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Chapter 667

Chapter 667

298 Nouchert

Elvis Reynolds is very good at analyzing Lainey Marlowe’s psychology. She has a miserable meal and

complains, which makes Lainey Marlowe not easy to speak too seriously.

Elvis Reynolds is very strong and asks Lainey Marlowe to leave Bob Mendoza, Lainey Marlowe has a

rebellious psychology and will definitely fight with Elvis Reynolds.

Lainey Marlowe ‘s tone was a little softer than before,” Sister- in-law, I didn’t mean to rob Bob Mendoza

from you. He confessed to me himself. He is my boyfriend now.”

The implication is that she refuses to give in, but her tone is not so strong.

Elvis Reynolds said pitifully,” Miss Marlowe, you are so beautiful and capable, you can find better ones.

But I only have Bob Mendoza, my daughter, Brook and his parents can’t do without Bob Mendoza, Bob

Mendoza is the backbone of our family, and I love Bob Mendoza too. Miss Marlowe, can you give me

Bob Mendoza, this family will lose its backbone without Bob Mendoza.”

Bob Mendoza is with me, and he will continue to help you. What he owes you, he will pay back.” Lainey

Marlowe said awkwardly,” Sister-in-law, there is no way to give up on feelings.”

Elvis Reynolds’ eyes were instantly red with tears rolling in his eyes. Seeing Elvis Reynolds like this,

Lainey Marlowe felt guilty that he had bullied Elvis Reynolds.

“Sister-in-law, don’t cry.” Lainey Marlowe couldn’t bear to cry like this.

Elvis Reynolds wiped away his tears, and his voice was a little


choked,” Miss Marlowe, you are forcing me to di e. Without Bob Mendoza, how can you let me live? I

am already Bob Mendoza ‘s person.”

“What did you say?” Lainey Marlowe’s face changed drastically, “Sister-in-law, what do you mean? Are

you from Bob Mendoza ?”

Elvis Reynolds hesitated to say, “Last Wednesday, Bob Mendoza and my father-in-law drank, drank too

much, and stayed at home, and then we…we…, Miss Marlowe, I really can’t live without Bob Mendoza

.I volunteered that night. I don’t blame Bob Mendoza. But I’m his now, and my daughter wants Bob

Mendoza to be her daddy. If he doesn’t want us, then I really have to di e.”

Lainey Marlowe figured it out, no wonder she couldn’t reach Bob Mendoza that day, no wonder Bob

Mendoza had been avoiding her all this time.

Lainey Marlowe ‘s face was ug ly, and her whole soul seemed

to be suc ked out.

Elvis Reynolds was still miserable, and her words cut Lainey Marlowe’s heart like soft knives.

Elvis Reynolds is also very smart. She didn’t say that she was in love with Bob Mendoza. She used her

weak situation to win sympathy from Lainey Marlowe, and said that the night between herself and Bob

Mendoza was a drunken s*x. In this way, Lainey Marlowe ‘s thoughts can be stopped. Even if Bob

Mendoza knew, he wouldn’t blame Elvis Reynolds, he would only blame himself for being drunk and

having s*x.

Lainey Marlowe couldn’t sit still anymore, and she left without Waiting for Bob Mendoza.

When she left, her eyes were still a little red. Dave bumped into her and wanted to ask what was going

on. Lainey Marlowe had already gotten into the car and left quickly.

Lainey Marlowe left, Elvis Reynolds wiped the tears from his face, a triumphant smile appeared on the

corner of his mo uth.

She said no one could beat her for Bob Mendoza.

Lainey Marlowe left, Bob Mendoza hurried back.

Bob Mendoza pushed open the office door, only to see Elvis Reynolds, and asked, “Sister-in-law,

where’s Lainey?”

What he cared about was Lainey Marlowe, and this short sentence, to Elvis Reynolds, was like a knife

in her heart.

Elvis Reynolds did not show it. She is still a good wife and mother, gentle and virtuous, and said with a

smile,” Miss Marlowe just said that I have to leave beforehand, Bob Mendoza, you are done, Poppy is

about to leave school, you come with me Go pick it up, Poppy said she missed you.”

In the past, Elvis Reynolds always used Poppy as an excuse, and Bob Mendoza didn’t think it was a

problem, but now, he felt inexplicably annoyed.

Bob Mendoza called Lainey Marlowe, and Lainey Marlowe, who saw the caller ID, hung up the phonenovelbin

directly and blacklisted Bob Mendoza.

Bob Mendoza suddenly realized something was wrong and asked Elvis Reynolds “Did you say

something to Lainey?”

Elvis Reynolds had an innocent expression,”No, just now I just had a casual chat with Miss Marlowe.

She said that she asked

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for you last Wednesday. Let me explain for you. You drank too much with my father-in-law at my place.

Yes Oh, I

accidentally slipped the tongue just now, Miss Marlowe knew what happened to us that night, but Miss

Marlowe is not an outsider, she is your friend, so she shouldn’t gossip around.”

Elvis Reynolds knew that Lainey Marlowe was Bob Mendoza ‘s girlfriend, but she pretended not to

know, and everything became unintentional.

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