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Chapter 656

Chapter 656

One night passed quickly.

Lindsay Walker stayed up all night. She took a fruit knife and went to the appointment.

She didn’t wear finger wraps this time either. She didn’t wear them after the finger wraps failed in the

hospital yesterday.

Now, she can’t use it anymore.

Lindsay Walker went to the pedestrian street that Vivienne Quinn said, but she didn’t show up

immediately, but disguised herself and hid in the crowd.

She had to be sure that Vivienne Quinn had come alone.

At this time, Vivienne Quinn was at home, how could Damien Smyth let her go out to see her.

Damien Smyth sent Tim over there to bring the man back as soon as Elma Felton showed up.

Tim has arrived at the scene, but has not seen anyone for long time.

There are too many people on the pedestrian street, and Tim can’t lock it for a while.

Vivienne Quinn received a Whatsapp message from ” Elma “: Vivienne, are you here? I’ve already


Vivienne Quinn saw the message and said to Damien Smyth,” Elma Felton has arrived, and I will ask

her where she is now.”

Vivienne Quinn asked by typing: Where are you, I’m here too, why didn’t I see you.

Lindsay Walker replied: Then you wait for me at the Starbucks on the pedestrian street, and I will go to

find you, so it will be


Vivienne Quinn wanted to get the location of the opponent so that Tim could lock the opponent first, but

Lindsay Walker just refused to say where she was, only said to find Vivienne Quinn.

Vivienne Quinn showed Damien Smyth the information chat record, and Damien Smyth frowned,” This

Elma Felton is very


“If I don’t go, she will definitely not show up.” Vivienne Quinn said, “Otherwise, I’ll go there. With you

and Tim here, it should

be fine.”

“No, I won’t let you go if there is any danger.” Damien Smyth said, “Even if you fall, the consequences

are unimaginable. This Elma Felton is coming for you, and you can’t take it lightly.”

Damien Smyth finished speaking, his cell phone rang, and it was the hospital.

The identification result came out.

The person on the other side of the phone said,”As a result of the appraisal, the two are the biological

father and daughter.”

Hearing this, Damien Smyth’s face changed drastically, and The immediately looked at Vivienne Quinn

“You guessed it.”

Vivienne Quinn asked, “What?”

Elma Felton is Lindsay Walker, and Lindsay Walker is Elma Felton. The appraisal results prove thatnovelbin

Elma Felton and Jeremy Walker are biological father and daughter.”

Hearing this, Vivienne Quinn felt a chill down her spine.

She and Lindsay Walker were close at hand, and Lindsay Walker hated her, she was pregnant, as long

as Lindsay Walker had a chance, she was dangerous at any time.

Vivienne Quinn wondered,”Why did the fingerprint comparison fail before?”

“This matter is not important anymore, Lindsay Walker must be on the pedestrian street now, she is

waiting for you to appear.” Damien Smyth’s expression became serious,”It seems that she is already

alert, if she is allowed to run away this time, she will be killed if she is caught again.” Difficult.”

“Then let me lure Lindsay Walker out, as long as I go, she will definitely show up…”

“No.” Damien Smyth quickly thought of a way, and he made a phone call,” Jane, you go to the

pedestrian street now, you contact Tim. Also, you have to dress up as Vivienne Quinn …”

Jane is Damien Smyth ‘s subordinate, and what he is best at is imitation makeup. He relies on superb

makeup techniques to imitate anyone.

Damien Smyth explained, he took Vivienne Quinn ‘s mobile phone to continue chatting with Lindsay

Walker and held Lindsay Walker steady.

In order to delay time, Damien Smyth used Vivienne Quinn’s name to lie to Lindsay Walker that he had

a stomachache and went to the bathroom first, and then see him at Starbucks.

In other words, Jane only has half an hour at most, and must rush to the Starbucks on the pedestrian


Damien Smyth sent a message, Lindsay Walker did not reply to any subsequent messages.

After Jane’s side was in place, Tim also went to Starbucks first, waiting for Lindsay Walker to come.

Damien Smyth replied to Lindsay Walker: I’ve been to Starbucks, how about you? After a while, let’s go

to the women’s clothing area on

the second floor.

The latter was said by Damien Smyth to reassure Lindsay


Lindsay Walker on the side of the pedestrian street was already getting impatient. After seeing the

news, she walked towards Starbucks.

She is three hundred meters away from Starbucks.

In order to introduce Lindsay Walker into Starbucks, Jane dressed as Vivienne Quinn deliberately

chose a seat by the window, so she could be seen from outside the coffee shop.

Jane tied a fake belly on her stomach, and wore a wig with Vivienne Quinn’s usual hairstyle, and

Vivienne Quinn’s usual dress, with imitation makeup.

Lindsay Walker went outside the coffee shop and saw

Vivienne Quinn ” sitting by the window. She was overjoyed, seeing that “Vivienne Quinn ” was alone,

she felt a little more


relaxed and walked into the coffee shop

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