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Chapter 475

Chapter 475

Lainey Marlowe really can’t understand this kind of feeling. Damien Smyth is willing to protect Vivienne

Quinn, but Vivienne Quinn is willing to accept sanctions in order not to embarrass Damien Smyth.

Lainey Marlowe looked at Vivienne Quinn who was

devastated, and really didn’t know what to say to ignite Vivienne Quinn ‘s heart.

Her heart is dead.

When it was time to visit, Lainey Marlowe had to leave first.

When she left, Vivienne Quinn still had a peaceful look, and she looked much calmer than in the

hospital. The sadness on her face was not so strong, and the hatred dissipated.

With the end of Old Madam ‘s life, Vivienne Quinn ‘s hatred was gone, and her heart was liberated.

Lainey Marlowe walked out of the police station, she met Lily Maya who was coming.

Lily Maya asked, ” Lainey Marlowe, how is Vivienne Quinn?”

“I can’t say, but it’s okay now.” Lainey Marlowe couldn’t say a word, and she didn’t know if Vivienne

Quinn ‘s situation was good or bad, but she was really relieved in her heart.

Lily Maya asked eagerly again,” What does Smyth Family mean? What does Damien Smyth think?”

Lainey Marlowe said,” Vivienne Quinn said Damien Smyth would save her, as long as Damien Smyth

said that, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Quinn, Lily Maya looked disappointed in the depths of her eyes,” He will really save Vivienne Quinn?

Vivienne Quinn killed his grandma, and he won’t hold it accountable?”

“That’s what the old woman asked for. She was ruthless first. Vivienne Quinn responded with an eye. If

Damien Smyth can’t figure it out, I won’t let him go.”

Lily Maya murmured,”He really loves Vivienne Quinn.””

Under such circumstances, he is still willing to fish for Vivienne Quinn.

Lainey Marlowe said, “Even if he is still an upright man, Lily Maya, I have to go to Smyth Family, I have

to meet Damien Smyth, and listen to him say how to deal with it, otherwise I will not be at ease.”

Lily Maya said,” Then I will go with you too.”

Night fell.

of Smyth Family.

The Smyth Family has been waiting in the ancestral hall for a day, and Damien Smyth has not yet

appeared, and these elders have already complained quite a bit.

Jack Smyth also asked David several times, where did Damien Smyth go and what he wanted to do,

and David still said,”I don’t know.”

Jack Smyth asked David to withdraw all these bodyguards, and David said without moving a muscle,

“We can’t withdraw without an order from the Boss.”

Jack Smyth’s blood pressure was soaring.

Damien Smyth couldn’t get through on the phone. All these people could do was wait.

Old Madam also came, and they wanted to ask the Smyth Family for an explanation. In fact, to put it

bluntly, everyone is dead, so what explanation can they ask for?

The police will make their own conclusions, which round will get these people to denounce.

Which one of you here doesn’t have other plans in mind? Or was it used as a gun?

Some of them were fooled and instigated by Rock Will in order to put pressure on Damien Smyth .

Rock Will just wanted to see what Damien Smyth would do for Vivienne Quinn.

It’s a really fun game.

The old house of the Smyth Family was brightly lit, and the Georgies were waiting outside. There were

complaints from the ancestral hall, and people kept accusing Jack Smyth, asking Jack Smyth to take

good care of his son.

“This Damien Smyth is too capricious. Look at what kind of woman he married. He shouldn’t have

allowed that woman to

come in.”

“That’s right, I have pity on my elder sister, she died

unexpectedly, Jack Smyth, you are the only son of the elder sister, you must seek justice for the eldernovelbin

sister, and the murderer must pay for his life.” It was Old Madam ‘s younger brother who was also in his

seventies. Yes, in the past few decades, I have been helped by the Smyth Family.


Half of the people who came today are from Old Madam’s natal family.

There are also some brothers and sisters on the side of Mr. Smyth. After the death of Mr. Smyth, Old

Madam treated these Smyth Family brothers very kindly, more or less divided the family property, or

promised a position in the company.

However, the hearts of the people are not enough to swallow the elephant. The brothers of the Smyth

Family can think that their descendants will swallow up the Skyreach Group. Everyone wants to eat a

big portion, not a little scrap.

The two parties gathered here today to force Damien Smyth to dispose of Vivienne Quinn, also want

Damien Smyth to pay some compensation, or directly force Damien Smyth to resign as president.

Of course, the younger generation also followed, and when necessary, they also helped out.

The ancestral hall was noisy, and several elderly elders were filled with righteous indignation and high

spirits. Jack Smyth was considered a junior, so he could only listen to the training.

Violet Smyth was very upset when she heard these people scolding her son, but she didn’t want to

cause public outrage, so she didn’t say anything.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and then a sarcastic voice came in,”It’s really

neat today, no one will be left behind.”

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw Damien Smyth with a handsome and cold expression, leading

a group of people in from outside.

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