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Chapter 537

Chapter 537

1288 Vouchers

Lily Maya looked dull. After her face was destroyed, she also had some psychological problems. Now

hearing what Stella Maya said, she felt very unbalanced.

“Yeah, why is G o d so unfair.” Lily Maya said dully. “She can marry Damien Smyth, reconcile with

Damien Smyth, and get Damien Smyth ‘st heart. And I, married to Jason Hunt for eight years. Nothing

fell, and now it is ruined face, same woman, why is there such a big difference? I procrastinated on

purpose, but is she Vivienne Quinn right? She hurt madam Smyth, Damien Smyth can forgive her, G o

d is so unfair.”

“Yes, it’s too unfair, why should all the good things fall on her head.” Stella Maya said bitterly, “This G o

d has no eyes, if Damien Smyth comes to h o ok you up, can you fall in love with him? This one slap

can’t make a sound.”

Lily Maya’s eyes flickered slightly, her expression seemed a little bewildered, and she said. “He should

have feelings for me, otherwise why would he give me a handkerchief, why would he go to the police

station in the middle of the night to release me on bail? Mom, are you right?”

“Yes, this man, if he is not interested in a woman, how can he be so interested.” Stella Maya took out

the medicine and said, “Daughter, take- the medicine first, and we will heal the injury. Mom believes in

you. Must be better off than Vivienne Quinn.”

Stella Maya is always competitive. She has been fighting with Mrs. Quinn all her life. Since she was a

child, she has to overwhelm Mrs. Quinn in everything. When others praise Mrs. Quinn for being

beautiful, she gets angry. Mrs. Quinn didn’t find the right man, and she married well, which has madenovelbin

Stella Maya proud for decades.

Lily Maya took the medicine obediently, even if she knew that these medicines could not cure her face,

she would still take it, just to comfort her.

Stella Maya said again,” Lily Maya, you must survive. Mom is just a daughter like you. We can’t admit

defeat. As long as we live, there is

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Chapter 537


1288 Vouchers

Lily Maya nodded, she knew this, but Lindsay Walker didn’t.

Even if Lindsay Walker was six months pregnant, Jeremy Walker could not be released on bail. The

Walker Group was also shocked by the arrest of Lindsay Walker Jeremy Walker was overwhelmed.

Lindsay Walker has nothing to hide, she has given up all the crimes she has committed.

She is pregnant with a child, even if she is sentenced to death, she will not die now.

Lindsay Walker didn’t intend to sit still, she clamored in the prison to see Sigrid Smyth, see Amos


She is pregnant with the child of the Smyth family, and the Smyth family can ignore her, but the child in

her womb must be taken care of.

The people in the police station ignored her, Lindsay Walker beat her stomach hard, jumped on the

spot, just wanted to jump out of the accident. and leave this ghost place.

She Lindsay Walker is proud, how can she stay in prison.

Seeing red, Lindsay Walker shouted out in pain, “Come on, help me, I’m bleeding, something

happened to my child…”

The people in the police station were really afraid that something might happen to the child in Lindsay

Walker’s stomach, so they had to rush to the hospital and sent someone to guard the hospital, and

immediately sent someone to notify the Smyth family.

Amos Smyth was also worried when he learned of Lindsay Walker’s situation.

After all, it was the blood of the Smyth family, a fresh life, it was impossible to really ignore it.

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Chapter 537

1288 Vouchers

Amos Smyth found Sigrid Smyth in the clubhouse, seeing Sigrid Smyth hugging left and right, looking

so happy, his anger rose.

Amos Smyth snapped, “Everyone else get out.”

The hostesses in the clubhouse saw Amos Smyth coming, so they went out wisely.

Sigrid Smyth sat lazily on the sofa, looked at Amos Smyth and smiled evilly.” You have found this place,

is there something wrong?”

Amos Smyth walked over, sat down and said,” Lindsay Walker is in the hospital. She is guilty of killing

your grandma, but she is carrying your child in her belly. This must not be avoided.”

Sigrid Smyth sneered.” You want to raise? It seems that you are naturally good at raising illegitimate

children. This is a good idea.”

“Sigrid Smyth.” Amos Smyth was furious,”Look at what you look like.”

“Isn’t it all because of your well-educated dad?” Sigrid Smyth smiled evilly,” Don’t come to me about

Lindsay Walker. The life and death of her and the child have nothing to do with me. If you want a

grandson, I will find it tonight.” A woman will make one for you, and after ten months, it is guaranteed

that you will be able to hold a grandson.”

What are you talking about, it is a human life, the child is six months old, how can you really not want

your child ?” Amos Smyth knew Sigrid Smyth ‘s heart knot, and said earnestly,” Sigrid, as a man, I

should be responsible. I failed your mother, but when your mother said she was pregnant with you, I

never thought of not wanting you. You are my son, and I treat you equally with others. Think about it


Amos Smyth left this sentence and left Sigrid Smyth didn’t even look at Amos Smyth, but he was

shocked by the sentence “never thought of not wanting you”.

It turned out that he was also expected

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Chapter 537

288 Vouchers

Sigrid Smyth took a swig from the wine on the table, got up and walked


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