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Chapter 597

Chapter 597

248 Nouchers

Lily Maya just refused to tell Evangeline ‘s whereabouts, she didn’t believe anyone but herself.

Stella Maya just gave up and went out with the doll.

When going downstairs, Stella Maya met a neighbor with a five-year-old grandson. The grandson saw

that the doll of Peppa Pig liked it very much, and said, “Grandma, I want Peppa, I want Peppa, I want it,

I want it.”

The neighbor couldn’t stand the little grandson’s begging, and said to Stella Maya,” Stella, do you want

this doll? If not, just give it to me. My grandson likes it.”

Stella Maya smiled and said, “I want this one more, your grandson likes it, you just buy it for him.”

“You have no children at home, so what’s the use of holding it.” The neighbor said, “Don’t be so stingy,

it’s just a doll, why don’t you give it to my grandson to play with.”

Seeing that he couldn’t get the doll, the little grandson began to cry,”Grandma, I want Peppa, I want


The neighbor was very distressed when he heard the little grandson crying, and said to Stella Maya,”

Stella, a doll is not a valuable thing, you play with my grandson for a while…”

“This is really not good. I want to buy it myself. There are plenty in the mall.” Stella Maya walked

straight towards the trash can in the community with the doll in her arms.

The little grandson of the neighbor’s family cried a lot. Stella Maya refused to live or die, which made

the neighbor feel résentful. Seeing that Stella Maya would rather throw the doll into the trash can than

give it to her, she became even more


Stella Maya threw the doll and went upstairs. The neighbor’s little grandson cried for the doll, and then

ran to the trash ca to pick it up.

The neighbor saw that the doll was still clean, so he helped hi grandson take it home.

South Gate Villa.

Mrs. Quinn returned home and told Vivienne Quinn exactly what happened at Stella Maya’s house and

what Stella Maya and Lily Maya said.

“Vivienne, do you think there is something wrong with Lily Maya? She said that the child died, and her

heart was too

dark. She cursed a child.”

“She really said that?” Vivienne Quinn felt chills in her heart,”Could it be that Evangeline really,


“In life, you need to see people, and in death, you need to see corpses.” Mrs. Quinn said, “If you don’t

see people, everything is possible. Vivienne, I will ask your aunt for information later.”

Now there is no complete evidence to prove that Evangeline’s disappearance has something to do with

Lily Maya, and Vivienne Quinn is just based on her feelings.

Vivienne Quinn temporarily told Mrs. Quinn not to act rashly, and she went to stare at Lily Maya every

day by herself.

Lily Maya doesn’t go out much, and Vivienne Quinn just wants

to follow, but it’s hard to make progress.

Damien Smyth knew that Vivienne Quinn was now putting her suspicions on Lily Maya again, and she

seemed to be in a daze every day, going out early and returning late every day, and she was also very


this evening.

Vivienne Quinn was squatting at the gate of Stella Maya’s community when a familiar car drove over

and stopped beside her car.

It’s Damien Smyth ‘s car.

Damien Smyth got out of the car, walked to Vivienne Quinn ‘s car, opened the door and got in.

“Why are you here?” Vivienne Quinn was very surprised.

Damien Smyth asked,” Vivienne Quinn, have you had dinner today?”

Vivienne Quinn remember that she hadn’t had dinner yet.

She is often in a daze alone and forgets to eat.

Damien Smyth held her hand and said, “Vivienne Quinn, you can’t go on like this forever, the days to

come are still so long, do you want to lose your mind like this, like a walking dead?”

Vivienne Quinn looked at Damien Smyth and asked dumbly, “You…what do you mean? Do you want

me to give up looking for Evangeline?”

Damien Smyth said in a deep voice, “I’m not telling you to give up, but you can’t go on like this forever,

Vivienne Quinn,

you’re only 27 years old this year.”

“Then what can I do? What can I do to make Evangeline come back?” Vivienne Quinn laughed at

herself, “Do you think I’m crazy now? I don’t, Damien Smyth, I’m calm, Evangeline ‘s disappearance

must have something to do with Lily Maya, I will definitely find the evidence and get Evangeline back.”

“You just stare like this every day?” Damien Smyth stared at Vivienne Quinn with deep eyes, pondering

for a moment,” Vivienne Quinn, let’s have a baby.”

Hearing this, Vivienne Quinn’s pupils dilated, and some couldn’t believe that Damien Smyth would say

such words at novelbin

this time.

“You… have given up on Evangeline too?” Vivienne Quinn’s voice was a little trembling,”Did you give

up? She is not your biological daughter, so you can be so calm and give up as soon as you can, if she

is your own, will you not be like this?”

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