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Chapter 899

Chapter 899

Violet Smyth immediately scolded,”It’s not polite, Joy, say sorry.”

Seeing Joy being reprimanded, Marina Maya said distressedly,”No, the child is still young, it’s normal.”

Joy said loudly,”She is a bad person, she is a fierce father.”

Children are the best at distinguishing between good and evil. They can feel who is a good person and

who is a bad person.

“You child, why are you like this? You were born with a mother, but you didn’t have a mother to teach

you.” Violet Smyth said angrily, ” Grayson, take Joy upstairs.”

A sentence that was born by a mother but not taught by a mother really hurt Marina Maya.

Marina Maya was filled with hatred in her heart, but she couldn’t show it.

Grayson Smyth hugged Joy and said, “I’ll take him to play with Irma and Murphy.”

Joy is cute. Apart from being fierce to Marina Maya, he is still very obedient and has a sweet little

mouth. Grayson Smyth also likes this child very much.

The grievances and grievances of adults cannot affect children.

On the way back, Joy ‘s little mouth kept chatting with Grayson Smyth, and even said to introduce him

to a girlfriend, which made Grayson Smyth amused.

Grayson Smyth also finds it strange that Joy doesn’t want to see Marina Maya so much.

taking Joy away, Grayson Smyth asked,” Joy, why did you treat that grandma so hard just now? Why

did she kill your father?”

Two-year-old Joy, still unable to fully express one thing, buried her little head on Grayson Smyth ‘s

shoulder and muttered,”She’s a bad person, I don’t like her.”

“Okay, okay, if you don’t like it, don’t like it. Actually, I don’t like her either.” Grayson Smyth really didn’t

like Marina Maya coming to the house.

Joy said happily, ” You don’t like her either?”

“Yeah, I don’t like her either.” Grayson Smyth asked with a smile,” Joy, who do you like best?”

Grayson Smyth wants to trick Joy into saying he likes her.

Joy said, “I like Dad, and Vivienne.”

Mentioning Vivienne Quinn, Grayson Smyth sighed and didn’t know what happened to his sister-in-


South Gate Villa.

Vivienne Quinn still didn’t take a step out of the room. Damien Smyth brought her three meals a day,

and she didn’t move much.

No matter how he promises, he will love her forever and don’t mind those things, Vivienne Quinn still

can’t get out of the haze.

She has trapped herself in a dead end.

In the world of adults, even death is a luxury.

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She can’t afford Damien Smyth, and she can’t let go of this family.

Every day, she is like a walking dead, sitting on the bay window, lying in bed, not saying a word.

Damien Smyth couldn’t do anything about her.

Damien Smyth guards Vivienne Quinn at home every day, and cracks the contents of the mobile phone

given by Jeff Nicholas as soon as possible.

The phone has been repaired, and the inside of the phone is very clean. There is only one text

message: After finishing, I will send you out of Washington DC.

Following this text message, Damien Smyth found a warden at North suburb prison, surnamed Lee,

named Burke Lee.

Damien Smyth immediately drove to Burke Lee ‘s house in


At night, it was pouring rain, and Damien Smyth took Tim alone.

Arriving at the gate of Burke Lee ‘s community, Tim got out of the car to hold an umbrella for Damien

Smyth .

Ten minutes later, Tim knocked on the door of Burke Lee ‘s house, but no one answered.

Damien Smyth gave him a wink, and Tim took a card and wire directly, and opened the door with a few


As soon as the door opened, a smell of blood wafted in. Damien Smyth had a bad feeling and walked

in quickly.



Sure enough, Burke Lee died suddenly at home.

This is too coincidental, as soon as this clue was found, the person died.

Tim touched Burke Lee ‘s neck and judged,”Boss, he should have been dead for less than half annovelbin


Burke Lee died on the way they came.

Burke Lee’s family background is very simple. He has no children and lives alone. He has worked in

North suburb prison for more than ten years and is in his fifties this year.

Damien Smyth said coldly, “Call the police.”

Soon, the police came and surveyed the scene, except for Damien Smyth and Tim who had entered,

no one else.

According to the autopsy results, Burke Lee died of sudden cardiac disease.

Burke Lee’s bizarre death broke the clues, and Damien Smyth was completely helpless even though

he knew it was not that simple.

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