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Chapter 786

Chapter 286

The collectors had left, the house was quiet, and Bob Mendoza knocked on the door,”Come out.”

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Elvis Reynolds struggled inwardly, feeling ashamed, opened the door and came out.

Vivian Walker was wiping tears, Hugo Walker sat on the sofa angrily, saw Elvis Reynolds came out,

and said angrily,” Elvis Reynolds, what the hell did you do, why do you owe so much money. Look, the

family was What happened to it? They also said that they would take the house, but you actually took

the house to mortgage, do you want us to sleep on the main road?”

Vivian Walker also criticized,” Elvis Reynolds, I usually see you as virtuous and frugal, but I didn’t

expect you to hide evil intentions and do such a thing. You guarded us just for this house, right? Where

did the money go? How much money did you borrow? You used all the money to subsidize your

mother’ s family, didn’t you?”

Regardless of the granddaughter’s presence, the two old men accused, scolded, and berated Elvis

Reynolds, asking her to explain where the money had gone.

Elvis Reynolds blushed, was too embarrassed to speak, and kept crying.

Bob Mendoza was also very sad to see such a scene,

He asked Poppy just now, and Poppy just went out for fun. But if it wasn’t for this incident, he wouldn’t

know that Elvis Reynolds had borrowed so much money.

Bob Mendoza had nothing to do with the Walker family, but at this moment, he had a new appreciation

for Elvis Reynolds.

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Elvis Reynolds, who seems to be crying because of grievances, is completely different from thenovelbin

virtuous and kind-hearted person before. Just now she was able to hide in the room and let the two old

people face the collectors. From this point, it can be seen that Elvis Reynolds is selfish.

Bob Mendoza didn’t say anything, got up and walked out the door, but Elvis Reynolds suddenly

stopped him,” Bob Mendoza, you can’t leave, today’s situation is caused by you, and I borrowed so

much money because of you.”

Bob Mendoza stood still and turned to look at Elvis Reynolds.

Elvis Reynolds ‘s emotions are like opening a hole, and all the suppressed emotions are vented,”You

dislike me for being ugly, dislike me for not being good enough, and dislike me for being ugly, so I will

spend money to transform myself and want you to be satisfied .The money was loaned for you, I want

to become better so that I can be worthy of you, I want to prove that I am no worse than Lainey


Elvis Reynolds put all his vanity on Bob Mendoza.

Bob Mendoza sneered, “Sister-in-law, what else can you not do, dare not do? What happens to your

Walker family in the future has nothing to do with me, and I have paid off what I

owe you.”

Bob Mendoza remembered Vivienne Quinn ‘s words, if he doesn’t get rid of the Walker family, he will

be in the swamp forever.

Hearing this, Elvis Reynolds panicked,” Bob Mendoza, you can’t do this, we…”

“Don’t mention that night to me.” Bob Mendoza’s tone

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suddenly became sharp,”We had nothing that night. You and I know what happened that night. If you

still want to lose face, don’t let me tear it apart, I also want to save some face for Brook.”

Bob Mendoza has been completely disappointed with the Walker family and decided not to help any


Bob Mendoza left this sentence and left, and he couldn’t hear Hugo Walker and Vivian Walker ‘s

accusations against Elvis Reynolds behind him.

it’s dark.

Washington DC.

Damien Smyth has been here for a day, and when it got dark, he bought another cup of taro ball milk


He drank three cups of milk tea today, went to the toilet several times, and he didn’t meet a single


Bishop Mendoza came to him, and he persuaded Damien Smyth not to go back. In order to prevent

Damien Smyth from meeting Vivienne Quinn or meeting acquaintances, he could only follow him every

step of the way.

Damien Smyth goes, Bishop Mendoza follows.

Damien Smyth bought milk tea and left, walking towards the street stall. Bishop Mendoza hurriedly

followed. Damien Smyth, who hadn’t lost his temper, suddenly turned around and grabbed Bishop

Mendoza, leaning against the wall next to him, with cold eyes,” Stop following me.”

Bishop Mendoza was terrified, but that was Damien Smyth,

who was intimidating when he was full of aura.


Bishop Mendoza was caught off guard, took a while to recover, and said in a daze,”I’m worried about

your accident, Lucien Gunter, what are you looking for in Washington DC ? My sister is still waiting for

you in H city. My sister is

beautiful. And gentle, Mendoza family and rich, why are you not satisfied, what’s wrong with marrying

my sister, my sister is not as good as that Quinn.”

Bishop Mendoza became more and more excited as he spoke. He felt wronged for Christian Mendoza.

In desperation, he slipped his mouth. After he finished speaking, he realized that

he had made a mistake.

Damien Smyth grasped the key words, strengthened his hand a bit, and asked sharply, “Quinn? Who is

she? Who is she to me?”

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