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Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Flash Marriage He Made My Jaw Drop

What the little girl said made the man in the room very


The man held a feather duster in his hand, pointed at the little girl and said. “You have a backbone, and

you look down on me as a father, so go out and find your own parents, I’ll see what you have, little ba

st ard, it’s really against the sky.

The little girl said angrily, “I will find my parents, I don’t want you to worry about it.”

The little girl went to press the elevator as she said that, she was still very


Seeing that the little girl was coming for real, the man hurried to pull her back,” Zoe, you’re against the

sky, aren’t you? See if I won’t hit you.”

The man pretended to hit it a few times with a feather duster, just to frighten him, but he didn’t really do


But the little girl yelled, “I abused the children, Jones abused the children.”

after hearing the little girl’s name that Vivienne Quinn realized that this person was the child Mr.

Hudson mentioned.

Vivienne Quinn was a little surprised to see such a naturally rebellious little girl.

This temper… is too hot.

Vivienne Quinn quickly persuaded the man, “That…..I…”

Before he could finish speaking, the man carried the little girl into the room and closed the door behind

his back. The man who was so angry didn’t notice Vivienne Quinn at all.

Vivienne Quinn.”…

Lainey Marlowe was also shocked by this scene.” Vivienne Quinn, is that your daughter? This temper

is too big ”

obviously about the same age as Mona, but their temperaments are very different. One is well-

behaved, sensible, gentle and gentle, and the other is like a little pepper.

“It’s a bit of a surprise” Vivienne Quinn rang the doorbell again, and after a while, the man opened the

door, and Vivienne Quinn hurriedly said, “H. Mr Jones. I’m Vivienne Quinn. I have something to do with

you, can I have a chat?” ”

“Who are you, what are you doing?” The man was also grumpy, looking at Vivienne Quinn and Lainey


Vivienne Quinn to directly explain her intentions. The identity of the child has not been clarified, and

she is afraid of causing trouble.

Vivienne Quinn said. “I was introduced by Mr Hudson

Hearing Mr. Hudson ‘s name. the man’s expression changed slightly, he hesitated for a moment, and

said. “Go into the room and tell ”

“Okay, thank you” Vivienne Quinn nodded politely and entered the room with Lainey Marlowe

The little girl stood in the comer of the living room with an expression of. dissatisfaction The mannovelbin

shouted, “Go into the house and see what you want Before your parents came to pick you up, you were

my daughter Stay well ”

“My parents will come to pick me up. Jones, you poor man is not worthy of being my father” The little

girl roared ferociously, and went back to

the room

the little girl gave Vivienne Quinn was that she was uneducated, yelled, and called her elders by their

first names. She disliked the poor and loved

the rich

Vivienne Quinn frowned and asked. “Mr. Jones, has this child always been like this?”

“It’s not bad today, but when it’s usually noisy, the house almost burned down, and I’m talking about

looking for my parents every day, and I hate that I can’t give me a good life.”

Jones squinted at Vivienne Quinn. lit a cigarette, and said. “Mr Hudson called me You want to pick up

the child. I have no problem. Pick it up early so that I can have a quiet time

Vivienne Quinn didn’t expect Jones to be so straightforward, and she hadn’t verified his identity yet, so

she let her pick him up

Lainey Marlowe said,” Mr. Jones, isn’t this slop py, and I have to do a paternity test anyway

“It’s up to you.” Jones was impatient. looked at Vivienne Quinn and said, “If you are really the mother of

the child. pick it up quickly, what kind of child should you raise, it’s a headache.”

Vivienne Quinn quickly said. “It’s really hard work, this child is really troublesome. Mr Jones, how about

this. I will do a paternity test with the child first, and we will talk about the rest when the results come


“Whatever” Jones looked indifferent, wanting to get rid of the kid

Vivienne Quinn on the sofa through the cra ck of the door

Such a beautiful Nanny is her mother?

The little girl looked at Vivienne Quinn with a snobby look that didn’t match her age.

The little girl doesn’t know any famous brands, but Vivienne Quinn is well dressed and beautiful, much

better than her adoptive parents.

“Mom, Mom.” The little girl rushed out of the room, ran to Vivienne Quinn, took Vivienne Quinn ‘s hand,

and shouted excitedly and enthusiastically, “Mom, you are my mother, you are here to pick me up,

Mom, we are now Just go, I really don’t want to be here at all.”

Take the child away now, Vivienne Quinn really didn’t think about it.

Hearing the little girl call her mother, Vivienne Quinn didn’t feel happy but felt uneasy.

Vivienne Quinn didn’t know how to answer for a moment, the little girl shook Vivienne Quinn ‘s hand,

“Mom, take me away, I want to live with you.”

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