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Chapter 868

Chapter 868

The message is from Mrs. Quinn.

Stella Maya and Reg Maya are divorced. novelbin

After Lily Maya passed away, Stella Maya lost her mind, and Reg Maya couldn’t stand Stella Maya like

this, so she moved


Just yesterday, the two got divorced.

Reg Maya is still a bit humane, leaving Stella Maya a sum of pension money and a house, which can

be regarded as a fair and reasonable separation.

Now Stella Maya has really become a lonely family, with no one to depend on when she grows old.

She has no children, so what is the use of the money and the house?

Mrs. Quinn knew about Stella Maya’s divorce from her

relatives, she was a little worried, and went to Stella Maya ‘s residence.

Mrs. Quinn knocked on the door for a long time, but no one opened the door, but there was a burning

smell in the house. Mrs. Quinn was worried, so she called the fire brigade and pried the door open.

The cooking pot in the kitchen had burned dry, and the smell of smoke in the house was pungent, so

the firefighters quickly opened the windows to ventilate.

Mrs. Quinn went to look for Stella Maya in the bedroom.


When she unscrewed the door of Stella Maya ‘s bedroom and saw the scene inside, she was startled.

In broad daylight, the house is gloomy, and Stella Maya raises imps in the house.

The little ghost in the glass bottle is creepy to look at.

The so-called imps are just children who died young.

Mrs. Quinn screamed in fright, startling Stella Maya who was kneeling on the bedding.

Stella Maya opened her eyes suddenly, those eyes can make people have nightmares.

“Sister, what, what are you doing?” Mrs. Quinn’s face turned pale, seeing the ashes on the table case,

and seeing the birth date placed on the table case.

That’s Vivienne Quinn ‘s birthday message.

Stella Maya has been cursing Vivienne Quinn.

Mrs. Quinn couldn’t believe that Stella Maya hated Vivienne Quinn so much.

There is obviously something wrong with Stella Maya ‘s me ntal state.

Stella Maya saw Mrs. Quinn, she didn’t yell, as if she didn’t know her, she was extremely strange.

Vivienne Quinn arrived, all the things in Stella Maya ‘s house were packed by firefighters, and the

police station also came.

It was the neighbors who called the police.

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Stella Maya raises ghosts and puts urns at home. How can the neighbor agree? Isn’t this living with the

dead? It’s scary to think about it.

It is expressly stipulated that these things cannot be placed in the home, let alone the feudal

superstition of raising little ghosts, which must be completely broken.

The little ghosts at the police station cleaned up the mess in the house, but Stella Maya didn’t respond.

When they wanted to take away Lily Maya’s ashes, Stella Maya broke out.

“Don’t touch my daughter’s ashes.” Stella Maya hugged the urn tightly,”No one can touch my daughter,

you can’t disturb my daughter to sleep.”

The police were in a dilemma,” Stella Maya, put the ashes at home. You should also consider the

feelings of your

neighbors. You can find a good place for your daughter to bury her. It’s not very good.”

The neighbors were very angry about Stella Maya’s ashes at home,” Stella Maya, you can’t be too

wicked, how can the dead live with the living, it’s not creepy, this is a residential area, isn’t it


“That’s right, if it gets out, the housing prices in our

community will definitely drop. Who will be responsible for the loss?”

“When I think about living in the same building as a dead person, I’m afraid.”

“You still raise a little ghost. That is a child who died young. He will not be buried in the ground, and he

is not afraid that the child will have resentment. He will come to you.”

With one word and one word, everyone strongly urged Stella Maya to take the ashes away.

Mrs. Quinn also persuaded,”Sister, let’s let Lily Maya go to the grave, shall we?”

Vivienne Quinn stood aside without speaking, and it was not her turn to say anything. Even, she didn’t

want to see what would happen next, so she walked away alone.

Vivienne Quinn was waiting for Mrs. Quinn in the car at the gate of the community. After about an hour,

Mrs. Quinn went downstairs and the matter was resolved.

Vivienne Quinn opened the door, and Mrs. Quinn entered with a tired face.

Vivienne Quinn asked, “Mom, how did you deal with it?”

“The police took your aunt and her ashes back to the police station first. Your aunt refused to bury Lily

Maya ‘s ashes, and the neighbors refused to let her go.” Mrs. Quinn looked at Vivienne Quinn, her eyes

were a little red,” Vivienne, Seeing your aunt like this makes me feel bad.”

They are all mothers, Mrs. Quinn can understand the heart of being a mother.

Just now Stella Maya held the urn and did not let it go. The neighbors pushed and the urn fell to the

ground. Stella Maya’s madness and collapse at that time made people feel distressed.

Vivienne Quinn didn’t say anything, so what could she say?

Vivienne Quinn started the car and went back. Along the way,


the mother and daughter were silent and not in high spirits.

When she got home, Vivienne Quinn saw the bouquet of cherries on the table and immediately knew

that Damien Smyth was back.

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