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Chapter 722

Chapter 722

Elvis Reynolds is back in the room, thinking about how he can take down Bob Mendoza.

She took out an examination report from the drawer, it was Brook’s previous medical examination


before Brook’s death, and he was diagnosed as terminal can cer, and he could live for at most three

months with conservative treatment.

During that time, the whole family felt that the sky was falling. At that time, Poppy was still young and

the family burden was heavy. If Brook died, what would the whole family do

Brook sacrificed that mission, he called Elvis Reynolds and told Elvis Reynolds his plan. He

deliberately risked his life to save Bob Mendoza, and kidnapped Bob Mendoza with the kindness and

morality of the day. Based on his understanding of Bob Mendoza, Bob Mendoza will definitely help out

with taking care of the family.

After Brook’s death, although the Walker family was grieving, it was not surprising. They had known for

a long time that this would be the result.

These years, they have also lived a very good life with this kindness. novelbin

The bureau paid a lot of compensation to the family members. They got the title of family members of

martyrs and enjoyed a lot of benefits. Bob Mendoza also often helped them, and life was better than


Elvis Reynolds tore up the checklist. She knew she couldn’t keep it anymore, and she threw the torn

checklist in the trash.

Walker family member at the stall, so Bob Mendoza couldn’t relax. The next day, Elvis Reynolds came

again. She deliberately waited outside for Helen to go out to buy groceries before knocking on the door

and entering

the house.

The purpose of her coming today is to ask Bob Mendoza for money.

Elvis Reynolds, like before, turned the corner and cried poorly,” Brook’s

Chapter 722

11 288 (Vouchers

father is not in good health recently, and he suffered from high blood pressure again yesterday. I

thought I would take him to the hospital after I got paid. In case of any accident. I’m sorry Brook, too.”

Bob Mendoza sat and listened, even if Elvis Reynolds didn’t say it, he understood it.

Bob Mendoza recalled the past. It seemed that every time Elvis Reynolds was short of money, he used

this excuse to ask for money.

At that time, he didn’t care about it, he just wanted to make up for it, thinking that Elvis Reynolds was

not easy as a woman, so he would help if he could.

Brook was dying, he entrusted his wife, daughter and parents to his care.

Bob Mendoza said,” Hugo is sick and can’t be delayed. Go to the hospital as soon as possible. I will

pay for how much it costs. I will transfer you 10.000 US dollars first.”

“No, no, no.” Elvis Reynolds waved his hand and said falsely, “You have already taken money many

times, how can I take your money again. Bob Mendoza, since the family lost Brook as the pillar, needs

money There are too many places, as the saying goes, if you don’t save the poor, if you can afford it

this time, what about the next time? Poppy has to pay tuition. again, and it needs tens of thousands of


Elvis Reynolds was about to wipe away tears while talking, “I’m going to let Poppy stop learning dance

and save a lot of tuition fees. When I told Poppy, the child liked dancing and immediately cried. Seeing

Poppy like that, I feel that I am very useless and cannot give my daughter a better life.”

In Washington DC, I went to a training institution to learn dance. After that year, it cost tens of

thousands of dollars?

Learning to dance is just throwing money into it constantly, it is a bottomless pit.

Chapter 722

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Before Elvis Reynolds cried like this, Bob Mendoza would take the money, but this time, Bob Mendoza

did not talk about transferring the money, but said, “Sometimes liking is just a phase. I heard Poppy say

a few days ago that she I don’t like dancing. You should communicate with her about this matter, if

Poppy doesn’t like it, you don’t need to continue learning.”

Poppy really didn’t like it, Elvis Reynolds was just vanity, so he had to send Poppy to dance lessons.

This time she also used this as an excuse to get more money to pay off the credit card.

Bob Mendoza’s words made Elvis Reynolds’ conspiracy come to naught.

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