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Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

The driver carried the things and said, “Yes, old lady.”

“Go and buy a set of skin care products for Jessie.” Old Madam said to himself, and then took out his

mobile phone to call Jessie,” Jessie, have you arrived yet? I’m in that

department store. Grandma is buying you a necklace. It’ll be there in a while, that’s good, grandma is

waiting for you.”

Old Madam smiled, feeling extremely good. After leaving the luxury store, he went to another store.

At this time, diagonally across from Old Madam, a pair of eyes were staring at her closely.

Wearing a black down jacket and a mask, Vivienne Quinn has been following Old Madam, looking for


Looking at Old Madam ‘s face and seeing Old Madam’s happy smile, the hatred in Vivienne Quinn ‘s

heart could hardly be suppressed. She thought of the picture of her own bleeding, the child who was

killed, and the hand in her pocket. He gripped the knife tightly.

Old Madam bought skin care products for Jessie, and said to the driver,”You put the things in the car

first, and then drive to the main entrance of the mall and wait. I’ll go to the


Driver,”Yes, old lady.”

Old Madam went to the bathroom with her bag, and Vivienne Quinn, who had been following Old

Madam, also went in. After seeing Old Madam entered the women’s bathroom, Vivienne Quinn caught

a glimpse of a sign next to her that was “under maintenance, out of service”. Put the sign in the middlenovelbin

so no one comes in again.


Old Madam came out of the cubicle, put the bag on the sink, and turned on the tap to wash his hands.

After washing his hands, he looked up and saw Vivienne Quinn reflected in the mirror, and Old Madam

was startled.

“You, why are you here, what are you going to do.”

Vivienne Quinn’s expression was cold, and the cold light shot out of her eyes, like ice ridges, shooting

towards Old Madam one by one.

Vivienne Quinn approached Old Madam step by step, the hatred in her eyes became stronger, without

saying a word, she took out the knife from her pocket and pressed it against Old Madam ‘s neck,

emotionally,”You killed my child, shouldn’t you pay for it? How did I offend you, you are so ruthless that

you even killed an unborn child, I want to see if your blood is red or black, it is so vicious.”

The sharp fruit knife cut through Old Madam ‘s skin, and bright red blood came out instantly. Old

Madam turned pale with fright and screamed,”Help, Vivienne Quinn, you bitch, if you dare to touch me,

killing me is the right thing to do.” You broke the law, Damien knows and will divorce you.”

Vivienne Quinn looked at the blood flowing down the blade, and sneered, “It turns out that your blood is

red, but why did you harm my child? I think I was wrong. I should see if your heart is black.

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