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Chapter 910

Chapter 910

Elvis Reynolds was able to settle her debts all of a sudden

and still live in such a chic way that no one would think she had done something shameful.

And the way for women to get money quickly is through


Elvis Reynolds is now dressed up beautifully, and Bob Mendoza also believes that Elvis Reynolds is

willing to degenerate.

Elvis Reynolds didn’t care about Bob Mendoza ‘s attitude. She asked, “Do you have another woman? I

heard from the people in the police station that you brought a beautiful woman on a date in the police

station. Didn’t you say that you I only like that woman, those are all excuses, aren’t they?”

Elvis Reynolds is very unconvinced, Bob Mendoza can like Lainey Marlowe, he can like others, why is

he so unfeeling to her.

“My business has nothing to do with you.” Bob Mendoza didn’t bother to explain to Elvis Reynolds,”I

still have something to do, so go get busy first.”

“You are not allowed to go.” Elvis Reynolds pulled Bob Mendoza,”Look at me carefully, Bob Mendoza,

can’t you like me a little bit? You must like me for taking care of me and our family all these years…”

“Elvis Reynolds, if you have any face, don’t mention this again.” Bob Mendoza suddenly had a serious

tone, pointing at Elvis Reynolds,”I ask you, how did Brook die.”

Hearing this, Elvis Reynolds said shamelessly, “I know you feel sorry for Brook, ashamed of Brook,

that’s why you refuse me like this, even though Brook was on a mission to block the gun for you, but

we can’t keep holding on… novelbin


Bob Mendoza ‘s really pis sed off, the first time he’s seen such a shameless person.

The taciturn, gentle and kind Elvis Reynolds in the past was all a faux pas.

Bob Mendoza interrupted Elvis Reynolds angrily,” Brook was diagnosed with terminal cancer before he

left for the mission, and he only had three months to live.”

Elvis Reynolds was shocked, dumbfounded.

“How did you know” was written in big characters on that face.

Bob Mendoza sternly said again, “I think Brook has been dead for many years, Poppy is still young,

and you didn’t report to the higher authorities to expose your deception, you better stop in moderation.

If the superiors know that Brook has deceived everyone, You, the Walker family, have enjoyed the

treatment of martyrs’ families over the years, and your failure to report what you know is a fraud, and

based on this alone, you should be held legally responsible.”

Elvis Reynolds shook his head and said stubbornly, “Why is this breaking the law? Brook is sick, but

didn’t he die on a mission? The treatment we enjoy is what we deserve.”

Bob Mendoza was speechless.

When Lainey Marlowe had told him about it, he’d been shocked at how audacious the Walker family


Even if the two lords and Elvis Reynolds of the Walker family are ignorant, Brook should be aware of

the consequences of being known the truth. Considering that there are old and young in the Walker

family, Bob Mendoza can also figure out why Brook did this.

Walker family to do this. They don’t feel ashamed and take it for granted.

It is simply unreasonable.

Bob Mendoza was tired of looking at Elvis Reynolds one more time, didn’t want to argue with Elvis

Reynolds, and walked away.

There’s no point in arguing with this guy.

He doesn’t intend to pursue the energy and money that the Walker family has put in these years. He

just hopes that the Walker family will take care of themselves and completely disassociate themselves

from the Walker family.


“Bob Mendoza, Bob Mendoza.” Elvis Reynolds stomped angrily.

She even came to him on her own initiative, but he was still so ruthless to her.

Elvis Reynolds hated in his heart, Bob Mendoza, you forced me, so don’t blame me.

Elvis Reynolds called Gregary Abraham as soon as he walked


out of the police station, urging Gregary Abraham to do it.

Gregary Abraham never listened to anyone’s orders, and he was not anyone’s subordinate. Hearing

Elvis Reynolds’ urging, he replied impatiently,” I do things, and you don’t need to worry about them.”

Gregary Abraham now has a new target, his anti-social personality has emerged, and his mind is

preoccupied with killing the next target.

After Dave’s unremitting efforts, he joined dozens of groups, using the tactics taught to him by Bob

Mendoza, he was active in the group for a few days, and then he cheated a few men in the group and

quit the group.

Of course, the so-called men who were cheated were all Bob Mendoza ‘s trumpets.

Dave quit the group, Bob Mendoza used a few small

accounts to act in the group, posted Dave ‘s social software account ID Rabbit Love Grass, and

Whatsapp account in the group, scolded angrily in the group, calling Dave a liar, Lied his money, let the

male compatriots in the group see Dave ‘s account in the future, they must be cautious.

Then Bob Mendoza used other trumpets to play other victims, and jumped out to reply, claiming that he

was also cheated,

“Brother, you were also cheated by that woman who loves to eat grass? Me too, sh it. My hard-earned

money of twelve thousand dollars was cheated by that woman.”

“The two brothers upstairs, the rabbits you said love to eat

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grass, is this woman?” Bob Mendoza popped up on another account on purpose, and posted a

beautiful side photo of Dave in women’s clothing, “I also I was cheated of five thousand dollars by her,

unlucky, I can only admit it.”

“Yes, it’s her. She looks pure, but she is a liar.”

“This kind of woman who only cheats men’s money should be dam ned, my hard-earned money.

Bob Mendoza directed and acted in the group, and Dave gave him a thumbs up when he saw it.

“Bob, you’re really good. You should be a screenwriter. How did you get admitted to the police

academy?” Dave praised while eating instant noodles, “You are a director who was delayed by the


Bob Mendoza said seriously, “Don’t talk nonsense, you should also be active in other groups, get more

trumpets, act according to this script, Gregary Abraham may be hiding- in these groups and watching,

you should always pay

attention to your Whatsapp friends Add that, and there could be Gregary Abraham in there.”

Dave rolled up his sleeves and said, ” Bob, don’t worry, I promise you won’t lose the chain. It’s the first

time I’ve solved a case like this. It’s so interesting. But Bob, this case is out of your hands. If it is

solved, the credit will not go away.” On to you, thank you.”

“Catching the murderer is the most important thing. It doesn’t matter if you get credit or not. Just do

things quickly.”



The two followed suit, using this method to “fish” in several social software.

And Bob Mendoza is not wrong this time, and his guess is not wrong. Gregary Abraham happens to be

in the same group, and he has followed the ID Dave Rabbit Loves Grass.

Seeing that many male compatriots in the group complained that they were cheated of money by

rabbits eating grass, Gregary Abraham became more excited. In his eyes, if he killed this kind of scu

mbag, he was doing a good deed.

Gregary Abraham didn’t make a move immediately, but observed in the chat software for a few days.

Recently, many people have added the Whatsapp account of Bob Mendoza deliberately exposing the

bunny’s love of eating grass in the group with his trumpet. They are here to scold Dave, and Dave has

long been men tally prepared.

This Whatsapp number was prepared to catch the fish Gregary Abraham.

At first, Dave also had some headaches, how to determine who is Gregary Abraham from hundreds of

thousands of friends added, Bob Mendoza said, “As long as you don’t scold you when adding you as a

friend, then this person, 80% of them are.

Dave thought about it, those who scolded him were just ordinary people.

Gregary Abraham wants to get close to him and get rid of

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him, isn’t it stu pid if he adds friends and scolds him?

Bob Mendoza and Dave secretly implemented this plan for more than half a month. Bob Mendoza had

almost no time to accompany Lainey Marlowe, but he would tell Lainey Marlowe to make sure she was

safe every day.

That night, Dave and Bob Mendoza continued to implement the plan in a hotel. There was a

misunderstanding in the Public Security Bureau before. They had to finish their work during the day

and come to the hotel at night.

It was almost early morning, and the fish finally took the bait.

Dave’s Whatsapp account has an extra friend adding a message, not to scold him, the friend’s verified

message is: 50,000 US dollars to accompany me for a night.

“Bob, Bob, big fish, big fish.” Dave was very excited, and showed Bob Mendoza his mobile phone,”This

person whose Internet name is Scalpel, he didn’t scold me, do you think he is Gregary Abraham ?”

They use virtual numbers, Gregary Abraham naturally, otherwise, it would not be so difficult to catch.

Bob Mendoza took a look, not surprised, everything was expected.

“Dave, $ 50,000 a night is quite valuable.” Bob Mendoza patted Dave ‘s shoulder and joked, “Add the

other party.

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