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Chapter 445

Chapter 445

288 Voucher

Vivienne Quinn had already eaten the drug, and when she planned to reach this point, Georgie could

only be cruel and take out the soup.

The soup is also filled with abortion drugs, a two-pronged approach.

The medicine didn’t take effect so quickly. After Georgie brought out the soup, she smiled and said,

“Lady, the fruit at home is almost gone. I’m going to buy some fruit.”

Vivienne Quinn didn’t notice Georgie ‘s strangeness, and said, “Well, go ahead, Georgie, don’t be too

tired, after you’re done with work, go and rest.”

“Okay, okay.” Georgie felt so guilty, she didn’t dare to stay longer, let alone look directly at Vivienne

Quinn, went to Georgie’s room to change clothes and went out.

After leaving the villa, Georgie immediately called Old Madam to report,”The medicine has been taken,

and I saw Lady take it with my own eyes, old lady, the money…’”

Old Madam on the other end of the phone felt very happy, and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, the

money is ready for you, cash.”

Old Madam didn’t dare to transfer the money. If it was found out, it would be hard for her to face her


If you can do it quietly, then naturally you don’t want to make a big deal out of it.

Vivienne Quinn ‘s stomach is unstable, and she will have a miscarriage at that time, so there can be an


After making the phone call, Georgie looked back at the direction of the villa. She didn’t dare to go back

now, so she could only go to the supermarket to buy fruit and stall for time as if nothing happened.

Vivienne Quinn ‘s appetite is not bad today. She ate a lot of roast chicken and even finished the soup.

After dinner, Vivienne Quinn was prone to sleepiness, so she yawned and went upstairs to rest.

Mrs. Quinn is in good spirits today, so she called her ex-sisters in the living room downstairs to chat

about homework.

Vivienne Quinn lay down, she fell asleep not long after. She didn’t know why, but she felt extremely

sleepy today.

In a daze, she had another nightmare.

After sleeping for less than half an hour, Vivienne Quinn woke up, her heart beat faster, and she felt

very flustered for no


Vivienne Quinn clutched her chest, tried her best to breathe deeply and slowly, and adjusted her

posture, hoping to breathe more smoothly. However, when she moved her body, she saw a bright red

stain on the bed sheet.

Vivienne Quinn’s face turned pale with fright. She threw off the quilt abruptly. There was already a lot of

blood on the bed, just like the dream she had last night, and her lower abdomen also hurt, as if there

was a large pair of pliers in her stomach The pain caused her to yell Mrs. Quinn.

“Mom, mom, call the doctor…”

Vivienne Quinn ‘s voice. She didn’t dare to move. Seeing the bright red blood gushing out and staining

the sheets, she was so frightened that her limbs became cold and her whole body trembled.

At that moment, she was very helpless and terrified. novelbin

Mrs. Quinn who heard the voice ran upstairs quickly. After entering the room, he saw the blood on the

bed sheet and was stunned. Then he hurried to Vivienne Quinn,”What’s going on, Vivienne, don’t

worry, Mom Just call an ambulance.”

Mrs. Quinn was also frightened to the point of losing her sanity. When she called the hospital, she was

incoherent and flustered. When she gave birth to Vivienne Quinn, she never experienced such a

sudden bleeding. Now that the child is only five months old, it is impossible. Health.

This sudden bleeding made Vivienne Quinn’s voice choke,”Mom, will my baby be lost? Mom, my

stomach hurts.”

There were bursts of severe pain in the abdomen and waist. Vivienne Quinn couldn’t bear it anymore,

her palms were covered with cold sweat, and she looked painful.

Mrs. Quinn panicked,” Vivienne, don’t panic, mom is here, the doctor will come soon, the child will be

fine, don’t be afraid, just wait for a while, I’ll ask the driver to take you to the hospital.”

Mrs. Quinn worried that the ambulance was too slow, so she went downstairs to find the driver.

Mrs. Quinn searched all over the house, but did not find the driver. Before sending Mona to school,

Mrs. Quinn did not

seem to see the driver.

Mrs. Quinn was distraught, at this moment, the doorbell rang, and Mrs. Quinn went to answer the door,

thinking it was an ambulance, but she didn’t know it was Lily Maya.

“Lily Maya, you’re driving, right? Help take Vivienne to the hospital.” Mrs. Quinn seemed to have caught

a life-saving


Lily Maya saw that Mrs. Quinn’s expression was not right, and asked, “Auntie, what’s the matter?

What’s wrong with

Vivienne Quinn ?”

“Vivienne is bleeding heavily, hurry up, come upstairs with me, and take Vivienne to the hospital. The

ambulance won’t come for half a day. If the delay continues, both Vivienne and the child will be in

trouble.” Mrs. Quinn hurriedly pulled Lily Maya on Floor to help.

Chater 446

Hearing the words of Vivienne Quinn bleeding profusely, Lily Maya gloated for a moment in her heart.

Lily Maya followed Mrs. Quinn upstairs and saw that the sheets were all stained red with blood. When

Vivienne Quinn was already in pain and had no strength, lying on the bed pale, Lily Maya was

frightened and exclaimed,”Oh my God,how so.”

She had never seen this scene before.

Vivienne Quinn is now struggling to prevent herself from passing out. She is in too much pain, as if

someone is cutting her waist and stomach with a knife. She really can’t stand it


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