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Chapter 817

Chapter 817 novelbin

Such a coincidence?

The man was on a date with a beautiful woman, eating steak, and Lainey Marlowe took one look and

then looked away.

The man is not good looking, but he can still have such a beautiful woman, and he can still attract

some people’s attention. Not only Lainey Marlowe took a look, but Bob Mendoza also subconsciously

took a look.

The man was not wearing a famous brand, but the woman was carrying a bag worth hundreds of

thousands of dollars and wearing clothes worth tens of thousands of dollars. She looked very rich.

Lainey Marlowe has a very poisonous vision for luxury goods, and everything on women is genuine.

Lainey Marlowe lowered her voice and said to Bob

Mendoza,”I saw the man just now at the scene of the crime. He smelled like fish. He should have dealt

with fish. He is quite capable. He can find such a beautiful girlfriend. He must be very careful. Women

don’t look at their appearance, which means that this man must understand women’s hearts very well.”

Out of the keenness of the police, Bob Mendoza immediately became more aware of the man,”It is

more than 20 kilometers from the crime scene to here. Those who can go to the crime scene to watch

should be the nearby residents.”

Lainey Marlowe also thought about it, and said, “Then he went to the scene of the crime on purpose?

Then why did he

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go? Why did he know there was a murder over there?”

Bob Mendoza exchanges a look with Lainey Marlowe, which means the man is under suspicion.

Bob Mendoza secretly looked at the woman who was dating the man again. From the point of view of

her attire, she was still different from the previous deceased.

Bob Mendoza by a colleague in the form of a file ten minutes ago. The deceased was an unemployed

vagrant with no fixed job, but his life was fine.

The steak made Lainey Marlowe’s blood boil, and she was excited to think that the man behind her

might be a suspect.

Helen didn’t know what the two of them were muttering about, and said, “The food is here, eat it

quickly, Bob, after eating, you take Lainey to the movies, go shopping or something.”

Bob Mendoza paid attention to the man at the next table. Halfway through the meal, the man and

woman at the next table got up and left.

The man thoughtfully helped the woman carry her bag, and after leaving the steak shop, the woman

followed her into a


Bob Mendoza said to Helen “Mom, you eat, I’ll go out.”

Lainey Marlowe stood up,”I’m with you.”

“No, you eat with my mother, I’ll be back later.””

Bob Mendoza went out after speaking, following the suspect.


Helen said angrily,” Bob is really too. He is in a hurry after having a meal. He is already off work. What

are you busy with?”

Helen, the man behind us just now is very likely to be a murderer. Bob Mendoza is a policeman. He

must not let go of any chance.” Lainey Marlowe said,” Helen, let’s continue eating.”

Bob Mendoza chased him out and followed the man’s car. At the same time, he also received a call

from Dave,” Bob, we have found something new on the deceased. There are fish scales in the hair.

Judging from the wounds of the deceased, it is speculated that the other party has been living for many

years. Using a knife…”

Bob Mendoza asked, “The fish killer?”

Thinking of what Lainey Marlowe said about the fishy smell on the man’s body and dealing with fish,

the man’s suspicion suddenly increased.

“It’s possible,” Dave said.

“Okay, I see. I’m following a suspect now. I’ll talk about it later.”

Bob Mendoza accelerated, stopped the man’s car at the intersection in front of him, got out of the car,

and took out his handcuffed documents,”Police, now I suspect that you are related to a case, follow me

to the police station.”

The man was stunned and said, “Comrade policeman, could I have made a mistake? How could I

break the law?”

“Whether you have broken the law or not, you will know after

a walk.” Bob Mendoza handcuffed the man without saying a


The woman also panicked,”Comrade policeman, there must be a misunderstanding. He is a good man

and will not break the law.”

Bob Mendoza ignored the woman and took the man to the police station.

Bob Mendoza already has a high degree of certainty that the man has something to do with the case.

But after taking it back to the police station, after some investigation, the man was engaged in the

financial industry and had never dealt with fish at all. He went to the scene of the crime today because

he was on business there and happened to pass by to join in the fun.

Bob Mendoza frowned in disappointment. The man had nothing to do with the case, so he had no right

to be detained and was released on the spot.

Bob brought a stack of autopsy reports of the deceased, and walked over,” Bob, look, here are the

information of the deceased.”

“Yeah!” Bob Mendoza flipped through the pages.

at the same time.

Steakhouse, after Lainey Marlowe and Helen finished eating, she sent Helen home, and then drove to

the neighborhood where she lived.

Along the way, Lainey Marlowe didn’t notice that there was a

car following behind..

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