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Chapter 651

Chapter 651

A small amount of ether was added to the mask, and when Lindsay Walker was applying the mask, the

ether entered her body through breathing, causing her to fall into a coma.

But the effect of this medicine will not be very long.

Seeing that Lindsay Walker passed out, Vivienne Quinn immediately sat up and handed the medicine

in the bag to Lainey Marlowe “It’s faster, you don’t need to clean each finger, just wash two fingers.”

“Okay.” Lainey Marlowe told the beautician to go out first, poured the potion into the water herself, and

washed Lindsay Walker’s fingertips.

I wiped it several times, but I didn’t find anything on my fingertips.

Lainey Marlowe wondered,” Vivienne, did you make a mistake, there is nothing on this fingertip, what

finger film are you talking about, there is none.”

“how come.”

Vivienne Quinn also walked over to look,”It’s really clean.”

“Vivienne, are you too nervous? Although this Elma has. undergone plastic surgery, she is not

necessarily Lindsay Walker. She has undergone a lot of plastic surgery. Moreover, Lindsay Walker maynovelbin

not necessarily have plastic surgery.” Lainey Marlowe contacted Eight out of ten people in America

have plastic surgery, so it’s not surprising to see them.

Vivienne Quinn was disappointed, she got it wrong twice?

Is it really her illusion?

She is too nervous?

Vivienne Quinn wiped Lindsay Walker ‘s hands with lotion herself and soaked them in water, but there

was still no

reaction on her fingertips.

She remembered that when she saw it in the hospital in the morning, it was obvious that the skin was


Is she dazzled?

“The medicine won’t last long, Vivienne, you should lie back. quickly.”

After a long time, it will arouse the suspicion of the other party. If they mistakenly think that they are

going to murder for money, they will get into trouble.

Lindsay Walker woke up after being in a coma for less than ten minutes. When she opened her eyes,

the beautician was massaging her head. Vivienne Quinn was lying on the bed next to her, still wearing

a mask.

Lindsay Walker realized that she seemed to have fallen asleep just now, and suddenly became

nervous. She sat up and checked the time. She really fell asleep for more than ten minutes just now?

How can she be so sleepy?

The beautician asked, “What’s the matter, did I hurt you?”

Vivienne Quinn also sat up and asked, ” Elma, what’s the matter?”

“It’s okay, I’m a little tired, did you fall asleep just now?”

“I don’t know. The beautician’s massage was so comfortable that I fell asleep myself.” Vivienne Quinn

smiled,”After a treatment, I really feel refreshed.”

Lindsay Walker felt relieved, it seemed that she was thinking too much, maybe she was really too tired.

After finishing the whole nursing, Lindsay Walker answered the phone and was about to leave in a


Vivienne Quinn didn’t stop her either. After they left, she was still thinking about what happened just


After Lindsay Walker fell asleep, she also looked at Lindsay Walker ‘s bag, and found nothing unusual.


Vivienne Quinn rubbed her head, and Lainey Marlowe came in with fruit,” Vivienne, are you still

thinking about Elma ? Actually, I don’t think it’s possible. Is it because your

subjective consciousness is too heavy, and you brought emotions into it, so that you Will look like

Lindsay Walker in everyone.”

“Maybe.” Vivienne Quinn reluctantly twitched the corners of her mo uth, remembering what Damien

Smyth said last night, and asked, “By the way, what happened to you last night, Damien Smyth said he

saw you and Bob Mendoza ‘s car following behind him. ”

S h i t, he found out.” Lainey Marlowe asked, “How did he find out?”

“I don’t know, what’s going on?” Vivienne Quinn said, “You are all secretive, Damien Smyth said, you

will say, I will ask you.”

Lainey Marlowe was dumbfounded,” Vivienne, your husband


is amazing, with such a brain, who can beat him. The thing is like this, I was having dinner with Bob

yesterday, and I met Damien Smyth who was also eating in the restaurant with a beautiful woman, and

then II followed Bob Mendoza all the way to the door of your South Gate Villa, only to find out that it

was a misunderstanding, the big beauty is cousin Damien Smyth.”

Vivienne Quinn seized the key words,”You and Bob have dinner? Is there really a situation?”

Lainey Marlowe nodded,”Yes, it’s still a major situation. Bob confessed to me last night, and it scared

me so much that I almost died.”

Vivienne Quinn gossiped,” Bob Mendoza really confessed? Tell me, what’s going on, did you promise?”

“I don’t know what happened, but he suddenly took out the ring and confessed to me.” Lainey Marlowe

propped her chin on her hand, tilted her head and said, “I agree, your husband is half responsible for

this matter.”

Vivienne Quinn was curious,” What does it have to do with Damien Smyth?”

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