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Chapter 726

Chapter 726

1288 (Vouchers

Christian Mendoza has already won two agents.

Bishop Mendoza admires Christian Mendoza tonight..

“Sister, you are really a genius in business. Dad handed over the company to you earlier, and our

Mendoza family has developed a long time ago.” Bishop Mendoza was in a good mood after drinking

two glasses, “This time we won two agents, just wait Counting the money.”

Christian Mendoza was also in a good mood, drinking champagne elegantly, and said. “Brother, these

two agents are just appetizers. Tomorrow we are going to meet Sun Industry ‘s Boss Rossetti. If we can

take all of his company from him Product agent, that’s the only way to make money.”

Bishop Mendoza gave a thumbs up,”Sister, my brother will follow you from now on, whatever you ask

me to do, my brother will do.”


He has always been willing to pay for his sister, regardless of rewards or hard work.

Christian Mendoza enjoyed the pampering from her brother, and

said, “Brother, with us, the Mendoza family will surpass Skyreach Group sooner or later. You go to bed

early tonight, and we will go to Yellowstone Village early tomorrow

Bishop Mendoza asked, “What to do there?”

“It’s more sincere to go to the Sun Industry factory to talk, and it’s more convenient for us to understand

their products. After shooting some video clips, the fans on the Internet will trust us more and increase

their efforts to bring goods.” Christian Mendoza said,” Taking Sun Industry Industry is not only about

making money, but also laying the foundation and status, Sun Industry is a big brand, and its influence

is very large.”

Chapter 726

1 288 Vouchers

Bishop Mendoza doesn’t know much about these things, he just does his job anyway.

“Okay, listen to my sister, I’ll go back to my room to rest first, and I’ll come to you when I wake up


Bishop Mendoza finished his champagne and went back to his hotel room feeling sick.

Since donating the bone marrow, his health has become worse and worse, and he will have a fever

when he is overworked.

In the past few days, I have won two agents with Christian Mendoza . Bishop Mendoza was very tired

and had a low fever that night.

Bishop Mendoza didn’t want Christian Mendoza to worry, so he took it on himself.

On the second day, because Bishop Mendoza had a fever, he got up very late and delayed the time to

go to Yellowstone Village. When they set off, it was already ten o’clock in the morning.

Christian Mendoza was very angry, and his face was sullen all the way. Bishop Mendoza kept

apologizing, “Sister, I’m sorry, my brother is wrong. He overslept. My brother promises not to do it next


Bishop Mendoza still didn’t tell Christian Mendoza that he overslept because he wasn’t feeling well.

Christian Mendoza said sternly, “Brother, we made an appointment with him at ten o’clock in the

morning, and it’s almost eleven o’clock now. It used to take more than an hour. How can we explain to

him when we’re late?”

The current Christian Mendoza is no longer that well-behaved girl in the hospital. She doubled the

market value of Mendoza Group and made money.

Bishop Mendoza didn’t bother with Christian Mendoza, he still smiled

Chapter 226

and coaxed, “Sister, it’s all my brother’s fault, I bought you a gift.”

This is how Bishop Mendoza coaxed Christian Mendoza before.

280 Vouchers

He has been coaxing Christian Mendoza like a little sister, in his eyes, Christian Mendoza will always

be the sister who needs his protection.

“Brother, why are you so naive, I’m not a three-year-old anymore.”

There was impatience in Christian Mendoza’s tone.

Hearing this, Bishop Mendoza’s eyes were gloomy, he flashed a trace of disappointment, and smiled

wryly, “I forgot, Christian has grown up.”

Christian Mendoza did not notice Bishop Mendoza ‘s emotions. She saw in the rearview mirror that a

rescue team was coming from behind, and there were traffic policemen setting up roadblocks in front,

and she waved her hand to signal to go back the same way.

Bishop Mendoza asked, “Sister, what’s going on?”

“Brother, go ask.” Christian Mendoza ordered Bishop Mendoza.

Bishop Mendoza got out of the car to ask the traffic police, only to know that there was a mudslide

ahead, even the entrance of the tunnel collapsed, dozens of cars were buried in it, and the incident

happened at 9:30 in the morning.

Bishop Mendoza suddenly broke into a cold sweat. If they set off according to the previously scheduled

time, they might encounter landslides and mudslides.

Bishop Mendoza hurried back to the car, “Sister, the tunnel ahead has collapsed, and there is still a

mudslide. Dozens of cars have been buried, and it is impossible to get through.”

Christian Mendoza was anxious, “This is the only way to Yellowstone Village, so what should I do?”


Chapter 726

11 288 Vouchers

At this moment, a large number of rescue teams arrived, and local news reporters also came to shoot.

Many drivers who survived the accident sat slumped on the side of the road, still in shock.

Christian Mendoza also got out of the car to see, and heard a conversation between the traffic police

and the resque team.

“Approximately how many vehicles were killed? How many casualties are there now?”

“Fifty vehicles are expected to be killed. Currently, eight people are dead and twenty are seriouslynovelbin


“We must race against time. Experts predict that there will be another wave of mudslides in the


Boss Rossetti of Sun Industry called and said that he had an appointment in the morning with Boss

Smyth of Skyreach Group, the richest man in Washington DC. Boss Smyth did not arrive for a long

time, so that people could confirm whether the president of Skyreach Group was in the vehicle that was


“Not yet. There are still many vehicles that have not been dug out. The amount of work is too large, and

more rescues must be added.”

Damien Smyth is here too?

Christian Mendoza was so frightened that he forgot to look ahead of the landslide and could vaguely

see some buried vehicles.

Bishop Mendoza came over,”Sister, get out of here quickly, I heard there is still a mudslide.”

Christian Mendoza said, “Brother, can’t go, Damien Smyth may be buried in it.”

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