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Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Vivienne Quinn felt like a dream, and after injecting the anesthetic, she didn’t feel any pain.

She also didn’t know how many times she wandered in the gate of he ll.

During the delivery process, she went into shock twice. After the baby was taken out, the bleeding

couldn’t stop. Almost all the blood in her body was changed.

Vivienne Quinn encountered the amniotic fluid embolism with the highest mortality rate. It is estimated

that half of the ten pregnant women will not be saved.

The few people waiting anxiously outside the operating room felt as if their hearts were frying in a frying

pan when they heard the doctor’s report.

Damien Smyth ‘s face was pale, and if you got close to him, you could see that his feet were shaking.

Damien Smyth was filled with fear, he didn’t dare to hear any bad news, and his nerves tensed up.

After the two babies were taken out of the operating room, they were quickly sent to the neonatology

department for examination.

The adults didn’t have time to take a look, and Damien Smyth didn’t care about the children anymore,

his mind was full of Vivienne Quinn ‘s safety.

During Vivienne Quinn ‘s entire pregnancy, Damien Smyth dreaded this day. During pregnancy,

Vivienne Quinn had no anxiety, and Damien Smyth had been anxious.

What he was worried about, still happened.

Mrs. Quinn was so anxious that her voice was crying, her eyes were red,” God bless, Vivienne must be

fine, I have gone through so much suffering. Why do you want Vivienne to suffer now, God, bless my

daughter Bar.”

Violet Smyth also bowed to the air, silently chanting words of blessing.

Vivienne Quinn had dystocia. Mrs. Quinn remembered that when Vivienne Quinn gave birth to

Evangeline a few years ago, although the situation was not so serious, she was scared to death at that


Lainey Marlowe wants to do something for Vivienne Quinn, but can’t do anything but wait.

At this time, Quintion Julius came out, and everyone surrounded him. Damien Smyth asked, ” How is

Vivienne Quinn ?”

Quintion Julius looked serious, and roughly told about Vivienne Quinn ‘s situation, and then said,”Therenovelbin

is only one way now. I really don’t want to. I can only remove the uterus. Vivienne Quinn is not only

amniotic fluid embolism, but also uterine rupture. If the blood cannot be stopped, Even if God comes, it

cannot be saved, and hysterectomy does not guarantee that Vivienne Quinn will escape.”

“Cut.”, Damien Smyth said without hesitation, “Quintion Julius, try your best to save Vivienne Quinn, no

matter what method you use, I will definitely save it for you.”

At this time, Damien Smyth can’t afford to hesitate any longer, he must make a decision as soon as

possible, and try

as long as there is a chance.

“Then I understand.” Quintion Julius turned to the operating


The doctor from the neonatology department came over,” Mr. Smyth, the physical examination of the

two children has been completed, and there is no problem. The two children, the elder brother is the

elder brother, and the younger is the younger sister. It meets the standard, do you want to go and have

a look?”

As long as five catties, the newborn’s weight is up to standard.

Damien Smyth didn’t go to see the child, and just nodded at the doctor’s words.

Violet Smyth said,”I’ll go see the baby, doctor, where is the baby.”

There can’t really be no family members on the child’s side. At this time, Damien Smyth and Mrs.

Quinn definitely don’t want to leave here, so only Violet Smyth will go.

The operation lasted from ten o’clock at night to eight o’clock in the morning of the next day. During this

period, Damien Smyth ‘s face was so ug ly that only the mirror can describe it all.

He guarded and waited without saying a word, with a look of keeping strangers away.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the doctors who performed overnight surgery on Vivienne Quinn were

all exhausted, and some were also paralyzed.


With highly concentrated treatment, once the string breaks, the person will also fall down.

It was a dangerous night, and Damien Smyth looked at Quintion Julius, nervous and frightened, but did

not dare to ask Vivienne Quinn about the situation.

Quintion Julius knew what Damien Smyth meant, and

said, “Hysterectomy, the bleeding stopped, and the patient’s life was temporarily saved. You must

observe it all the time in the later stage. As long as there is no more bleeding, it will be fine.”

What doctors are most afraid of is postpartum hemorrhage, which is also very difficult.

Some mothers look fine, but they may di e from postpartum hemorrhage.

This time, it was possible to save Vivienne Quinn ‘s life thanks to Quintion Julius’ medical skills.

Damien Smyth breathed a sigh of relief. Due to the high me ntal tension for a long time, when he heard

the news, he swayed, staggered, and leaned on the wall to stand firm.

Damien Smyth offers,”I want to see Vivienne Quinn.”

“You need to wait a little longer, change your clothes, and other doctors will take you to the intensive

care unit. You can’t stay for too long.

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