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Chapter 370

Chapter 370

neighbor ?

1 789 (Vouchers

Mrs. Quinn quickly realized. “Is Ruby’s son lost?”

Ruby got into the game for mistreating Mona before, and it’s only been two days since she came out.

The eldest sister said. “Yes, I lost it this morning. It has been two hours. and I haven’t found it yet.”

Brandon Will leaned forward to check his presence.”Whose child is lost?”

Mrs. Quinn glanced at Mona who was playing on the slide more than ten meters away, and said. “I

used to adopt children from Mona ‘s family”

Such a big event of losing a child in the community naturally aroused people’s discussion.

in the community came over and said, “It’s all the fault of the child’s mother. The child is so old. Take it

to the chess hall and play chess. Why do you care about the child? You don’t know when the child is


Immediately, people came over again.”That woman is really nothing, she just has a poor child, how can

she play chess while taking care of the child.”

“That’s right, it’s a crime.”

“It’s still a boy, it’s a pity.”

“It’s been lost for two hours, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find it.”

“Just now I saw the child’s father looking for him all over the street, and he went crazy.”

The child was lost, and Nick’s whole body collapsed. His son was the

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meaning of his hard work. Now that his son is lost, he feels that the sky is broken.

The police came to take notes and asked about the situation at the time of the incident.

When the child was lost. Nick was not at home and went out to do odd jobs. He hadn’t gone to work for

a long time, and the family was almost unable to make ends meet.

Ruby came out of detention, he went to work odd jobs.

He handed the child to Ruby, and within two days, the child was lost.

In the face of the police’s questioning, Ruby knew how to cry, but she couldn’t explain clearly. She said

back and forth.”I don’t know. I’m playing chess. I asked the owner of the teahouse to watch the child.

When did I

lose it? I don’t know either.”

Thinking that the child was lost because of his wife playing chess, Nick was so angry that he picked up

the stool beside him and smashed it.

Ruby, you return my son, I let you take care of the child at home, what kind of chess do you play, you

will die if you don’t play chess, that is the root of my old Darcy Family, you find my son back for me.”

Nick is usually honest and doesn’t get angry very much, but suddenly he became angry, which scared

Ruby very much. The police quickly persuaded, mediated the conflict between the husband and wife,

and promised to find the child as soon as possible.

police left, Nick dragged Ruby into the bedroom and beat him.

The loss of his son made Nick lose his mind and beat and kicked Ruby.

Ruby ‘s screams could be heard throughout the building, but no one tried to dissuade them.

like Ruby everyone thinks she deserves it. She beat Mona to death

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before, so she should be taught a lesson this time.

Ruby ‘s screams lasted for a long time. Nick was overwhelmed with anger. rushed into the room and

took the kitchen knife.

Seeing that Nick was holding a kitchen knife, Ruby ran out of the door in fright.

“Killed, killed, help, help.”

Ruby was terrified, and ran and shouted for help, and was so frightened that even her voice changed.

They are all using knives, who dares to come out to help?

Nick ran after Ruby all over the community, and the residents of the community stretched their heads

out of the windows to watch, and Ruby’s miserable screams echoed in the community for a long time.

The adults brought home the children playing in the community one after another. Mrs. Quinn hurriedly

took Mona home, and Brandon Will took the opportunity to follow her upstairs.

Nick cursed behind Ruby,”You bit ch, I let you play chess, I have to chop off your hand today.”

In the end, Ruby still didn’t run, and was slashed on the arm.

Ruby covered his severed arm, sat on the ground crying, and yelled at Nick,”If you have the ability, you

can kill that Meng, Nick, it doesn’t matter to me if my son is lost, it’s that Meng who took Mona away,

our son It just happened.”

Nick thought of the fortune teller’s words, his son and Mona’s fate are connected together, after Mona

was adopted by Vivienne Quinn, his son had an accident.

Nick was very emotional, his chest heaved violently, he was holding a knife in his hand, his eyes were

scarlet very scary.

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