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Flash Marriage He Made My Jaw Drop by Roana Cyrus Chapter 613

Damien Smyth wanted to beat Lily Maya to ashes.

Evangeline’s good life was ruined by Lily Maya.

Tim immediately went to Lily Maya.

Lily Maya has been taken away by the police.

Reg Maya was worried about the revenge of the Smyth family. Regardless of Stella Maya ‘s

obstruction, she called the police and asked Lily Maya to surrender.

Only Lily Maya turned herself in to save her life.

If someone from the Smyth family finds this, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat.

At critical moments, Reg Maya is not confused, he knows what to do is the best choice for Lily Maya.

After Lily Maya was taken away by the police, Stella Maya went to South Gate Villa immediately.

South Gate Villa.

Vivienne Quinn was a little sleepy. She just ate some fruit and was going to squat for a while.

During pregnancy, she suffered from lethargy.

The nanny said at this time,”Mrs. Smyth, your aunt is here again, she seems to be in a hurry, she is

clamoring to see you outside.”



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The last time Mrs. Quinn went to Stella Maya’s house, she was kicked out, and they broke up, so why

did she have the nerve to come to her house?

Vivienne Quinn frowned and said, “Let someone come in.”

After a while, Stella Maya came in crying, and when she saw Vivienne Quinn, she begged for mercy,”

Vivienne Quinn, you put your hand high and let Lily Maya go, you are cousins, she kidnapped

Evangeline in a moment of confusion.”

Vivienne Quinn was puzzled and shocked when she heard that, Stella Maya actually came to admit

that it was Lily Maya who kidnapped Evangeline.

Vivienne Quinn asked anxiously,” Where is Evangeline? Where did Lily Maya take Evangeline?”

Mrs. Quinn also came in from the side hall, and when she heard Stella Maya ‘s words, she asked

anxiously, “Sister, did Lily Maya kidnap Evangeline?”

Seeing that Mrs. Quinn and Vivienne Quinn didn’t know anything, Stella Maya said, ” Lily Maya took it

away, sister, Vivienne, Lily Maya has mental problems since she was disfigured, she really You are

confused, now that the police have taken Lily Maya away, you can just let Lily Maya go. Sister, I beg

you, I am just such a daughter, you can’t let me watch her die.”

Stella Maya took Mrs. Quinn ‘s hand and pleaded,”Sister, I was the one who was wrong before, but we

are sisters. You watched Lily Maya grow up. She was very good when she was young, and you often

hugged her Yes, she can’t go to jail, or her life will be over, and I will kneel down for you.”

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Chapter 13

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Stella Maya said she really knelt down to Mrs. Quinn, playing the family card, trying to get Mrs. Quinn

and Vivienne Quinn to let Lily Maya go.

Vivienne Quinn learned that Lily Maya was taken away by the police, and asked,” Where is

Evangeline? Where is Evangeline ?”

She doesn’t care about anything else but her daughter.

Evangeline should have been taken away by Damien Smyth.” Stella Maya said, “The child is fine. Lily

Maya didn’t do anything to the child, just locked it up, really. Vivienne, you tell the police, put Lily Maya

Let it go, don’t tell Lily Maya, we are all a family, what can’t be resolved in private, don’t you think so?”

Vivienne Quinn immediately called Damien Smyth, and the call got through, and asked urgently, “Did

you find Evangeline, where are you now?”

Damien Smyth also already knew about Lily Maya being taken away by the police. He originally wanted

to wait for

Evangeline to get better before taking him back. Now that Vivienne Quinn knows, he can only take her

back first.

“I’ll take Evangeline on the way back, and I’ll be home in a while.”

Hearing that Evangeline was coming back, Vivienne Quinn felt like a dream, and she ran to the door to


Stella Maya has been pulling Mrs. Quinn to intercede, telling about her sisterhood, and how pitiful Lily

Maya is.

Mrs. Quinn was in a dilemma. She couldn’t make a decision


Chapter 613

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for Vivienne Quinn and the others, and she couldn’t bear to reject Stella Maya.

To put it bluntly, there is a layer of family shackles, and it is impossible to grasp everything clearly. This

is the world, and you can’t get rid of it.

Ten minutes later, Damien Smyth ‘s car slowly drove into the courtyard.

Seeing the car, Vivienne Quinn stepped forward excitedly, the car stopped, and Vivienne Quinn

immediately walked to the door, feeling a little overwhelmed with excitement.

The door opened and Damien Smyth got out, then carried Evangeline out of the car.

The moment she saw Evangeline, Vivienne Quinn burst into tears.


Evangeline, Evangeline.” Vivienne Quinn cried with joy, but also with distress.

Missing for several months, Evangeline’s eyes became glazed, and her thin face was devoid of flesh.

For a mother, this is simply heartbreaking.

Vivienne Quinn hugged Evangeline from Damien Smyth’s arms. Evangeline, which was very heavy

before, is now very light in her hands.

Vivienne Quinn was heartbroken, and kissed Evangeline ‘s forehead excitedly,” Evangeline, I’m sorry,

it’s my mother who didn’t protect you well, I’m sorry.”

Evangeline went missing once when she was taken away by

Chapter (13

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Simon Nguyen. She had tasted what it was like to lose a child at that time. She vowed to protect

Evangeline, but she didn’t do it. She blamed herself very much.

Evangeline quietly let Vivienne Quinn hold and kiss her, without speaking.

Vivienne Quinn didn’t notice anything wrong, she just

thought that Evangeline became quiet because of being stimulated.


Vivienne Quinn wiped away her tears and said, ” Evangeline, go home now, don’t be afraid.”

Mrs. Quinn was also very excited, it was more joyful than anything else to find it again.

Evangeline, come here and show grandma, okay?”

Evangeline didn’t go over, just looked at Mrs. Quinn like that.

From the beginning to the end, Evangeline didn’t speak, and Damien Smyth and Quintion Julius looked


Vivienne Quinn realized that something was wrong, she glanced at Evangeline, and then turned to

Damien Smyth,” What’s wrong with Evangeline? Doctor Julius, is Evangeline agitated, so she doesn’t


Quintion Julius glanced at Damien Smyth, and Damien Smyth walked up to Vivienne Quinn, reached

out and touched

Evangeline ‘s head, with a difficult voice,” Evangeline ‘s vocal cords are broken, and I can’t speak.”

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