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Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Over the past few months, Old Madam has been trying to call Vivienne Quinn to her home, so she has

been asking about Vivienne Quinn ‘s situation at Grayson Smyth, just to use Grayson Smyth ‘s mou th

to let Vivienne Quinn and Damien Smyth know that she is slowly Accept Vivienne Quinn with all

sincerity, and care about the great-grandson in Vivienne Quinn’s belly. novelbin

Damien Smyth last night, Old Madam couldn’t find a chance to make a move. Now that he finally has a

chance to make a move, Old Madam will not let it go.

Old Madam is not afraid of being exposed, she will abort the child now, and then she will expose

Vivienne Quinn’s wild species. She believes that her grandson will understand her painstaking efforts.

Old Madam didn’t dare to report it now, one is afraid of scaring the snake, and the other is that if the

grandson doesn’t believe her, it will be a waste of time.

Old Madam put the abortion medicine into the water cup and washed it with water and sugar. This is

the imported abortion medicine bought by Old Madam. Lose.

After finishing all this, Old Madam went to the restaurant with a water glass, Vivienne Quinn was

eating, Violet Smyth showed Vivienne Quinn the new clothes bought for the baby, the mother-in-law

and daughter-in-law were talking and laughing.

“Vivienne Quinn, drink some water.” Old Madam brought it to Vivienne Quinn himself with a kind smile.

Vivienne Quinn was flattered, “Grandma, how can I ask you to pour me water.”

“Should be, should be, you are pregnant with the seed of my Smyth Family, what if I bring you some

water.” Old Madam sat down with a smile, and said, ” Vivienne Quinn, drink quickly, before, It’s all

grandma’s fault, grandma’s brain is confused, and now she has figured it out, nothing is better than a

good family together, and everything is happy at home.”

Old Madam poured water herself, how could Vivienne Quinn have a reason to refuse?

However, Old Madam ‘s words really surprised Vivienne Quinn.

The stubborn Old Madam not only accepted her, but poured water for peace?

Vivienne Quinn felt that this was too abnormal, and she dared not drink this glass of water.

Seeing that Vivienne Quinn didn’t drink, Old Madam became anxious, and still smiled,” Vivienne Quinn,

drink quickly.”

“Thank you grandma.” Vivienne Quinn took the water glass.

Seeing that Old Madam had figured it out, Violet Smyth said, “Vivienne, drink.”

Violet Smyth said the same, and Vivienne Quinn had to drink

too. She was pregnant with Smyth Family ‘s child, and Old Madam would never hurt her.

Thinking of this, Vivienne Quinn handed the water glass to her mo uth…

Old Madam’s heart was on his chest, his cloudy eyes stared at Vivienne Quinn, and his heart was very

anxious, wishing that Vivienne Quinn would drink soon.

However, just as Vivienne Quinn was about to drink it, she smelled the water wrongly, and after

pregnancy, she was very sensitive to the smell.

For some unknown reason, Vivienne Quinn didn’t dare to drink the water. She pretended to be oops,

and slipped her hand and dropped the water glass on the ground.

The cup fell to the ground, and Old Madam’s face turned. green at that moment. This was the liquid

abortion medicine she managed to buy through someone.

Vivienne Quinn also saw Old Madam ‘s face, what should I say, that face looked like she wanted to eat


This made Vivienne Quinn more sure that there was something wrong with the water.

Vivienne Quinn said deliberately,”Grandma, I’m sorry, just now the baby kicked my stomach, I was too

surprised, I didn’t hold it steady.”

Violet Smyth hurriedly helped Vivienne Quinn away,”

Vivienne, step on the broken glass and get hurt, Sister Fen, come and clean it up.”

Vivienne Quinn moved away, and Old Madam was so angry that he had to say, “It’s okay, as long as it

didn’t hurt anyone.”

“Well, I’m done eating too, m o m, grandma, I have an appointment with a friend, so I’m leaving first.”

Vivienne Quinn made an excuse to leave.

Violet Smyth said,”Okay, then I’ll let the driver take you.”

“Okay.” Vivienne Quinn couldn’t wait to leave the old house of Smyth Family.

Old Madam’s first plan failed, and she was very angry. It

seemed that she had to ask someone to prepare some medicine.

Old Madam went back to the room to make a phone call, while Vivienne Quinn, who had left the old

house of the Smyth Family, was restless all the time, and she was also wondering if she was thinking

too much.

Old Madam can’t harm his great-grandson.

Anyway, Vivienne Quinn thinks there is something wrong with Old Madam, she didn’t drink that glass of

water, Old Madam ‘s face is too strange.

Vivienne Quinn didn’t dare to tell Damien Smyth her guess. She went to Lainey Marlowe ‘s beauty

salon, so she could only talk to Lainey Marlowe.

When Lainey Marlowe heard that Old Madam was behaving abnormally, Lainey Marlowe said in

surprise,” Vivienne Quinn, is your Old Madam possessed by something? If she loves her great-

grandson, when she knew you were pregnant, she was so happy to see her.” ah.”

“This is exactly what I’m wondering about.” Vivienne Quinn expressed her inner guess,” Lainey, tell me,

will Old Madam be really bad for the child in my stomach? That water monster is not ordinary anyway.


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