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Chapter 521

Chapter 521

1288 Vouchers

Jason Hunt lay down on the ground, he was paralyzed, he couldn’t move his lower body, and he

couldn’t get up, so he looked even more embarrassed.

The embarrassed Jason Hunt immediately won the sympathy of the onlookers.

Lily Maya a lesson just now was indignant, pushed Lily Maya, and slapped her across the face,”

Coquettish woman, you are too bad, you men are like this, do you have any conscience, people like

you, It’s just a beating.”

Aunt is notoriously warm-hearted, she likes to meddle in other people’s affairs, but she doesn’t have

the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Lily Maya, who was beaten, became angry in an instant and broke down emotionally. She pushed the

aunt away heavily, “That’s what he deserved, this is what happened to him for betraying me. What if I

took his money away, without me, he It is impossible to make so much money, that money is mine.

Jason Hunt, you are shameless, you still have the nerve to make trouble with me, why don’t you die,

you die.”

Lily Maya was very emotional, she stepped forward and grabbed Jason Hunt by the collar, and yelled,

“Why didn’t you fall to your death at that time, you lingered like a dog, and you had to rely on others for

food and drink, you didn’t feel ashamed or disgusted Well, when you poop and poop your pants, your

parents will dislike you, and you say that a person like you, what are you doing alive, wasting air.”

Lily Maya stimulated Jason Hunt with every word. Jason Hunt thought of everyone’s disgust for him,

thought of having many admirers around him, and he was promoted to director at the peak of his

career. destroyed.

After he was sent back to his hometown, his parents didn’t care much about him, and they hated

cleaning him up. He overheard that his parents wanted him to fend for himself like this. He was

desperate, so he came to Washington DC to trouble Lily Maya

Chapter 521

If he really died, it would be cheaper for Lily Maya.

1 288 Vouchers

Lily Maya is beautiful and young, isn’t that just taking his money to cheapen other men?

Seeing Lily Maya ‘s vicious face, Jason Hunt felt murderous.

“Lily Maya, you poisonous woman, let’s die together.” Jason Hunt roared, exhausted all his strength,

pushed Lily Maya to the ground, then took out concentrated sulfuric acid from his pocket, and threw it

at Lily Maya’s face, splashed on the body.


Lily Maya cried out in agony, the burning sensation on her face made her cry out. The highly corrosive

sulfuric acid burned her face, neck, and the back of her hands.

The onlookers backed away in fright at this scene.

Jason Hunt looked at Lily Maya, who was writhing in pain on the ground, and laughed heartily,

“Hahaha, Lily Maya, you forced me, I won’t let you take my money and get away with others, you

ruined me, I will destroy you.”

“Ah! Ah!” Lily Maya closed her eyes tightly and wailed in pain, “Help,

save me.”

Lily Maya didn’t dare to scratch her face, she could feel that her entire face was burned.

Women place the most emphasis on appearance, and this is undoubtedly the worst punishment.

Lily Maya was desperate and painful, angry and resentful, but to no avail.

The onlookers called the police and called an ambulance. Soon, the ambulance took Lily Maya to the

hospital, and the police took away the wounded Jason Hunt.

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Chapter 521

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Stella Maya hurried over after receiving a call from the hospital, and learned that Lily Maya ‘s face and

neck had been corroded by sulfuric acid, her face was disfigured, her life was in danger, and she burst

into tears if she was struck by lightning.

Vivienne Quinn knew what happened to Lily Maya from Lainey Marlowe

a street fight between Lily Maya and Jason Hunt has been uploaded online, and the picture of Jason

Hunt throwing Lily Maya sulfuric acid is very clear.

There are many discussions on the Internet, some say that Jason Hunt is too ruthless, and some say

that this is Lily Maya ‘s retribution.

Vivienne Quinn was shocked, the retribution came really fast and hard.

Lainey Marlowe said on the phone,” Lily Maya did absolutely nothing, and the rabbit bit people in a

hurry. This is retribution. For a beauty- loving person like her, now her face is disfigured. I’m afraid it’s

worse than death.”

Yes, this retribution is that life is worse than death. novelbin

Vivienne Quinn had mixed feelings in her heart, and Mrs. Quinn followed Evangeline back at this time.”

Vivienne, you are back, you teach Evangeline homework first, and I will cook.”

Vivienne Quinn said, “Mom, Lily Maya got acid thrown by Jason Hunt.”

“What?” Mrs. Quinn was also shocked!

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