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Chapter 450

Chapter 450 novelbin

Jessie was frightened by Johnson’s sudden increase in volume, and she didn’t understand,” Dad, what

are you afraid of? It’s the medicine given by Old Madam, so how could it implicate Darcy Family.”

“You are confused.” Johnson was in a hurry,”Then Old Madam won’t confess you? Damien Smyth ‘s

child is gone, so he can just let it go? They will be a family by then, and they will never confess to Old

Madam. What about Madam, but you are different, and Damien Smyth will turn all his anger on you, on

Darcy Family”

Jessie was stunned by the training, but still felt that Johnson was making a fuss out of a molehill.

“Dad, I just induced Old Madam to make her mistakenly think that Vivienne Quinn was pregnant with a

wild species. I didn’t do anything else. Besides, Vivienne Quinn suddenly became pregnant. Old

Madam didn’t like her. Without my induction, Old Madam will doubt it too.”

Jessie imagined it beautifully and said,”Dad, when Vivienne Quinn falls out of favor, my chance will

come. Old Madam likes me very much, and I can be the hostess of Smyth Family. Smyth Family and

Darcy Family are married. This is not What you always wanted?”

Johnson pointed at Jessie with his index finger, and was so angry that he was almost speechless, “You

forgot about the matter with Rock Will, did you really think that I don’t know anything? Then Old Madam

has been looking for me in private, want to marry you to Rock Will, you miss Damien Smyth, wake up.”

Mentioning Rock Will, Jessie got angry,”I will not marry an

illegitimate child.”

Johnson couldn’t control these things now, took a deep breath, and said,”Now I hope that Old Madam

will not confess you, and don’t implicate Darcy Family in this matter,


This is a matter of killing people’s lives. It is tantamount to cutting off other people’s descendants and

killing their children.

It turns out.

Johnson’s worries are not unreasonable.


Damien Smyth saw the child, he immediately asked people to check the warning text messages and

the food Vivienne Quinn had eaten, and found Georgie.


Georgie stood in the hall trembling. She knew that sooner or later the truth would come out, but she

didn’t expect it to be

so soon.

It’s only been half a day.

Georgie lowered her head, trembling all over, not daring to say a word.

Damien Smyth stood in front of her, his voice was cold,”Say, what the hell is going on with the abortion

pill? You put it in Vivienne Quinn ‘s diet? Who ordered it?”

Georgie admit it, he hesitated and said, “Master, I don’t know about abortion pills, I…”

Before Georgie could finish his sentence, Damien Smyth pointed a gun directly to his forehead. The

cold muzzle of the gun made Georgie kneel on the ground with a thud.

“Young master, I, I really don’t know.” Georgie didn’t dare to admit it even more, even though he was

trembling with guilt and had no credibility at all, he still kept his mouth shut.

At this moment, David walked in,” Boss, it has been found out that Georgie ‘s husband owes a loan

shark, one million, but just two hours ago, the loan shark was fully paid off.”

Hearing David’s report, Georgie was dumbfounded. She never expected such a consequence and was

found out so quickly.

Damien Smyth quickly loaded the gun, pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot through the floor beside

Georgie, making Georgie shudder.

Damien Smyth’s expression was cold, his whole body overflowing with murderous aura, he knelt down

and pointed at Georgie with his smoking gun,”I’ll give you three seconds to think about who ordered

you to do this.”

People are afraid of death.

Georgie seen such a formation? She was so frightened that her face was blank.

Damien Smyth’s voice is handsome and cold,”1, 2, 3…”

When the word ‘3’ was pronounced, Georgie, whose legs and feet were paralyzed from fright, couldn’t

bear such a strong aura, and hurriedly said,”It’s the old lady, it was the old lady who asked me to do



The word old lady is like a sharp sword, piercing Damien Smyth ‘s heart.

Damien Smyth never imagined that the instigator behind the drug was the old lady.

David was also surprised, “How is this possible.”

David hurriedly looked at Damien Smyth ‘s face.

Damien Smyth ‘s complexion can be imagined, how could it be better?

That’s his own grandma.

Damien Smyth’s eyes were scarlet, and he asked sharply, “Again, who is it?”

“It’s the old lady.” Georgie was frightened and cried at this time, with her hands on the ground, she

knelt down to Damien Smyth “Young master, it’s really the old lady, she forced me to drug Lady, saying

that Lady was pregnant The ones are wild species and cannot be born in the Smyth Family. I refused to

agree to the old lady at first, but she has been forcing me, and there is nothing I can do about it, young


Damien Smyth’s figure flickered, a burst of blood surged in his chest, and he spat out a mouthful of


Boss.” David was startled, and quickly supported Damien Smyth.

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