale, let go of Felix Maya, and said,” just like Joy. You have been doing things

for the people all these years. How have you ever taken care of your home? The house is deserted,

and I am alone all year round. I just want to have a The child is by my side, so I won’t be lonely, how

can this not work, maybe Sigrid Smyth would like it.”

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“This, this…” Felix Maya felt unreasonable, and he really owed his wife, so he had nothing to say, and

finally he could only sigh heavily.

Marina Maya glanced at Felix Maya, took advantage of Felix Maya’s guilt, and took the opportunity to

say, “Back then, if you kept your word and came back early to accompany me to give birth, there would

be no bleeding. If the child was not saved, I would bleed and hurt my body. In this life We don’t have

any children, otherwise we could be

grandparents, aren’t you very happy when Joy calls you grandpa?”

Chapter 929

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Felix Maya and Marina Maya have been married for more than 20 years. This is the first time he has

seen his wife be so persistent.

When I sent Joy back just now, when Joy got off the car, he waved goodbye to him and called him

grandpa. He was also very happy.

It would be great if he really had such a grandson.

Felix Maya lit a cigar, pondered for a while, and said, “I’ll meet Sigrid Smyth when I’m free and have a


Seeing Felix Maya let go, Marina Maya smiled happily, “Husband, then I will leave this matter to you.’

Having been married for more than 20 years, it is difficult for Felix Maya to see his wife acting like a

baby. In his impression, his wife is a gentle, kind, rigid and strong person.

The two have treated each other as guests for more than 20 years and have never quarreled. They are

a model couple.

Tonight, the wife ate one husband, and he felt very comfortable and enjoyed it very much.

Even though his wife’s words were full of loopholes, and there were still many things that didn’t make

sense, Felix Maya didn’t ask any more questions.

what kind of classmate is the relationship between the wife and Jeremy Walker, what kind of friendship

is the classmate. with Burke Lee, and why the wife hides Lindsay Walker ‘s body.


Felix Maya did not continue to pursue these doubts.

Hillside villa area.

In a detached villa, the lights are bright.

Jeff Nicholas, who was still seriously injured, was hung upside down from the beams of the house.

The wound on his body was open, and the bright red blood soaked out of Eveli, which was very

shocking to watch.

Because of hanging upside down, the Qi and blood flowed backwards, Jeff Nicholas ‘s face was

flushed, and the veins on his forehead and neck were raised.

Lennon Nicholas was sitting on the leather sofa, with two bodyguards standing beside him, and two

more bodyguards were standing next to Jeff Nicholas with whips in their hands, waiting for Lennon

Nicholas to give orders at any time.

Lennon Nicholas drank tea leisurely, looked at Jeff Nicholas who was hanging upside down coldly,”Say,

why did you betray me.”

Jeff Nicholas just looked down at Lennon Nicholas without saying a word.

Jeff Nicholas, who has been silent all the time, angered Lennon Nicholas, who was so angry that

Lennon Nicholas splashed the tea in his hand on his face.

The water temperature was still very high, and when it

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splashed on his face, the skin on Jeff Nicholas’ face was immediately scalded red. The wound on his

face was wet with water, which made him gasp in pain, trembling all over, and clenched his cheeks


Even so, he never gave in and said “beg”.

“Jeff Nicholas, don’t forget who you rely on today, you dare to betray me.” Lennon Nicholas was

furious,”I can’t think of why you would betray me. We are brothers.”

Hearing the word brother, Jeff Nicholas laughed at himself,”Am I really your brother?”

Or, do you think of him as a younger brother?

Lennon Nicholas walked to Jeff Nicholas, he looked at this stubborn brother with disgust in his eyes.

He also never wanted to recognize Jeff Nicholas as his younger brother. His attitude towards Jeff

Nicholas was complicated. He hated Jeff Nicholas, but when he thought that this was the only relative

in the world who was related to him by blood, he softened his heart a little.

Lennon Nicholas stared at Jeff Nicholas, suppressed his anger and said, “You hand over the chip, and I

don’t care about it.”

“No.” Jeff Nicholas kept his mouth very tight and refused to hand over the chip.

Lennon Nicholas business secrets hidden in that chip.

Chapter 929

protect Lennon Nicholas, and he didn’t want Lennon Nicholas to be obsessed and get stuck in the mud.

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Jeff Nicholas, who is not good at expressing, will not give


He is such an axis, and his brain circuits are so novel that people can’t figure it out.

Are you for that stinky b*tch?” Lennon Nicholas squeezed Jeff Nicholas’ chin, and said, “You’re really

promising. I told you to kill that woman, but you fell in love with her. Your vision is amazing, kid. You

have the ability to fall in love with Damien Smyth ‘s woman, and I will count you as capable if you sleep

that woman. But what are you doing? You haven’t even met that woman, and you have injured yourself

all over?”

“Boss Lennon, I don’t like her.” Jeff Nicholas dared not admit that he liked Vivienne Quinn. With Lennon

Nicholas cruelty, he would definitely trouble Vivienne Quinn.

Jeff Nicholas had a tough mouth, provoking Lennon Nicholas, and gave his subordinates a look, “See if

it’s hist mouth or the whip.”

The two men looked at each other, Jeff Nicholas was already injured like this, if he fought again, he

might be killed.

Seeing the two hesitate, Lennon Nicholas roared, “Why don’t you do it?”

“Yes, Boss Lennon.”novelbin

The two bodyguards had to do it.

Chapter 929

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As soon as the whip was drawn down, his skin was ripped apart, Jeff Nicholas broke out in cold sweat

in pain, and soon, his whole body was covered in blood.

New injuries and old injuries alternated, which was horrible.

The bright red blood soaked the clothes on his body, and a white dress was dyed red.

Even though he was beaten to death, Jeff Nicholas still didn’t hand over the chip.

Lennon Nicholas was so angry that Jeff Nicholas was so angry.

Lennon Nicholas snarls,” Jeff Nicholas, you hand over your stuff, you really want to die don’t you.”

Jeff Nicholas had already vomited blood, his face was pale, and his eyeballs were rolled up, but he still

refused to hand it over.

Lennon Nicholas was so angry that he grabbed Jeff Nicholas neckline,” Is the chip in the hands of that

woman Vivienne Quinn? You betrayed me for her, and you are out of your mind.”

As soon as the words fell, the subordinates ran in from outside,” Boss Lennon, Damien Smyth is here.”

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