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Chapter 340

Chapter 340

The popularity of the live broadcast room keeps rising, from 500,000 online views, to 1 million, and still


Damien Smyth is the face, the face of Skyreach Group, and rightfully so.

Even Trevor Randolph once teased Damien Smyth, if Damien Smyth is willing to sacrifice his beauty,

Skyreach Group can go to another level.

If Skyreach Group makes women’s skin care products, Damien Smyth will show up and bring out the

products, it will definitely be instant.

There are two types of people in this world who make the best money, women and children.

Women are the lifeblood of the family and even the entire social economy, and Damien Smyth has the

capital to strangle these women’s lifeblood.

Lily Maya was also in the live broadcast room. She couldn’t watch it live, so she could only watch it in

the live broadcast room.

Lily Maya was delighted to see Damien Smyth on stage and see how popular he was .

Damien Smyth caught Lily Maya’s eyes firmly with every gesture.

“Lily Maya, Lily Maya, help (m o m) get the scissors.” Stella Maya yelled a few times in a row, and Lily

Maya sat on the sofa, staring at a mobile phone without moving.

Stella Maya walked over curiously, and saw Lily Maya staring at a man on the phone.

Stella Maya felt familiar, “Isn’t this the husband of Vivienne Quinn ? He participated in the draft?”

Stella Maya didn’t know the identity of Damien Smyth either. Seeing Damien Smyth in a suit and

leather shoes, handsome and handsome speaking on stage, she thought she was partici pating in

some variety

iding into pag now

Lily Maya said, “He is the president of Skyreach Group. Today is Skyreach ‘s anniversary celebration.

He gave a speech on the stage, not a talent show.”

“Skyreach Group?” Stella Maya asked in surprise, “Is it the one that ranks at the top of the world’s

wealth list?”

“Yes.” Lily Maya smiled and said, “(m o m) , look, isn’t Damien Smyth very handsome? He is only thirty

years old, but in just a few years, Skyreach Group has become the leading large enterprise outside the



“Oh, my god, this Vivienne Quinn is so lucky, she is married into a wealthy family.” Stella Maya

exclaimed, “I didn’t see it before, I thought this young man was handsome, but I didn’t expect him to be

so handsome.” It’s the same with your aunt and Vivienne Quinn, why have you been hiding it from us,

why, you’re afraid that we will climb high.”

Damien Smyth suddenly made Stella Maya lose her sense of superiority, and she also felt jealous in

her heart.

This person is like this. He can hope for your well-being, but he absolutely doesn’t want to see you live

better than him.

Lily Maya didn’t help explain, but said in a sour tone,” Vivienne Quinn is indeed lucky. Damien Smyth is

the man that thousands of women want to marry, but he just married Vivienne Quinn.”

Stella Maya said sarcastically,”That’s right, then Vivienne Quinn is nothing good. Apart from being

good-looking, you are actually not bad, but your fate is bad. If you marry someone like Zorro, if you can

marry someone like Damien Smyth Yes, you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of your life, if you

compare with Vivienne Quinn, in the end, you still lose to her.”

Stella Maya’s words were like a thorn, piercing into Lily Maya ‘s heart.

Dividing into pages now

Anniversary celebration scene.

Damien Smyth introduced Skyreach Group, and also made a summary of the company this year, and

then came to the final link, introducing Vivienne Quinn.

Damien Smyth glanced at Vivienne Quinn backstage, and his serious expression just now softened


Damien Smyth’s thin lips were slightly raised, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his (m o u t

h), which caused the live broadcast room to explode.

Damien Smyth laughing, so lethal.

This group of netizens in the live broadcast today were killed in various ways, with side faces and

smiles, even Damien Smyth frowned slightly, he was so handsome.

It is not unreasonable that the three views follow the five senses.

Damien Smyth withdrew his gaze, looked at the audience, and said in a clear voice, “Today, I would like

to introduce to you the most important person in my life…”

The Old Madam in the lounge saw that Damien Smyth was going to introduce Vivienne Quinn from the

live broadcast, so he hurried to the front hall of the dinner.

Violet Smyth knew what Old Madam was going to do, so she hurried forward and stopped her,”(m o m)

, you can’t mess around, today is the big day of Skyreach Group, and it will be broadcast live, and then

the Smyth Family will lose face.”

“If I don’t go, Damien will announce the identity of that woman to everyone, and then our Smyth Family

will lose face.” novelbin

Just as the two were arguing, Damien Smyth in the front office had already,finished the following

sentence,”…my wife, Vivienne Quinn.”

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