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Chapter 326

Chapter 326

1288 Vouchers

Damien Smyth was immediately discouraged, sat down on the sofa, and said with desire and

dissatisfaction, “I will block your cousin from now


This is about to get on the highway, and suddenly there is a sudden brake, even a man has to be a little


Vivienne Quinn smiled, reached out and touched Damien Smyth ‘s face, and said angrily.”You have not

used up your energy from Los Angeles to Washington DC ? All day long, think about things in bed, give

me Get out, I’ll answer the phone.”

Damien Smyth stiffened his (m ou th) and went out obediently.

Vivienne Quinn answered the phone, “Cousin, what’s the matter?”

As soon as the voice fell, Lily Maya began to cry on the other end of the phone.” Vivienne Quinn, Zorro

is really an assh ole, I tried all kinds of methods, and I also tried to find ways to catch him at work, but it

didn’t work. Go home and quarrel with my parents, I dare not go home now, can I go to your place?”

“But I’m not at home.” Vivienne Quinn said awkwardly,”How about this, cousin, you should find a hotel

to stay first.”

“You’re not at home? I heard from my mother that you and my aunt have come back from Los Angeles

?” Lily Maya called Vivienne Quinn only after she found out about this.

“It’s back. It’s just that we’re staying at Damien Smyth’s house and we haven’t returned to Willow

Garden.” Vivienne Quinn said, “It’s a bit complicated to say, why don’t you go to the hotel?”

“That’s fine.” Lily Maya complained on the phone,” Vivienne Quinn, I have a fight with Zorro, and mynovelbin

friends around me have nothing to do, so I just complained to you. You don’t think I’ll nag, do you?”

“No, no.” Vivienne Quinn just felt nagging, so she couldn’t say it out.

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Lily Maya is in a stage of fragile nerves, and maybe a casual word or action can become the last straw

that crushes the opponent.

July is the best example.

After July committed suicide by jumping off the building, July’s father July’s mother held a banner at the

entrance of the clubhouse in order to demand compensation from the Red Club and incite public

opinion. July’s mother sat at the door holding July ‘s portrait and placed a lot of wreaths.

July’s parents sold miserably on the Internet, accusing Red Club of black hearts, Red Club chose to

compromise in order to settle the matter, and finally paid 1 million in compensation before giving up.

Vivienne Quinn saw the hot search and was also very angry, but she felt that there was nothing she

could do.

She just watched the Wang family helplessly, squeezed out the last bit of value from July, and returned

to her hometown with one million compensation.

When a person’s strength is small, there is really nothing he can do about the tragedies in the world

except to watch.

On the phone, Lily Maya said, ” Vivienne Quinn, it’s my birthday tomorrow, can you come and celebrate

my birthday with me?”

Lily Maya has said so, how can Vivienne Quinn refuse?

“Okay, tomorrow night? I have to go to the company during the day.”

“Well, in the evening, see you tomorrow night.” Lily Maya said, “Then I won’t disturb the world between

you and your brother-in-law. I will book a seat tomorrow and send you the address.”


the next day

1288 Vouchers

Mrs. Quinn was not used to such a luxurious life, and felt uncomfortable. Early the next morning, she

found an excuse and went back to renting out

her own room.

Mrs. Quinn hasn’t been back for a long time, she has to go back and have a look and clean up.

Her leg was healed, and she didn’t want to live with her daughter and son- in-law any longer.

Considering that Mona needs people to go to and from school, Mrs. Quinn still lives in Willow Garden.

Damien Smyth and Vivienne Quinn sent Mona to school together, and each went back to the company.

Vivienne Quinn sat down to take a rest and drink some water, Juno knocked on the door and came

in,”A big client asked you to help design a piece of jewelry.”

“Which big customer.” Vivienne Quinn put down the water glass.

Juno said, “The daughter of the Lin Group, Jessie.”

Hearing this name, Vivienne Quinn didn’t even want to receive it.

But before she could tell someone to send Jessie away, someone broke in..

Jessie came in arrogantly,” Vivienne Quinn, design me a piece of jewelry, it doesn’t matter how much it

costs, the main thing is to satisfy


Vivienne Quinn signaled Juno to go out first, and she could handle it by herself.

Juno looked at Vivienne Quinn with some concern, and Vivienne Quinn nodded at her, “It’s okay, you

can go and do other things, and help close

Dividing into pages now

the door.

“Okay.” Juno closed the door and left.

Jessie sat down uninvited, and looked at Vivienne Quinn coldly, “I want to design a jewelry for


Jessie, I don’t do your business.” Vivienne Quinn didn’t do things that were thankless, and said,

“Please ask someone else.”

Vivienne Quinn, I’m a customer of AL Jewelry now, there’s no reason to drive customers out.” Jessie

sneered, “Do you really think that with the backing of Damien Smyth, you can be defiant? You are just

his plaything, and he loves you in his heart.” someone else.”

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