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Chapter 436

Chapter 436

The complexity in Lily Maya ‘s heart can no longer be described in words.

Vivienne Quinn said,”Cousin, why don’t we go downstairs and sit down, I asked Georgie to cut some


“Okay.” Lily Maya looked in the direction of Damien Smyth ‘s study out of the corner of her eye.

Vivienne Quinn supported her waist with one hand and the railing with the other as she went

downstairs step by step.

There are a lot of steps in this building, and Vivienne Quinn is bulky and walks cautiously.

Lily Maya stood one step behind. She stared at Vivienne Quinn ‘s back, looked at the steps below, and

thought in her heart, what would happen if Vivienne Quinn rolled down the steps? Is the baby in the

womb unstoppable?

this thought flashed through Lily Maya’s mind, her hand just stretched out…

With just a push, Vivienne Quinn will roll down the stairs.

Just when Lily Maya ‘s hand was about to touch Vivienne Quinn ‘s back, GeorgieGeorgie stood at the

stairs downstairs and shouted,” Lady, the fruits are all cut.”

Georgie’s voice frightened Lily Maya back. In order to cover up, she immediately went to help Vivienne

Quinn,”Let me support you.”

“Okay.” Vivienne Quinn didn’t notice anything wrong with Lily Maya, so she went downstairs with Lily

Maya’s help.

Lily Maya to eat fruit, and sat down on the sofa herself.

Lily Maya couldn’t stay any longer. She ate some fruit and found an excuse to leave.

Vivienne Quinn sat on the sofa for a while, when suddenly there was the sound of a glass breaking

behind her.

It was GeorgieGeorgie who accidentally broke a glass.

Georgie hurriedly tidied up,”I’m sorry Lady, I’ll tidy up right away, don’t let the glass shards pierce your


“Georgie, is there something on your mind?” Vivienne Quinn walked over with her waist supported, “I

see you’ve been in a daze all day, what’s wrong with your waist?”

When Georgie squatted to pick up the broken glass, Vivienne Quinn happened to see a wound on her

waist, which looked like a belt pull.

“No, no, maybe I haven’t had a good rest.” Georgie quickly tore off her clothes to cover her waist, and

said with a forced smile,” Lady, I’m off to work.”

Georgie packed up the pieces and carried them into the kitchen, where there was no one else, she

didn’t have to force herself, with a pained look on her face.

Georgie lifted up his clothes and looked at the bruises on his waist, recalling the scene of domestic

violence last night in his mind.

Georgie, who is in her forties, has been subjected to

domestic violence. For the sake of her family and because she thought her husband could change, she

has been enduring it

for more than ten years.

The reason for beating her this time was that she didn’t take the money back. Georgie ‘s husband was

addicted to

gambling and owed 300,000 usury loans. Her little money was not enough to repay the usury loans.

Now the collector came to the door, and if he didn’t pay back the money, he chopped off the husband’s


Georgie ‘s husband forced Georgie to take the money, and if he couldn’t get it back within three days,

he would go to his daughter’s company to make trouble.

Georgie is afraid. She can do whatever she wants, but she can’t let her daughter’s life be disturbed.

Georgie promised to get the money back within three days, but 300,000, where can she get it?

Just then, Georgie ‘s cell phone rang, and it was a call from Old Madam.

Georgie used to work in the old house. After Damien Smyth and Vivienne Quinn moved to the newnovelbin

home, Damien Smyth saw that Georgie was quick and careful, so he called to take care of Vivienne


Georgie was surprised when he received the call from Old Madam, but he still smiled and said,

“Madam, what’s your order?

Okay, I’ll go over now…”

Old Madam asked Georgie out for a trip, in a tea house nearby.

Georgie followed the address. Georgie didn’t know why Old

Madam was looking for her. After arriving at the teahouse, Old Madam took out a bottle of medicine

and said, “Take it back and give it to Vivienne Quinn.”

“Madam, what kind of medicine is this?” Georgie asked, “Is it for Lady’s health?”

“It’s an abortion pill.”

Hearing the abortion pill, Georgie turned pale with fright, how dare she take it.

“Old lady, old lady.” Georgie stammered,”Did you say something wrong, give the abortion pill to Lady?

Lady is pregnant, how can this be done.”

Georgie was stuttering and incoherent.

She also couldn’t understand why Old Madam wanted to destroy the seed of Smyth Family, he was a


Old Madam said forcefully,”Here, this is the medicine I got specially to kill the wild species in her

stomach, Georgie, you have been working in my Smyth Family for so many years, how do I treat you? I

haven’t treated you badly, now I ask you to do something to remove the bastard from Vivienne Quinn’s

stomach, isn’t that too much?”

Old Madam sneaked back from the countryside just to get rid of the child in Vivienne Quinn ‘s


“No, no, no…” Georgie waved his hand, stuttering in panic, “Old, old lady, why is that, that is your

great-grandson, how can you do such a thing.”

“The one in Vivienne Quinn’s belly is not from my Smyth Family, and that’s why I let you do this.” Old

Madam said with a heartbroken expression, ” Georgie, this is a family. misfortune. You can’t expose

your family ugliness. I can’t Waiting for Vivienne Quinn to give birth to a child in Smyth Family, it’s over,

my Smyth Family’s huge property is all given to people with foreign surnames.”

Georgie couldn’t believe it,” Lady cheated?”

“That’s not right, I personally asked someone to investigate.” Old Madam said,” Georgie, now because

of Vivienne Quinn, my grandson is no longer close to me, and Vivienne Quinn won’t take the things I

give, so you just take this medicine Take it back and give it to Vivienne Quinn, without anyone noticing

it, don’t worry, you know this and I know it, and it will rot in your stomach forever.”

“Old lady, I can’t do this, this, how can this be done.” Georgie was afraid, even if Lady was pregnant

with a wild species, it couldn’t kill someone.

A five-month-old child is already in shape.

Mrs. Smyth grabbed Georgie ‘s hand, held it tightly, stuffed the medicine into her hand, and stared at

her with cloudy eyes,” Georgie, you must do this for me. Your family needs. 300,000 USD. As long as

you agree, the 300,000 USD will be given to you immediately, and you should think about your

daughter and your husband.”

Georgie looked at Old Madam Smyth in astonishment, why did Old Madam know about her lack of


Georgie didn’t have the brains to figure out the twists and turns, and her heart was not so firm in the

face of Old Madam ‘s coercion and temptation.

“Old madam, that is a child in shape. It’s a life. I can’t do it. If the young master finds out about it, I’ll

have to be skinned.” Georgie’s courage made her feel a little timid,” Lady betrayed the young master,

You can explain it to the young master, it doesn’t necessarily mean killing people.”

If Damien can listen to me, can I come up with this plan?” Old Madam held Georgie ‘s hand tightly and

said, “I’ll give you

a day to think about it. If you agree, I’ll give you three more when it’s done.” One hundred thousand,

don’t worry, as long as you keep secret, you won’t find out, whether to help me get rid of the wild

species, or let your daughter have no peace, you should think about it yourself, you take the medicine


With that said, Old Madam got up and left.

She has to go back to the country, she can’t let people know that she has been to Washington DC.

the Old Madam left, Georgie was holding the abortion pill, her heart beating faster. She had never done

anything wrong in her life, so she didn’t know what to do at this moment.

But when he thought of the troubles he encountered and the words of Old Madam, Georgie was

troubled in his heart.

Georgie still didn’t throw away the medicine, and went home with a heavy heart.

Vivienne Quinn ‘s voice came from above her head.

“Georgie, where have you been?”

Georgie, who had done something wrong, suddenly felt guilty, and stammered, “I, I’m going out to buy


Vivienne Quinn took out a bottle of medicine and said, ” Georgie, this is ointment. It is very effective in

promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. I see that you have a wound on your waist.”

Georgie looked at the medicine Vivienne Quinn handed over, feeling ashamed.

“Thank you Lady.” Georgie hesitated to reach for the

medicine, but accidentally dropped the abortion pill that Old Madam gave her, and rolled right to

Vivienne Quinn’s feet.

Georgie ‘s heart suddenly rose in her throat.

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