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Chapter 1071

Chapter 1071

Erica Booth fell from the building, she was alone and no one else was there.

In the eyes of everyone, this was an accident.

Erica Booth was immersed in the pain of losing her child, and when she fell down the stairs, she foundnovelbin

nothing on the steps of the stairs and thought she had not stepped on it properly.

Erica Booth is in a mess right now, she is panicking about the future, afraid that Jack Maya will not

want her in the future.

Jack Maya stayed with him in the hospital for a while and said, “I’ll go home and change my clothes.

You should have a good rest and don’t think too much.”

‘Jack, do you blame me?” The tears on Erica Booth ‘s face never dried up.

Jack Maya frowned, “Don’t think too much.”

He said nothing more and left the hospital.

It would be a lie to say that there is no grief.

Jack Maya is also looking forward to the birth of the baby, but he does not have the deep sorrow of

Erica Booth.

Maya Family.

The nannies cleaned the stairs and wiped away the blood on the ground.

When the nanny was wiping the steps, she suddenly smelled

a smell of peanut oil.

The nanny wondered, why is there peanut oil on the steps?

The nanny leaned closer and sniffed it carefully, and it was right, it was peanut oil.

Erica Booth fall because she stepped on peanut oil?

The nanny didn’t dare to say anything. Cleaning is her job. If the mistress of the family knows that her

negligence caused the mistress to fall and have a miscarriage, she will not only lose her job, but also

get into trouble.

The nanny hurriedly wiped the steps clean, and sprayed air cleaner to cover up the smell of peanut oil.

How could the nanny have the guts to investigate who poured the peanut oil on the steps, she was only

worried that she would not be implicated.

Just after cleaning, Jack Maya came back, and the nanny said in trepidation, “Sir.”

“Hmm.” Jack Maya just responded lightly and went upstairs.

The nanny breathed a sigh of relief, no one blamed her, and she planned to keep this secret in her


New York City.

The London Family birthday party is still going on, this is already a dinner party.

Jack Maya left in a hurry, Todd London called to inquire and found out that Erica Booth fell down the

stairs and had a miscarriage.

Damien Smyth was sitting with Vivienne Quinn and overheard Todd London talking to Jack Maya.

Vivienne Quinn was surprised, “Miscarriage?”

Todd London hung up the phone, he said, “I heard it’s serious. I had my uterus removed.”

It was said that Vivienne Quinn sympathized with Erica Booth very much. As a woman, she can

understand this pain too well.

Vivienne Quinn has felt the same way.

Erica Booth’s accident gave Vivienne Quinn a feeling that what she feared happened after all.

All right, why did you fall down the stairs?

Zane Will said, “It’s a pity. Jack Maya is almost forty, and I only hoped for such a child. He is gone.”

They are all in the same circle, so naturally they all know about the Maya Family.

They are all about the same age, and Zane Will ‘s son is in elementary school and will soon enter junior

high school.

Alger London, the son of Todd London, has taught himself middle and high school knowledge for a long

time. He is known as a genius and was admitted to university at the youngest age.

Of course, Alger London doesn’t need to go to such a university, he goes to the exam, it’s just a proof.

Every time I talk about this, Zane Will hates his sons, who are similar in age, and they can take the

exams at any university, while the other is still in elementary school and has failed grades. Isn’t it

shameful to say this?

Zane Will glanced at Tom who was jumping up and down like monkeys all over the field, and silently

turned his head. to the other side.

Tom is very good at driving the atmosphere. Although he repeats grades, he is not good at studying,

but he has strong organizational skills, strong integration ability, and he is also a member of the circle.

He soon became the “monkey king”, and the other children followed him.

Tom is very naughty, Zona doesn’t like to follow him, he has. a thick skin, he pulls, pulls, bites Zona one

by one, if Zona doesn’t follow, he calls Zona sister, or tells others that he wants to marry Zona when he

grows up.

Zona glared at him, ” Tom, why are you so thick-skinned.”

Tom said with a playful smile, “It’s not thick, if you don’t believe me, pinch it.”

Tom really moved his face closer.

Then, there was a pain in the face.

It was Alger London who stretched out his hand and pinched it, “It’s a bit thick.”

“Ouch.” Tom covered his face, “Woods, you’re really good at it.”

Zona pursed her lips and smiled.

Tom rubbed his face, seeing Zona smiled, he also smiled, Zona, you look so pretty when you smile,

smile more in the future.”

Zona didn’t like to laugh very much before, but after her throat was healed, she became more cheerful

and smiled


Alger London has said this before.

Said she looks good when she smiles.

Alger London looked at Zona and agreed, “It’s beautiful.”

When he first met her, she exuded an air of indifference and indifference to strangers, like a frosty leaf

with a biting chill.

Now the Zona has really changed a lot.

“Woods, we are about the same age, why don’t we become sworn brothers.” Tom pulled Alger London

and said, “Have someone serve two bowls of wine, and we are sworn

brothers. Don’t you dare, I will be the boss, and you will be the second.”

“Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol,” Zona said.

“Drink, drink.” Tom changed his words quickly. From now on, he will be a person who listens to his wife

in the future.

Alger London said, “Yes, but I will be the boss and you will be the second brother.”

In terms of age, Alger London is older.

Tom frowned and struggled for a while, and said, “Okay,

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