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Chapter 523

Chapter 523

1 298 Wouchers

Regardless of whether he can see Luis Mendoza or not, Mrs. Quinn must go there, otherwise he will

feel uneasy

Even if he has no other thoughts, at least he had a married life when he was young. Luis Mendoza did

not give up on Vivienne Quinn when Vivienne Quinn had an accident last time, which made Mrs. Quinn

very relieved.

Vivienne Quinn still bought Mrs. Quinn a plane ticket for the next day. Evangeline had to go to school,

and Vivienne Quinn couldn’t leave, so Mrs. Quinn had to go first alone.

Early the next morning, after Vivienne Quinn sent Evangeline to school, she sent Mrs. Quinn to the

airport. novelbin

Vivienne Quinn reminded, “Mom, when you get there, call me as soon as you need anything.”

“Okay, take care of yourself at home, don’t be too tired, the season is changing, pay attention to adding

or removing clothes for Evangeline, and be careful of catching a cold.”


It was almost time to board the plane, and Mrs. Quinn went through the security check with her


seeing off Mrs. Quinn, Vivienne Quinn took a taxi back and called Lainey Marlowe on the way.

Her van broke down and Lainey Marlowe took it to a repair shop, and she was going to pick it up.

Lainey Marlowe was already in her shop when she received a call from Vivienne Quinn, saying, “The

car is prepaid, Vivienne, I wanted Bob Mendoza to fix it, but he couldn’t fix it, so I broke it for free. He

didn’t even buy me a cup of milk tea. Today he asked me to go to the police station to find him in the

afternoon and help him. Let me tell you

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Chapter 523

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Vivienne, Bob Mendoza is too much, he treats me like a police dog. I help smell this and that…”

Vivienne Quinn didn’t say a word, just listened to Lainey Marlowe babble on the phone, complaining

about Bob Mendoza for ten minutes.

She really didn’t know that Bob Mendoza went to the night market stall to find her that night.

After Lainey Marlowe finished complaining, Vivienne Quinn went to the garage. Listening to Lainey

Marlowe ‘s complaining, she said with a smile, “Then you ask Bob Mendoza to pay you a salary. With

your sensitive nose like a dog, maybe the police If the bureau makes an exception and recruits you,

then you will have a solid job.”

Lainey Marlowe laughed on the phone “Fuck you, classify me as a police dog, is that salary or dog


Vivienne Quinn joked, “I don’t know if the salary will be paid, but you and Bob Mendoza are so

destined, you can’t miss it.”

“Stop it, a guy like that is not my type” Lainey Marlowe said. “Even if I were a nun, I wouldn’t like a guy

like Bob Mendoza.”

“Then I’ll wait and see.” Vivienne Quinn said with a smile, “I picked up the car, thank you for repairing

the car, and treat you to milk tea later, I won’t be polite to you, you rich woman, I want to hug my thigh.”

“That’s right, don’t be twitchy with me my money is yours.” Lainey Marlowe asked, “You have been

sneaking with Damien Smyth for so long, why doesn’t he give you a title or money?”

“I have, but I didn’t take it.” Vivienne Quinn felt that taking Damien Smyth ‘s money changed the nature,

and joked,”I don’t like to curry favor with men. I like to curry favor with women.”

Lainey Marlowe smiled, “Come on, when you flattered Damien Smyth, you never thought of me, value

men over friends.”

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Chapter 523

1 288 Vouchers

Vivienne Quinn chats with Lainey Marlowe, she is in a very good mood, happy and relaxed.

It is enough to have a friend in this life.

Vivienne Quinn picked up the car and left the repair shop to go to the market to buy goods. When she

came back from the market, she ran into Violet Smyth on the side of the road.

Violet Smyth was walking down the street in a daze and was almost hit by a car.

Vivienne Quinn quickly parked the car on the side of the road and trotted over. “Mom…Auntie.”

Vivienne Quinn changed her words in time, “Auntie, are you okay?”

Violet Smyth was very surprised to see Vivienne Quinn, and her mood was very complicated, “It’s

nothing, why are you here?”

“I just went to the market to buy goods.” Vivienne Quinn saw that Violet Smyth ‘s ankle was scratched,

and said. “Auntie, if you don’t mind, get in the car first. Your foot is scratched and needs to be treated,

otherwise it is easy to get infected.”

Violet Smyth looked at Vivienne Quinn, who had changed a lot from before, and got into the car in a

strange way.

Ten minutes later, Vivienne Quinn stopped at the entrance of a pharmacy, went in to buy medicine,

treated Viole Smyth’s ankle, and said, “Auntie, let me take you home.”

Vivienne Quinn could see that Violet Smyth was not in the right mood, and was worried that something

would happen again.

Violet Smyth shook her head, “I don’t want to go back, Vivienne, just take

me around.”

Vivienne Quinn hesitated for a moment, then nodded, “Okay.”

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After driving out for a while, Violet Smyth suddenly asked, ” Are you and

Damien still together?”

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