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Chapter 503

Chapter 503

11 288 Vouchers

Vivienne Quinn and Mrs. Quinn went home early, and when they got home, Mrs. Quinn was quite


It never occurred to me that Lily Maya would like Damien Smyth.

Mrs. Quinn sat on the sofa and complained, “It is said that friends can’t be bullied, and this sister’s man

can’t even think about it. How could Lily Maya do this? She can like anyone, but she can’t like Damien


Mrs. Quinn complained, Vivienne Quinn went into the kitchen to cook, and Evangeline helped pick


Evangeline is now an expert at housework.

Vivienne Quinn was chopping vegetables, thinking of the time when Lily Maya suddenly changed her

attitude and became close to her, why didn’t she think that Lily Maya was kind to her and took out the

shares in the cafe, it was not because she really regarded her as a sister, but because she wanted to

Ingratiate yourself with Damien Smyth.

For a while, Lily Maya always asked her out, or came to the house at night, so it was not for her, but for

Damien Smyth.

She should have noticed it earlier, but because she couldn’t believe it, she made excuses for Lily Maya

time and time again.

Even Lainey Marlowe had reminded her that she was so stu pid.

Every time the good sister I think asks me out to see me, it’s all because of thinking about my husband.

Thinking about it, I feel quite uncomfortable.

“Vivienne.” Mrs. Quinn was still a little angry, and said,” Isn’t Lily Maya a beast? She made trouble with

Jason Hunt back then, but it was because of your busy schedule that she was arrested by the Public

Security Bureau. Damien Smyth went out on bail, and that’s ungrateful for her to do that.”

Vivienne Quinn paused as she chopped vegetables, thinking how stu pid she was when she asked

Damien Smyth to bail Lily Maya in the middle of

the night.

Doesn’t that throw Damien Smyth away?


Vivienne Quinn glanced at Mrs. Quinn and said, “Mom, don’t talk about it, we’re going to move on. You

peel some garlic for me, and I’ll make a piece of garlic meat later, Evangeline likes to eat it.”

Evangeline was very happy to hear that,”Mom, you are so kind.”

“This little mouth is sweet.” Vivienne Quinn smiled and said, “You wash the onions, and you have to do

your homework after eating. Your teacher assigned homework. There are a few arithmetic problems

and literacy.”

Evangeline showed off.”Mom, I got a perfect score in the exam yesterday, and the teacher praised me.”

“Really.” Vivienne Quinn was particularly pleased,”My daughter is so


Mrs. Quinn was also happy,” Evangeline is the same as you when you were a child. You are very good

at reading. You used to be the first in the exam and you were always very happy. Now Evangeline has

inherited you, and our family will have a college student in the future.”

Speaking of going to university, Vivienne Quinn is quite regretful. She dropped out of school like this

back then. Now she has no education, no diploma, and her failed marriage makes it even more difficult

for her to find a job.

Vivienne Quinn looked at Mrs. Quinn and said, “Mom, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

At the beginning, her mother also hoped that she would be admitted to university and have a good

future, but she failed her mother’s


Mrs. Quinn smiled, “What do you say, let’s live a good life and educate Evangeline well, that’s all.”

Chapter 503

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Vivienne Quinn smiled, yes, her responsibility for the rest of her life is to provide for the mother who

gave birth to her, and to train her daughter well so that she can go to college.

The three of them worked together, and soon a meal was ready, and the three of them ate very happily. novelbin

Mrs. Quinn said,” Although our meals are simple, they are no worse than any birthday party.”

Evangeline happily ate the minced garlic meat and said, “I like to eat the rice cooked by my mother the


“Little clever ghost.” Vivienne Quinn rubbed Evangeline ‘s head and said, “Eat, eat and do homework.”

With a full life, Vivienne Quinn has no time to think about those messy things.

After dinner, Evangeline does homework, Vivienne Quinn makes jewelry, and Mrs: Quinn cleans up. If

we work together, this home will get better

and better.

Evangeline finished her homework and went to sleep, it was already ten o’clock. Mrs. Quinn came out

of the room and looked at Vivienne Quinn who was still working hard on jewelry under the lamp, feeling

very distressed.

Mrs. Quinn sat down silently beside her, and said, ” Vivienne, don’t do it too late, and don’t sit too long,

your waist can’t bear it.”

Vivienne Quinn, who had a small postpartum, often suffers from low back pain.

Vivienne Quinn stopped what she was doing. It is now March. If the baby has not had any accidents

and is born now, she must be very handsome and cute. She should look a little more like Damien


Vixienne Quinn looked up out of the window, and said dully, “Mom, if

Chapter 503

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that incident hadn’t happened, the baby should have been born smoothly by now.”

The child is not only Vivienne Quinn’s pain, but also Mrs. Quinn’s


Mrs. Quinn blamed herself, “It’s all my mother’s fault. If I had sent you to the hospital earlier that day,

maybe the baby would have survived. Who knew that the road was blocked by traffic that day, and this

traffic jam would have delayed the delivery. The doctor said that the delivery was late. It might be

possible to save it earlier.”

For so long, it was the first time that Vivienne Quinn knew about it, knowing that her child might still be


Vivienne Quinn turned around abruptly, looked at Mrs. Quinn,”Mom, tell me, can my child be kept?”

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