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Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Old Madam asked this question, it became clear what he


Jessie was overjoyed, and said shyly, “Not yet, Grandma, if you have a suitable one, you can also

introduce it to me. A few days ago, my family was still urging me.”

“It’s fine if you don’t have one.” Old Madam held Jessie ‘s hand and said kindly. “I remember you used

to come to play at home, and when you were young, you still wanted to marry Damien. How about

being my grandson-in-law?”

These words made Jessie very happy, and she couldn’t hide her joy on her face.

“Grandma, really?” Jessie said with a smile, “It would be great if I could be grandma’s granddaughter-

in-law, but Damien is already married…”

“As long as you agree, then this matter will be covered by grandma. If you call me grandma, then I will

decide for you granddaughter-in-law.”

Old Madam liked Jessie. Although Darcy Family is not as good as Smyth Family, it is barely worthy of

it, and Jessie often went to Smyth Family to play when she was a child. more satisfied.

With the words of Old Madam, Jessie felt that she was a big step closer to the position of Smyth Lady.

“Grandma, in fact, I have always liked Damien, but I have nothing to do with Damien. Damien suddenly

married that Vivienne Quinn, and I have been sad for a long time.” Jessie deliberately said, “But I have

figured it out now, As long as Damien can be happy, grandma can like me, so I am very happy for her

affirmation, even if can’t be your granddaughter-in- law, I am content.”

Jessie’s words made Old Madam like it even more, and felt sorry for

“What a good boy.” Old Madam held Jessie ‘s hand tightly and said, “If Damien marries you, it will be a

blessing for the Smyth Family.”

Jessie said shyly.”Grandma, don’t be joking. I heard that Damien has brought Vivienne Quinn here

today. Now all the rich and famous ladies. present are discussing who Damien married. II met Vivienne

Quinn, she is very beautiful, and Damien is also a man and woman, but…”

“Just what?” asked Old Madam.

Jessie said embarrassingly, “Grandma, I don’t want to talk too much, but I don’t want grandma and the

Smyth Family to be kept in the dark. That Vivienne Quinn was born as a street vendor. I heard

everyone talking about Vivienne Quinn ‘s Damien’s family background is not good enough for Damien,

the Smyth Family is a rich and famous family, and marrying a poor girl who sells street stalls, isn’t that

a joke?”

“What, that Vivienne Quinn used to be a street vendor?” Upon hearing this, Old Madam disliked

Vivienne Quinn even more.

Jessie nodded, “Yeah, grandma, don’t you know? Vivienne Quinn used to set up a street stall in thenovelbin

night market, and she only graduated from high school with a diploma. She didn’t even go to college. I

don’t know why Damien fell in love with such a vulgar person. Maybe it’s because she’s pretty.”

“It’s just a high school diploma?” Old Madam ‘s dissatisfaction and anger intensified,” Damien is really

obsessed, how can Smyth Family marry an uneducated woman.”

“Maybe, Damien really likes it.” Jessie saw that Old Madam’s anger was almost over, and then

continued to fan the flames,”Actually, Vivienne Quinn is a street vendor, has no culture, and it doesn’t

matter, who made Damien like it, but, II heard that Vivienne Quinn is still infertile, so doesn’t that cut off

the Smyth Family’s incense?”

Dividing into panes now

Jessie ‘s last fire really ignited.

Upon hearing that Vivienne Quinn was infertile, Old Madam slapped the table angrily, “Confused, really

confused, I think Damien is fascinated by that woman. How can the incense of this Smyth Family be


“Grandma, calm down.” Jessie falsely comforted, “Don’t get angry, it’s not worth it, grandma, don’t say I

said it, or Damien will be angry with me. Vivienne Quinn is a bit contradictory, Brother Damien is

already very dissatisfied with me, and Damien lied about being infertile for Vivienne Quinn, he must

have loved Vivienne Quinn badly for him to be able to do this.”

“What? What else?” Old Madam couldn’t sit still, and immediately stood up.” Where is Vivienne Quinn,

I’ll go and see now, what kind of woman is it that fascinates my grandson.”

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