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Chapter 775

Chapter 775

Christian Mendoza, who received the call, completely ignored Luis Mendoza at the hospital.

She thought about what happened at the Mendoza family just now, and she was terrified. It seemed

that Damien Smyth had already suspected that she was careless.

How could she count Damien Smyth?

Bishop Mendoza came out of the ward, saw Christian Mendoza was in a hurry, and asked, “Sister, what


“Damien Smyth is gone, he’s at the airport now, he’s going to Washington DC.” Christian Mendoza said

anxiously, “I’m going to the airport to stop him now, the hospital side, you watch.”

Bishop Mendoza grabbed her,”Sister, forget it, let him go, you are so on guard every day, worried, have

you slept soundly in the past few months? Do you really like Damien Smyth? Or do you like it? His

talent? Or just trying to compete with Vivienne Quinn ?”

Bishop Mendoza ‘s words made Christian Mendoza calm down. She really hasn’t had a good night’s

sleep in the past few months.

She is in fear every day, she is afraid that Damien Smyth will regain his memory and remember


In the past, Christian Mendoza kept Damien Smyth just for the value of him, but just now, when she

realized that she was going to lose Damien Smyth, she finally understood why she kept him.

Christian Mendoza shook off Bishop Mendoza ‘s hand and

said with certainty,”I like him bro, I really like him. I want him to be my Lucien forever, not Damien

Smyth bro, help me, keep him, okay? Please?”

That was the first time Christian Mendoza said the word “beg” to Bishop Mendoza. Although she was

weak, she was cold and arrogant. No matter what she wanted, she would never ask anyone.

Bishop Mendoza was shocked. He thought Christian Mendoza was cold-blooded, but at this moment,

he saw a trace of

affection in her.

She is a human being of flesh and blood.

Bishop Mendoza hesitated for a moment, and said, “Okay, I’ll go to Washington DC, and I’ll help you

get him back, so you don’t want to go, or you will arouse Damien Smyth ‘s suspicion.”

Christian Mendoza grabbed Bishop Mendoza ‘s arm and begged, “Brother, help me bring him back.”

“Okay.” Bishop Mendoza agreed and walked out of the hospital.

It was already very late at this time, it was half past nine at night.

H city is very beautiful. Over the airport, a plane is slowly rising, and the whole night of H city has a

panoramic view.

It takes about two and a half hours to travel from H city to Washington DC, and it will be almost

midnight when we reach our destination.

Damien Smyth was sitting on the plane to Washington DC. He looked down at the night scene at hisnovelbin

feet, feeling a little apprehensive and hesitant.

He doesn’t know what Washington DC is worth going to, but there is a voice in his heart that makes

him miss Washington DC.

The phone was in airplane mode, and Damien Smyth couldn’t receive any messages, so he closed his

eyes and rested.

Bishop Mendoza, who rushed to the airport, could only catch the last flight to Washington DC to stop

Damien Smyth from meeting Vivienne Quinn.

Washington DC has too many acquaintances with Damien Smyth, whether it can be stopped, Bishop

Mendoza is also drumming, not sure.

Washington DC.

Skyreach Group.

CEO’s office.

After reading the last document, Vivienne Quinn looked up at the time, it was almost ten o’clock.

She hasn’t been home since last night.

Fabian Powell said,” Mrs. Smyth, it’s very late, Benjamin is already waiting downstairs, why don’t you

go back first?”

he was in contact with Vivienne Quinn, he also admired this

woman from the bottom of his heart.

With Damien Smyth around, this woman is a sweetie.

Damien Smyth, she can fend for herself.


Fabian Powell first heard about Vivienne Quinn because of the murder of madam Smyth by Vivienne

Quinn. He was called by Damien Smyth to crack the clues. Fabian Powell really got in touch with

Vivienne Quinn in these few months.

He saw in Vivienne Quinn a courage that men don’t necessarily have.

Dare to hand over all the important clients in the hands of Bblythe Gracie to a newcomer like him. This

kind of trust and courage is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

“Okay.” Vivienne Quinn got up and asked, “How is Jesse Hudson’s injury?”

She was too busy to visit Jesse Hudson today, Jesse Hudson wanted to come back to work, she

ordered Jesse Hudson to rest for a few days, Jesse Hudson did not come to the


Fabian Powell said,”I went to the hospital to see Jesse Hudson. He had more than a dozen stitches. He

has not serious problems and can be discharged at any time. Mrs. Smyth, how does Bblythe Gracie

deal with it?”

Last night at the Beauty Club, Vivienne Quinn asked Fabian. Powell to check it out.

The medicine was ordered by Bblythe Gracie.

No need to think about his purpose, Bblythe Gracie has a grudge against her.

she was taken away by Jeff Nicholas last night, some media

re porters entered. The media did not take a photo of her and Virgil Reynolds, but took a photo of

Virgil Reynolds and a club hostess.

Vivienne Quinn left last night, a girl accompanying the bar went into the box to check the situation, and

was thrown down by the drugged Virgil Reynolds. Vivienne Quinn had also seen photos of that

voluptuous picture.

The photo was bought by Fabian Powell from a media reporter.

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