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Chapter 560

Chapter 560

What are you doing with your cigarette butts?

Vivienne Quinn frowned, and the nanny said,”Ma’am, don’t blame me for talking too much. I think your

aunt should come to steal things, but I saw her and said to help clean up. That ashtray looks quite

expensive.”, you have to be careful.”

That ashtray is indeed expensive, Vivienne Quinn heard Damien Smyth say, one hundred thousand


Vivienne Quinn really thinks that these rich people have no place to spend their money, and an ashtray

is so expensive to buy.

“Okay, got it.” Vivienne Quinn said, “You go about your business.”

Vivienne Quinn doesn’t believe Stella Maya steals .

Now that she and Damien Smyth are going to hold a wedding, Stella Maya must be uncomfortable, just

don’t know what will happen.

Vivienne Quinn went upstairs, she couldn’t think of Stella

Maya’s intentions in holding the cigarette butt, and she didn’t


Stella Maya went back to the living room. She was looking for Evangeline, but Evangeline followed

Quintion Julius to the treatment room, and she followed.

After Luis Mendoza finished his medicinal bath, he put on his


clothes and lay on the bed. Mrs. Quinn rubbed Luis Mendoza’s legs, moved his joints, and took care of

him meticulously.

Quintion Julius reminded him of the precautions, and then gave Evangeline a map of acupoints on thenovelbin

human body,”Familiarize yourself with the words you don’t know, and then ask. I have to go and make

some more medicine for your grandfather.”

Evangeline nodded, “Well, Master, I will study hard.”

After Quintion Julius went out, Mrs. Quinn also took a break, poured a glass of water for Luis Mendoza,

and fed him through a straw.

Evangeline is next to study the acupoint map.

Mrs. Quinn said,” Evangeline, you should learn from Doctor Julius well. Your grandfather’s illness is

thanks to Doctor Julius.”

“Grandma, I know.” Evangeline felt sorry for her grandma and said, “Grandma, take a rest and don’t be


“Sister, why is Luis Mendoza paralyzed?” Stella Maya walked in, speaking so bluntly.

Stella Maya didn’t know that Luis Mendoza had a stroke before, and she didn’t care about it just now.

She cared about how to get the sample.

Mrs. Quinn said,”Myocardial infarction, stroke, his limbs are not so stiff now, Doctor Julius said, it won’t

take long for him tò recover”


“Sister, if you want me to tell you, you shouldn’t care about it. He abandoned you when he was young,

and now he has a stroke and wants you to serve him. What’s the reason for that?” Stella Maya

blamed,” Luis Mendoza deserves it, and he deserves it. It’s not that you don’t have a wife and children,

what did you bring back?”

Luis Mendoza, who couldn’t speak, stared at Stella Maya with his eyeballs, what a mouthful this

woman is, meddling in her own business.

Mrs. Quinn said,”He is Vivienne ‘s father after all, if he can be. cured, he must be cured.”

“Can he marry you after he’s cured?” Stella Maya said angrily,” By the way, I heard that the Mendoza

family has a good family background. He is willing to share the family property with you and Vivienne

Quinn ?”

Mrs. Quinn explained,” The property of the Mendoza family is what Vivienne and I don’t want.”

Evangeline doesn’t like Stella Maya, and when she sees Stella Maya, she slips out.

Stella Maya has been paying attention to Evangeline ‘s movements. Seeing Evangeline going out, she

also found an excuse and said,”Sister, you are busy, I will go to the bathroom.”

With that said, Stella Maya hurried out to find Evangeline.

Evangeline was sitting on the floor of the living room with a human acupuncture point reading, and

Stella Maya walked over,” Evangeline, what are you looking at? You are a girl, how can you look at

such shameless things.”

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Evangeline retorted, “Master gave it to me, it’s for learning.”

“You child, how can you talk back to your elders? You don’t have any manners at all. You really are a

wild child and have no education.” Stella Maya was bitter and mean. Seeing that Evangeline was

somewhat similar to Damien Smyth, she was a little worried that what Lily Maya said would come true


Stella Maya ‘s eyes fell on Evangeline ‘s hair. Seeing Evangeline lowered her head to look at the

acupuncture point map again, she looked around and saw no one, so she directly pulled a lock of hair

with her hands.

“Ah, it hurts.” Evangeline cried out in pain.

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Stella Maya was afraid that Evangeline ‘s cry would attract people, so she quickly yelled, “What are you

shouting for? I saw a flying insect in your hair. I’m helping you catch the flying insect. You really don’t

know Thank you, people who don’t know think I beat you.

Stella Maya pulled a big lock of hair just now, Evangeline’s scalp was all red, and she couldn’t stop

crying in pain.

“Evangeline, what’s wrong…” Vivienne Quinn ‘s voice came from upstairs.

Stella Maya felt guilty, and hurried away without saying hello.

Run faster than a rabbit.

Vivienne Quinn came downstairs, she didn’t see Stella Maya.

Evangeline, why are you crying?” Vivienne Quinn walked over, distressed and anxious.

“Mom, it hurts.” Evangeline clutched her head.

Vivienne Quinn took a look away from Evangeline ‘s hand, and said in surprise, “What’s going on? Who

did it?”

Evangeline has lost hair on the top of her head, and her scalp is obviously red.

Evangeline cried and said, “It’s my aunt. My aunt said that catching flying insects hurt me so much.”

Seeing that Stella Maya was gone, Vivienne Quinn was annoyed and puzzled, what the hell was Stella

Maya doing here.

“Mom wi

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