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Chapter 489

Chapter 489

It was none other than Lily Maya.

Damien Smyth has nothing to do with Lily Maya, so seeing Lily Maya here, there will be a moment of


Lily Maya was surprised that Damien Smyth was alone in the ward so she could be alone with him.

Lily Maya walked in carrying the thermos, with a smile on her face,” Mr. Smyth, are you feeling better?

This is my stewed black-bone chicken soup. It’s very nourishing. Try it.”

Damien Smyth stared at Lily Maya expressionlessly, did not speak, and did not drink any black chicken


Lily Maya knew that she was a bit abrupt, so she sat down and said, “I came to see you for Vivienne

Quinn, she can’t come, she asked me to come over to see how you are, it’s really impressive that you

and Vivienne Quinn have come to this point It’s a surprise, but also a pity.”

Lily Maya deliberately mentioned Vivienne Quinn, and now only Vivienne Quinn can bring her closer to

Damien Smyth, and the topic between them is now only Vivienne Quinn .

Damien Smyth’s eyes flickered slightly,”How is she…?”

“She’s very worried about you.” Lily Maya made it up and asked tentatively,” Mr. Smyth, is it really

impossible for you and Vivienne Quinn ?”

Damien Smyth said in a low voice, “This is the condition for me to save her. Maybe, she hasn’t met me

in this life, and she won’t suffer such a catastrophe.”

Lily Maya felt a little rejoiced, “You still love her in your heart, don’t you?”

Damien Smyth pursed his lips and remained silent. If he didn’t love her, how could he stab himself to

atone for Vivienne Quinn’s sin against Old Madam?

His silence was the answer.

Lily Maya looked at Damien Smyth, who was immersed in

pain and full of melancholy, and felt very distressed.

Mr. Smyth, everything will pass, try my stewed chicken soup first, so that I can give Vivienne Quinn an

explanation when I go back.”

Lily Maya poured out the chicken soup and handed it to Damien Smyth .

Damien Smyth looked at Vivienne Quinn ‘s face and took the chicken soup, “Thank you.”

Damien Smyth took a few symbolic sips, even a few sips, for Lily Maya, it was something to be happy


Damien Smyth drank the soup she made herself.

At this time, the nurse brought the medicine to Damien Smyth, and Lily Maya also actively helped to

pour the water. After he took the medicine, she helped to pull the tissue.

This new nurse came to deliver medicines for the first time and had never followed the news. She

thought Lily Maya and Damien Smyth were a couple, and said enviously,


Smyth, your girlfriend is really caring to you.” novelbin

The word girlfriend made Lily Maya feel elated, and

subconsciously looked at Damien Smyth .

Damien Smyth looked cold and clarified,”You misunderstood, this is not my girlfriend.”

The nurse said embarrassingly,”Sorry, I misunderstood, Mr. Smyth, you need to rest after taking the

medicine, just press the call bell if you need anything.”

Damien Smyth deadpanned,”Thank you.”

The nurse was too embarrassed to stay longer and went out.

Lily Maya glanced at Damien Smyth and was about to speak when Damien Smyth said, “Miss Yang,

please go back.”

Damien Smyth used to be called cousin Lily Maya, but now she doesn’t.

He and Vivienne Quinn are not husband and wife, so naturally he has to draw a line with Lily Maya.

Lily Maya would wink, knowing that Damien Smyth was worried that others would misunderstand them,

and said wittily, “Okay, then I’ll go back first. If there is any news from Vivienne Quinn, I will tell you as

soon as possible.”

“No need.” Damien Smyth said indifferently,” Vivienne Quinn and I have divorced and have nothing to

do with her. I don’t want to know about her. Ms. Yang doesn’t need to report anything to me.”

Lily Maya looked at Damien Smyth in puzzlement, drawing the line so quickly?

“Then I’ll go first.” Lily Maya had no reason to stay any longer, and Lily Maya was already very happy to

be alone with him for

a while, and for him to wake up.

She is not in a hurry, take her time.

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For the next few days, Damien Smyth was recuperating in the hospital, and Violet Smyth was cared for

in the hospital.

Jessie had come to inquire about the news, but she still didn’t dare to show up, and at this juncture,

she didn’t dare to show up in front of Damien Smyth either.

Under the banner of Vivienne Quinn, Lily Maya came to the hospital to visit twice and brought her own

tonic soup, but Damien Smyth didn’t drink it again.

And she wanted to have a good relationship with Violet Smyth, but there was no progress. She was

Vivienne Quinn’s cousin, and Violet Smyth didn’t like her very much, and she didn’t have any bad or

good feelings for her.

This made Lily Maya very aggrieved. She resented her relationship with Vivienne Quinn a bit, but if she

had nothing to do with Vivienne Quinn, she would have no reason to approach Damien Smyth.

Damien Smyth’s recuperation period, Vivienne Quinn visited him every night. She didn’t dare to stay

longer, so she stood at the door of the ward and secretly glanced at Damien Smyth while Violet Smyth

was asleep.

She only dared to appear in the dead of night and did not dare to be known.

But once when she was leaving the hospital, Grayson Smyth bumped into her, and Grayson Smyth

didn’t point it out, so she just pretended she didn’t see it.

Watching Damien Smyth recover day by day, Vivienne Quinn is slowly relieved.

Vivienne Quinn also changed Mona to a new school, and Mrs. Quinn returned to the previous hotel to

work and clean.

Vivienne Quinn hasn’t recovered yet, and Mrs. Quinn doesn’t allow her to go out to do things, so she

just picks up Mona every day. Even the cleaning of meals, Mrs. Quinn doesn’t want Vivienne Quinn to


Vivienne Quinn had a miscarriage and had to rest for a


Vivienne Quinn in the detention center was okay before. Damien Smyth said hello. Everything Vivienne

Quinn used in the detention center was warm, the washing water was warm, and the food was also


The days seem to be moving in a good direction.

On the day of Old Madam ‘s burial, Vivienne Quinn knew about it, but she didn’t go. It was a misty and

rainy day. After sending Mona to school, Vivienne Quinn took a taxi to Lily Maya ‘s cafe.

When getting off the car, Vivienne Quinn stood at the door of the cafe, looked up at the name of the

cafe, “Yixiu” coffee, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Maybe it was Lainey Marlowe ‘s reminder, maybe it was a woman’s sixth sense. When Vivienne Quinn

saw the name again, she subconsciously substituted “Hugh” for “Xiu”.

Hugh and Xiu have the same pronunciation.


Vivienne Quinn stepped into the cafe. It was working hours, and there were very few people coming out

to drink coffee. There were only a few tables where people were meeting and chatting about work.

“Welcome.” The waiter smiled and asked, “What would you like to drink?”

“I’m looking for your lady boss.” Vivienne Quinn asked with a smile, “Is your lady boss there? I’m her


“The lady boss is in the office on the second floor, do you need me to take you there?”

“No, thank you, I’ll go up by myself.” Vivienne Quinn went upstairs. She did the decoration and design

of the cafe, and she knew the layout very well.

Vivienne Quinn came to the second floor, and she was still at the door of the office when she heard Lily

Maya’s voice on the phone.

“Mom, I divorced Zorro, it doesn’t matter anymore, if they Zorro Family want to make trouble, just call

the police, I’m afraid they will do something, they have the ability to sue me, I’m afraid their Zorro

Family doesn’t have the money and energy now Confused with me, I am single now, whoever I want to

be with, that is my freedom…”

Vivienne Quinn, who was standing at the door, frowned slightly. She had never heard of Lily Maya’s

divorce before.

When did Lily Maya leave?

Why are you getting divorced so suddenly? She remembered that Lily Maya wanted to consume Zorro

Family so much


288 Vouchers

before, not wanting to get a bad reputation, what made her change her mind?

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