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Chapter 599

Chapter 599

1789 Vouchert

Vivienne Quinn had a high fever and convulsions.

Mrs. Quinn hurriedly called Quintion Julius,” Doctor Julius, show Vivienne quickly, this is fine, why did

you suddenly have a fever?”

Quintion Julius said,”Don’t worry, I’ll take a look first.”

Vivienne Quinn has been in a groggy state, shouting cold for a while and hot for a while.

Quintion Julius first took Vivienne Quinn’s temperature with a thermometer,”It’s 39.5°C, you have to

take antipyretics quickly, Auntie, there are antipyretics at home, it’s in the second cabinet of the

pharmacy, it says, take them here quickly.”

“Okay, I’ll go right away.”

Mrs. Quinn was also in a hurry and hurried to get the


As soon as she left, when Quintion Julius was diagnosing Vivienne Quinn, his expression suddenly

became serious. He let go of Vivienne Quinn ‘s hand, went to the bathroom, twisted a towel and

applied it to Vivienne Quinn’s forehead to physically cool down.

Doctor Julius, here’s the medicine.” Mrs. Quinn said, “Is this…”

“It’s no longer needed.” Quintion Julius said,” Vivienne Quinn’s current situation, you can’t use

antipyretics. Auntie, you go get hot water, wipe Vivienne Quinn’s body, and

physically cool down. I’ll get the antipyretic patch.”

Mrs. Quinn was puzzled, “Why can’t I take medicine?”

Quintion Julius glanced at Vivienne Quinn, who was delirious with a high fever, and said, “She’s


Mrs. Quinn thought she had heard it wrong, and was pleasantly surprised,” Doctor Julius, really?

Vivienne is really pregnant? Can she really be pregnant?”

Vivienne Quinn ‘s physical condition, Mrs. Quinn is also very clear, and she has no hope.

Quintion Julius said, “I just diagnosed Vivienne Quinn and she is indeed pregnant. It’s a miracle. Last

time I gave her a physical examination, her physical condition was very bad and it was difficult to

conceive. She was actually pregnant.”

Mrs. Quinn laughed and said, “This is God’s love for Vivienne.”

Mrs. Quinn bowed to the air, saying words of thanks.

Vivienne Quinn was pregnant, so she couldn’t take antipyretics, so Quintion Julius had to use other

methods to cool down Vivienne Quinn.

This night, Vivienne Quinn was very uncomfortable, and Mrs. Quinn took care of her all the time. It was

almost dawn before Vivienne Quinn’s fever subsided.

Vivienne Quinn fell asleep with a heavy head, and when she woke up, it was almost noon.

Vivienne Quinn opened her eyes and looked at the scenery outside the window, feeling like she had

been separated for


The world became quiet, and she seemed to have slept for a long, long time.

Mrs. Quinn came in with warm water. Seeing Vivienne Quinn woke up, she said happily, “Vivienne, is

there something wrong? Are you hungry? I asked the nanny to cook porridge for you, and I’ll bring it to


Vivienne Quinn asked, “Mom, where’s Damien Smyth? Has he come back yet?”

“No, my son-in-law hasn’t come back since he went out last night. Maybe he’s busy.” Mrs. Quinn said,

“You just got rid of your fever and your body is still weak. You should lie down and rest. I’ll get you

something to eat.”.”

“Mom, I don’t have an appetite.” Vivienne Quinn felt weak and tasteless in her mouth.

“You have to eat even if you don’t have an appetite. If you don’t eat, there is no nutrition. How can the

child grow? The child needs nutrition.”

Vivienne Quinn was taken aback, and asked, “What child?”

Mrs. Quinn said with a smile,”You are pregnant. Doctor Julius said it himself. You may have a fever

because of pregnancy, and you have been too tired recently. Now that your fever is gone, take good

care of it. Take care of your body, only if you are healthy, your child will be healthy.”

“I, am I pregnant?” Vivienne Quinn couldn’t believe it. She put her trembling hands on her lower

abdomen, and when she was in a low mood, she was pregnant with a baby.


She used to want a child so desperately, but now she is really pregnant, but she is not as happy as she


This kid came… at the wrong time.

If there is a child, then Evangeline will really be gradually forgotten by everyone.

Vivienne Quinn is afraid that when Damien Smyth, and the mother, the Smyth family, turn their

attention to this child, Evangeline will be forgotten, and she is also worried that she will shift her focus.

She worried that she would forget Evangeline too.

Mrs. Quinn smiled and said, “Yes, you are pregnant, Doctor Julius said it himself. When the son-in-law

comes back, tell him the good news, Vivienne, our family finally has a happy event.”

Vivienne Quinn asked dully, “What about Evangeline?” novelbin

Vivienne Quinn’s words froze the smile on Mrs. Quinn’s face.

Mrs. Quinn understood what Vivienne Quinn meant, and said,” Vivienne, the palms and backs of the

hands are full of flesh. No one will forget Evangeline. Everyone will still go to Evangeline. You are not in

good health. It is very lucky to be able to conceive a child now.” You have to take care of yourself and

the child in your stomach first, and don’t let yourself regret it.

Mrs. Quinn wanted Vivienne Quinn to stop looking for Evangeline for the time being, and to take care of

the important thing in her stomach first.

Vivienne Quinn sat on the head of the bed, with mixed feelings in her heart, and remained silent.

Mrs. Quinn didn’t say anything more, and went downstairs to get some food for Vivienne Quinn.

Vivienne Quinn saw that Damien Smyth had not come back for a long time, thinking of Damien Smyth

saying that Grayson Smyth had an accident last night, she called Damien Smyth to inquire about the

situation, but no one answered the phone.

Vivienne Quinn had a bad premonition in her heart, she couldn’t get through the phone, and she could

only wait for Damien Smyth to come back.

Vivienne Quinn ate and took a nap. In the afternoon, Lainey Marlowe came to visit Vivienne Quinn and

was very happy to


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