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Chapter 551

Chapter 551

It was embarrassing.

Mrs. Quinn knocked on the door outside, rang the bell, but no one answered, she had a room card, so

she went in directly.

She was worried that Luis Mendoza was being abused by Queena Mendoza, and she wanted Vivienne

Quinn to pick Luis Mendoza up early, but she ran into her daughter and son-in-law as soon as she

came in…

I hope that the son-in-law is not frightened, otherwise Damien Smyth will lose his sexual function in the

future, but it will be a pity for his daughter.

Vivienne Quinn and Damien Smyth in the house looked at each other, and Vivienne Quinn said, “Come


so embarrassing just now.

Damien Smyth got off Vivienne Quinn, clenched his hands into fists, and coughed against his


Vivienne Quinn suddenly covered her stomach,”I’m bleeding.”

When she moved just now, it was like a flood, and the blood collapsed.

Vivienne Quinn hurried to the bathroom and Damien Smyth went out first.

At this time, Tim also came and rang the doorbell outside.

Damien Smyth went to answer the door,”Is that person tracked down?”

“No.” Tim said, “The man injured his right arm. I visited several nearby hospitals and found no one to

treat the wound. The man was wearing a mask all the time, so he couldn’t see his face clearly. He is

very skilled.”

“That person fights with you, can he escape from you?” Damien Smyth asked with a serious

expression, “Is it from the underworld ?”

“It’s kind of like that. I’ve sent people to the underworld to inquire about it.” Tim said, “Boss, this time

the other party made a sudden attack. The purpose is unknown for the time being, but I can be sure

that the other party is the one who has been fighting against you in the dark.”

“Maybe, it’s not for you.” Damien Smyth frowned,”Now the opponent has already shot, there must be

another time.”

“I thought so too.” Tim said, “Boss, it seems that the other party’s background should not be

underestimated. Who have we offended for so many years?”

To be precise, what kind of boss level offended, if so, it is impossible for them not to know.

The social status of the other party is obviously very high. If there is a festival, it is impossible not to

have an impression.

Damien Smyth pondered, and said,” There is a kind of person in this world, even if there is no festival,

the other party will fight against you. Maybe I am too good to attract people’s envy.””

Tim “…”

This is not jealousy, this is hatred.


Tim smiled and said, “Boss, you are so funny.”

Damien Smyth asked back,”You don’t think that’s possible?”

“Yes, I think what the boss said is very reasonable.” Tim said,”Boss, I will visit the nearby clinic and

pharmacy again. I don’t believe that if the man doesn’t buy medicine, he can’t leave such a long wound

and keep bleeding.”

Damien Smyth waved,”Go.”

Tim left, Vivienne Quinn came out of the bathroom. She didn’t hear what the two said clearly, but only

knew that Tim had


Tim’s voice just now, man.”

“Going out to do errands.””

“Oh, then I’ll go to my mother and ask what happened to me just now.”

Vivienne Quinn went to the next door to find Mrs. Quinn, knowing that Mrs. Quinn was worried about

Luis Mendoza, and Vivienne Quinn reassured her. Even if Queena Mendoza was angry again, she was

just venting her anger on Luis Mendoza, and nothing really happened to Luis Mendoza.

They just have to wait for tomorrow, Christian Mendoza will definitely send someone.

With Vivienne Quinn, Mrs. Quinn will feel at ease.

The sky darkened soon, Damien Smyth took Vivienne Quinn and Mrs. Quinn to dinner, Vivienne Quinn

asked Damien Smyth to make a video call to Grayson Smyth, and she wanted to see Evangeline.

Evangeline was taken by Grayson Smyth to his house

outside, but did not bring back the old house of the Smyth family. Grayson Smyth was also worried that

Amos Smyth. would not accept Evangeline.

Grayson Smyth didn’t know how to cook, so he ordered a table of takeaways and was eating with


Seeing that Evangeline is doing well, Vivienne Quinn is not worried.

Vivienne Quinn and the others ate and returned to the hotel without staying outside.

Vivienne Quinn’s legs were sore during her menstrual period, she just wanted to lie down and didn’t

want to move.

Not long after returning to the hotel, Lawyer Reynolds came to find Vivienne Quinn, and Vivienne

Quinn went downstairs to the hotel lobby to meet Lawyer Reynolds.

Lawyer Reynolds is here to send Vivienne Quinn a draft equity transfer letter, and an agreement that

Luis Mendoza will be maintained by her in the future, and neither Christian Mendoza nor Bishop

Mendoza has the right to intervene.

She has to get ready for tomorrow.

Vivienne Quinn took a preliminary look and said, “Thank you, Lawyer Reynolds.”

“That’s what I should do, Miss Quinn, I’ll be back tomorrow.”


Vivienne Quinn got up and saw her off.

After Lawyer Reynolds left, Vivienne Quinn was about to go upstairs to her room, but saw the man in

the elevator again.

The man was wearing a mask, and his steps were stilted, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

Vivienne Quinn stood there watching for a while, the man stag gered, and hurriedly supported the wallnovelbin

next to him to stand still.

Even from a certain distance, Vivienne Quinn can feel the pain that a man endures.

How come there are such weird people in this world who don’t go to the hospital when they’re injured,

don’t rest when they don’t feel well, and run around.

Seeing that the man couldn’t hold on anymore, Vivienne Quinn walked over and supported him with

both hands.

The sudden pair of soft hands made Jeff Nicholas subconsciously want to shake them off. He was very

defensive and didn’t like people to touch him.

But when he saw that it was Vivienne Quinn, Jeff Nicholas was slightly taken aback.

Vivienne Quinn said, “I’ll help you to rest on the sofa over there.”

Jeff Nicholas didn’t say anything, letting Vivienne Quinn support him.

After sitting down, Jeff Nicholas coughed a few times and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Vivienne Quinn said, “You’re not in good health, so you should rest more and don’t

wander around. By the way, have you taken care of your injury?”

Vivienne Quinn ‘s concern made Jeff Nicholas look a little uncomfortable,”Well.”

Cher 552

“That’s good.” Vivienne Quinn asked casually, “What’s your name? Is there any family here? You’re

injured, so let your family take care of you.”


Jeff Nicholas thinks these two words are a bit ironic,”I have no family.”

He didn’t tell her his name either.

This time he came to H city, Jeff Nicholas was ordered to deal with Vivienne Quinn.

Vivienne Quinn mistook the man for an orphan, so she didn’t ask any more questions. She caught a

glimpse of the hotel door and Tim came back.

Vivienne Quinn shouted,” Tim.”

Hearing Tim’s name, Jeff Nicholas glanced back, quickly pressed the peaked cap on his head again,

and turned around calmly.

Vivienne Quinn walked over, and Tim said, “Sister-in-law, why are you here.”

“Just made an appointment with Lawyer Reynolds, why did you come back from outside so late.”

“Boss asked me to go out and run some errands.” Tim went to many clinics, and there was no clue.

It’s getting late, Vivienne Quinn said and looked at the seat just now, and at some point, the man left.

Vivienne Quinn didn’t care either, and went upstairs with Tim

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