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Chapter 658

Chapter 658

Lindsay Walker stepped on the locomotive quickly, and Jeff Nicholas dro ve the car, shuttling through

the crowd.

There are many people on the pedestrian street, and there are many alleys, and pedestrians give way

one after another.

Jane tore off the fake belly on her stomach, quickly analyzed where Jeff Nicholas would go next, and

took a shortcut to stop him.

Tim also came, and there was a young guy riding a

motorcycle beside him, and he threw a stack of money to others,”I bought the car.”

Tim was in a hurry to catch up with Lindsay Walker, and didn’t have time to explain to him, so he

grabbed the motorcycle and took Jane to chase.

Jane asked, “The man just now was with Lindsay Walker, why did he block the knife for you?”

Jane was puzzled just now. Even if Jeff Nicholas didn’t block the knife, Jane would be fine. She has

such a thick fake belly tied around her stomach, and she couldn’t penetrate it at all.

Tim also didn’t figure it out,”That man is from Lennon Nicholas, and from Lindsay Walker. I thought that

man was going to hurt you just now.”

When he was in City A back then, Tim didn’t see the real face of the other party. He only recognized

the other party just now through hand-to-hand and fist moves.

Now they don’t have time to think about why the man blocked the knife for Jane, but to grab Lindsay



Under Jane’s command, Tim cut corners and quickly caught up with Jeff Nicholas.

Jeff Nicholas’ waist was bleeding all the time. The knife just now stabbed deeply, and he fought Tim

again, and the wound intensified. Once he lost too much blood, he and Lindsay Walker would both

have to di e here.

Seeing Tim catching up behind him, Lindsay Walker yelled anxiously,” Jeff Nicholas, hurry up, they are

catching up.”

“What are you yelling at?” Jeff Nicholas was impatient,”Who told you to hurt Vivienne Quinn, stu pid,

you exposed yourself, and you will implicate me. Hurry up and call Boss Lennon and let someone

come to pick us up.”

Lindsay Walker took out his mobile phone to make a call, and blamed Jeff Nicholas “Why do you

protect that bit ch, Jeff Nicholas, I found out before that you are different from Vivienne Quinn, you like

that bit ch? If this matter makes Boss Lennon Yes, you know what the consequences will be.”

When he saw Lindsay Walker trying to stab Jane just now, Jeff Nicholas really thought it was Vivienne

Quinn, and he subconsciously blocked it.

He has lived for so many years, and Vivienne Quinn was the first person who cared about him. He willnovelbin

always remember how she cared for him in City A last time.

Those who have stayed in the darkness for a long time have seen a trace of warmth, even if it is

insignificant to others, but to those in the darkness, they will never forget it.

“You think too much.” Jeff Nicholas said coldly, “Call quickly.”


He can’t last long.

Lindsay Walker called Lennon Nicholas, knew the situation here, knew that Lindsay Walker dragged

Jeff Nicholas into the water, and was so angry that he wanted to solve Lindsay Walker himself.

He regarded Jeff Nicholas as his subordinate, but after all Jeff Nicholas was his younger brother, how

could he be desperate, he could only send someone to help him.

Jeff Nicholas dro ve the locomotive into the alley, and Tim followed suit. Jeff Nicholas was not very

familiar with the road here, and he also wanted to take a turn to get rid of Tim, but he entered a dead


There is no way ahead.

Lindsay Walker scolded angrily,” Jeff Nicholas, you are stu pid, what to do now, there is no way out, it’s

really cheap Vivienne Quinn that bit ch.”

She also couldn’t figure out how she exposed her identity in

front of Vivienne Quinn.

Jeff Nicholas stopped and turned around, followed by Tim who stepped on the brakes, and the distance

between the

two was more than ten meters.

The eyes of the two met, with murderous intent.

Tim said, “Today, none of you can walk away, and you probably can’t last long.”

Jeff Nicholas sneered, “That depends on your ability.”

Tim had a kind of excitement of meeting his opponent, and

secretly signaled Jane to get off the car, and Jeff Nicholas here also signaled Lindsay Walker to get off

the car.

Lindsay Walker got out of the car, he hid aside. There was no retreat behind, and Tim was in front of

him. Unless he grew wings and flew out, it would be difficult to leave.

Jeff Nicholas touched the wound on his waist, took off his coat, tied it around his waist, strangled the

wound, and slowed down the blood flow.

Jeff Nicholas got off the car, Tim got off the car, Jeff Nicholas stretched his legs and rushed towards

Tim, Tim also rushed over, and the two fought again.

Jeff Nicholas, who lost a lot of blood, was not Tim’s

opponent even if he was strong. He was kicked to the ground after a few strokes, spitting blood.

Seeing this, Lindsay Walker knew that Jeff Nicholas was not Tim ‘s opponent. She kept her cool and

took advantage of the fight between the two, leaving Jeff Nicholas behind and ran out of the alley.


Jane noticed Lindsay Walker ‘s little move and immediately chased after her. Before Lindsay Walker

ran out of the alley, a car ran across her…

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