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Chapter 1094

Chapter 1094

288 Vouchers

“What do you want to explain, Erica Booth, are you sick, persecution paranoia, go to the hospital

instead of the police station.”

Vivienne Quinn walked in and fucked Erica Booth straight away.

“Vivienne Quinn, you are a murderer.” Erica Booth was furious when she saw Vivienne Quinn, and her

hatred was overwhelming. She wanted to hit Vivienne Quinn excitedly, but was grabbed by Bob


“Erica Booth, this is the police station, not the vegetable market.” Bob Mendoza yelled, “Sit down for

me, talk slowly if you have something to do, and get things clear first.”

Erica Booth ‘s posture didn’t look like there was a misunderstanding, it seemed like there was some

deep hatred.

Vivienne Quinn glanced at the nanny who was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and then

at the crazy Erica Booth, frowning, “Tell me, what’s going on, Erica Booth, how did I hurt you.”

Erica Booth threw away Bob Mendoza, and pointed at Vivienne Quinn and the nanny angrily, “You two

colluded and tampered with on the steps, which caused me to fall down the stairs and lost the child. My

nanny admitted it just now. Vivienne Quinn, you still want to quibble, I saw you all coming out of the

Chanel store together today.”

Vivienne Quinn felt that it was a fantasy, and smiled coldly, “First, you also said that it was your nanny.

What she said is unbelievable. Second, I just happened to meet your nanny today. Before coming here,

I didn’t know she was your nanny.”

Erica Booth yelled loudly, “If you say you don’t know, you don’t know, Vivienne Quinn, you are too

cunning, too cruel, even unborn children can do it, you are not human.”

Vivienne Quinn fought back fiercely, ” Erica Booth, keep your mouth

Chapter 1094 novelbin

288 (Vouchers

clean. Your miscarriage has nothing to do with me. You say that I harmed you. Show the evidence.

Don’t bite people like a mad dog. Why should I harm you?”

The women quarreled, the men couldn’t intervene, Bob Mendoza and Dave were dumbfounded, and it

was useless for the two policemen to stand here.

The nanny hesitated to speak, but couldn’t get in.

Erica Booth pointed at Vivienne Quinn, “Your family Zona has conflicts with my family Susanna. You

hold grudges, so you join hands with my nanny and cause me to have a miscarriage.”

“You fart.” Vivienne Quinn put down the bag in her hand, also full of posture,” Erica Booth, do you have

a brain hole, because of the child’s conflict, I hate you, and, that is your nanny, my mother said no I

know, don’t bite people like a mad dog.”

As she said that, Vivienne Quinn looked at the nanny, “Tell me, what’s going on, what’s going on with

the hands and feet on the steps, after thinking about it clearly, false accusations or false testimony will

also lead to lawsuits.”

Bob Mendoza on the side was shocked by Vivienne Quinn ‘s posture, it was the first time he saw

Vivienne Quinn so fierce.

Erica Booth also yelled at the nanny, “If you dare to tell lies, I will not let you go. Tell everyone what you

just said, and tell everyone whether there is any problem with the steps.”

The nanny was really about to cry.

She is just a part-time worker, so how could she get involved in this


The nanny said with trepidation, “There is a problem with the steps…”

Chapter 1094

288 Vouc

“Look, admit it.” Erica Booth was excited and excited, ” Mendoza, you heard, she admitted, this matter

was ordered by Vivienne Quinn.”

Bob Mendoza frowned, ” Erica Booth, if you disturb the interrogation again, I will deal with it according

to the law. She just said that there is a problem with the steps, and she admits that it has something to

do with Vivienne Quinn.”

Erica Booth was not convinced, and said to the nanny, “Go on.”

The nanny continued, “Young Madam, after your miscarriage that day, I went home to clean up and

found that there was something wrong with the steps. I smelled a smell of peanut oil. I didn’t dare to

say it at the time because I was afraid of losing my job, but I can assure you., I really cleaned it twice, it

was clean, there could be no peanut oil, and I don’t know why there is on the steps.”

Vivienne Quinn listened carefully to the nanny’s dictation, but she didn’t say a word.

Bob Mendoza asked the nanny, “Are you sure Erica Booth was cleaned before the accident?”

“I’m sure.” The nanny said, “I get up at six o’clock every morning to clean. If there is still a dirty place, I

will clean it again. That day, the young lady didn’t get up until almost noon. I cleaned and went

shopping. I asked Ms. Susanna if she needed help bringing something back, and Ms. Susanna


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