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Chapter 1073

Chapter 1073

After saying the oath, Tom drank the juice in the bowl first.

Alger London followed suit and drank it all in one gulp.

After the ceremony was completed, Tom shouted, “Brother.”

Alger London, “Second brother.”

Tom was very excited, hugged Alger London, and said with a smile, “Brother, I’m counting on you for

my winter break homework, and I’m going to share the difficulties. God just witnessed it.”

Alger London, “…”

I am afraid that there are only “difficulties” and no “blessings”.

Alger London asked, “Is it too late to repent now?”

He felt cheated.

Tom immediately locked Alger London with both hands, cheating, “You can’t escape, God is watching,

you think the big brother is so good, Zona, you are watching, you are a witness.”

Zona pursed her lips and smiled, ” Alger London, you have been fooled by Tom, he has a lot of tricks.”

Alger London shrugged, “I feel like I’m on board too.”

Zane Will strode over, ” Tom, brat, who do you ask to do winter break homework, I won’t watch you for

a while, you will go to heaven.”

Seeing Zane Will coming, Tom pushed Alger London out to block, “Brother, help.”

At critical moments, brothers are used to betray.

The so-called, a poor Taoist will never die, a fellow Taoist.

Everyone laughed.

For Tom, there is no face at all, and he can bend and stretch.

there is Tom, there is joy everywhere. He is like a monkey, jumping up and down, very friendly.

Although he is foolish, he is convincing and people want to get close to him.

The birthday banquet was lively and lively until eleven o’clock. Vivienne Quinn took Zona back to the

hotel room to


Damien Smyth and Todd London Zane Will drank until the early hours of the morning.

London Family.

Todd London returned home reeking of alcohol, Alger London quickly stepped forward to help him sit

on the sofa, and handed him another glass of hangover soup.

Todd London opened his eyes and glanced at Alger London, “I haven’t slept yet.”

Alger London changed into home clothes, his hair was fluffy

after blow drying, his handsome face was sharp and angular, and he had a bit of a devilish

temperament. He is a person who can astonish the world.

Todd London drank the wine soup and said in a serious tone, “Why did you marry Tom today?”

Alger London ‘s circle of friends is the focus of London. Family people.

Todd London is not against Alger London making friends with Tom, but to know the intention.

Alger London said truthfully, “He is very interesting and friendly. He has a natural cohesion. People

around him will unconsciously move closer to him and be convinced by him.”

Todd London nodded and said, “That kid, he must be extraordinary in the future and deserves to be


Saying that, Todd London got up, “You also go to bed early, and you have to see off the guests


Alger London asked urgently,” Uncle Smyth, are they leaving?”

“Well.” Todd London said, “Tomorrow you will send them. off for me, and the Will Family will also leave

tomorrow. From now on, the London Family will be handed over to you. Alger London, you are my

proudest son.”

Alger London knew his mission from the very beginning.

“Dad, I will also go to Washington DC tomorrow to express condolences to the Maya Family.” Alger

London was

thoughtful, “Aunt Huang lost her child, and when Mr. Maya came to New York City to attend the

birthday banquet, our London Family It’s reasonable to go and have a look.”

Todd London nodded, “It’s time to visit. If you are novelbin

thoughtful, then you should go to Washington DC tomorrow instead of London Family.”

“Yes, Dad.” Alger London suppressed the joy in his heart, keeping his expression calm.

Todd London returned to the room, and Alger London immediately returned to the room, called his

assistant, and arranged to go to Washington DC tomorrow.

Alger London now has the right to speak in the entire London Group, and Todd London has even

assigned him an assistant to assist him.

After the phone call, Alger London sent another message: deliver the welcoming pine tree to the hotel

tomorrow morning…

This painting was given to Zona by Alger London.

He knew that she liked landscape paintings, so he bought them from a collector at a high price.

And he wanted to go to Washington DC, not all because of the condolences to the Maya Family.

Alger London arranged everything, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said in his heart,

little girl, grow up quickly.

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