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Chapter 927

Felix Maya was clean all his life, but there was such a vicious person in his family.

He was distressed and stunned, and even more at a loss.

That was the wife he owed all his life, what could he do?

He wanted to keep his wife, and he only came forward when he realized that Damien Smyth was

eyeing Marina Maya.

Marina Maya didn’t dare to tell the truth, she lowered her head and said,” I had someone take away

Lindsay Walker ‘s, body. Burke Lee and I used to be classmates. He was not in good health and died

suddenly. I was also very surprised. As for The kidnapping of Mrs. Smyth from the Smyth family has

nothing to do with me.”

Burke Lee’s sudden death, Marina Maya was very surprised, but she understood Burke Lee ‘s deep


Burke Lee is here to protect her.

Felix Maya was puzzled, “Why did you take Lindsay Walker’s body? What is your relationship with her?

How come you are classmates with Burke Lee?”

At this moment Felix Maya found that he didn’t know much about his wife’s past.

When Marina Maya married him, she didn’t mention

anything about her natal family, only that there was no one in her natal family.

In the past 20 years, the two lived in the countryside in peace, and he had never seen Marina Maya

have any contact


with her natal family, so he was convinced that Marina Maya was an orphan and had no family.

Because of this, Felix Maya loves his wife even more. He gives all his salary to his wife, and Marina

Maya has the final say at home.

He came to Washington DC to take office, and he brought his wife with him.

At this point, Felix Maya didn’t say a word to Marina Maya, he just wanted to figure it out so that he

could protect Marina Maya.

Marina Maya suddenly looked at Felix Maya with red eyes, and she was about to cry in the blink of an


She has been with Felix Maya for so many years and has hardly shed tears.

This cry made Felix Maya very shocked, but also a little overwhelmed.

“Marina, don’t cry, what’s the matter, we husband and wife discuss it carefully and solve it together. If

you like children, we will adopt them. My cousin’s family has many children. I think it’s good to adopt

one for us. We adopt A smaller child, take it with you and raise it, and it will be the same for us in the


“I don’t raise children from his family.” Marina Maya pulled a tissue, wiped her tears and said, “I don’t

know what your cousin’s family is thinking? Your cousin just saw that we have no children, and now you

are growing up in

Washington DC Officer, when they are developed, they only


care about our family’s property, and when we die, it will all belong to your cousin’s family.”

Felix Maya said with a smile,”No, we are all a family. My cousin also thought of adopting his youngest

grandson to us because we have no children.”

“I want to adopt, and I would rather go to the orphanage to adopt one, and I don’t want his children.”

Marina Maya scolded, “You are out to socialize, how do you know about those things at home, the

village is saying that we will adopt his children, it’s not that my cousin spread it outside, but it’ s hard for

us to do it.”

The cousin’s sister-in-law is scheming, and Marina Maya doesn’t want to get involved with that family.

“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this.” Felix Maya said, “If you say no, then you can’t, Marina, then tell

me, what did you do with Lindsay Walker’s body? Do you know her?”

Marina Maya knew that if she didn’t give Felix Maya an explanation, today’s matter would be difficult.

“That’s my classmate’s daughter.” Marina Maya didn’t dare to tell the truth after all, how could she dare

to say that Lindsay Walker was her daughter.

Marina Maya wiped her tears and said with tears,”I used to go to school in Washington DC, and Burke

Lee was my classmate, and Lindsay Walker was also my classmate’s daughter.”

Felix Maya asked, “Your classmate is Jeremy Walker ?”

“Yeah.” Marina Maya nodded and said, “I came back to Washington DC this time, only to find out that

the Walker family went bankrupt, and my classmate’s daughter went to prison, and no one came to pick

it up after she died. I felt sorry, so I brought it back. You just Coming to Washington DC, I was worried

about affecting your career, so I didn’t tell you.”

Marina Maya had already thought up a set of explanations, and continued,” Burke Lee died suddenly, I

really don’t know. He told me that he was not feeling well, and I asked him to go to the hospital. Who

knew that he passed away so suddenly, I I took away the body of my classmate’s daughter, but I didn’t

attack Mrs. Smyth of the Smyth family, how could I kidnap Mrs. Smyth.”

“You really didn’t do it?”

“No.” Marina Maya assured, “We have been married for more than 20 years, don’t you believe me?”


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