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Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Zane Will gave up, he didn’t expect Tom to be as good as Alger London.

Putting down the feather duster, Zane Will glared at Tom and said, “Go back to your room, you have to

get up early tomorrow.”

Tomorrow is Elder London ‘s birthday banquet, everyone came early today, otherwise tomorrow will be


Tom said to Alger London, “Woods, you can go back and see you tomorrow.”

Alger London is going back to London Family. He is also very busy tomorrow, so he won’t be staying

any longer.

On the way back, the picture of Zane Will beating Tom kept appearing in Alger London’s mind. The

father and son are like brothers and friends, which is really enviable.

the next day.

The Elder London birthday was held at this hotel.

The banquet hall, which can accommodate thousands of people, is already full of guests.

Tom is also wearing a formal suit today. As long as he doesn’t speak, he still has the temperament of a

noble prince. When he speaks, he will be a bit ruffian.

Zona is wearing a streamer skirt, long hair shawl, very fairy.

“Zona, do you look pretty in a dress?” Tom tidied up his clothes and asked with a smile, “See if I’m

handsome today.”

Zona took a look, “Not bad.”

Tom looked to the other side of the banquet hall, where Alger London followed Todd London and

greeted the guests.

“Woods is really pitiful, how did he manage to be so young and so young.”

He is young and acts in a style that is as old as his age.

“That’s stability,” Zona said.

Alger London has the shadow of Damien Smyth, responsible, thoughtful, and inherently noble.

Vivienne Quinn followed Damien Smyth, socializing with industry insiders.

New York City is very lively here, and Elder London ‘s

birthday banquet was broadcast live in real time, even in the United States.

Maya Family.

Susanna Wallis sits in the living room to watch the London Family feast.

Most of the shots were given to Alger London and Elder London.

Elder London is the protagonist, and Alger London is the future star of the London Family, who is

valued by others.

Occasionally the camera will cut to Damien Smyth and his wife. On TV, Susanna Wallis sees Zona, and

her eyes are round with jealousy.

As the future star of the London Family, Alger London took good care of Zona, fearing that she would

be hungry, so he personally picked out some pastries and sent them to her.

In the eyes of outsiders, they don’t think much of it. One is the proud son of the London Family and the

other is the proud daughter of the Smyth Family. They are also several years apart in age. Alger

London takes care of Zona like an older brother, which is logical.

But in Susanna Wallis’ view, it was the Zona who robbed Alger London.

“Miss Susanna, I’m going out to buy something. If you need anything, I’ll bring it back for you.” The

nanny came over to say hello.

“No.” Susanna Wallis never took kindly to nannies.

The nanny was out, the other nannies were doing their jobs, and Erica Booth was upstairs sleeping.

Erica Booth sleeps until eleven o’clock every day, and it’s almost eleven o’clock now.

The whole house was silent.

The thought came to Susanna Wallis again, and now was his best chance.

Who told my uncle not to let her go to New York City, who told my aunt to love her children and not her.

Jealousy grew stronger in Susanna Wallis’ chest.

Susanna Wallis sneaked into the kitchen, poured peanut oil

on a rag, and wiped the steps with the rag while no one was there.

Susanna Wallis didn’t dare to rub too many steps, she only rubbed peanut oil on the first three steps.

The steps become slippery and it is easy to fall.

After all this was done, Susanna Wallis went outside in the courtyard, she stood outside the window,

through the glass, just in time to see the stairs.

It was eleven o’clock, and Erica Booth was up, and she went downstairs in her pajamas and slippers.

Susanna, Susanna… novelbin

Susanna Wallis in the yard heard the voice, but she didn’t answer, but stared at the stairs.

Soon, the figure of Erica Booth appeared at the stairs.

Erica Booth didn’t know that the steps had been tampered with, so she stepped on them as usual.

Her feet slipped, and Erica Booth was caught off guard, screamed, and subconsciously grabbed the


Due to inertia, her foot stepped on the second step, slipped again, and her foot was sprained. Erica

Booth lost her center of gravity and rolled down the stairs…

Erica Booth’s screams resounded throughout the villa. Her head hit the steps several times as she

rolled down the stairs, and her stomach was hit by the steps all the time.

When Erica Booth rolled to the living room and lay on the floor, her body felt hot, and a pool of bright

red dripped from her body.

Erica Booth reached out her hand and cried in horror, “Son, my son, come, come, come…”

Erica Booth was in so much pain that she didn’t dare to get up, and she couldn’t get up. She covered

her belly with her hands, and she was very scared and called for help.

All this was seen by Susanna Wallis in the yard.

Susanna Wallis was indifferent and didn’t intend to help. Even seeing the blood on the floor tiles, she

was very excited and happy.

As long as my aunt has no baby, she will spoil her like. before.

She is also the little princess of Maya Family.

Who dares to fight with her?

Erica Booth called for help for a long time, and the servants who were working hurried over when they

heard the sound.

Erica Booth lying in a pool of blood, the servants were also terrified.

“Quick, call an ambulance and save my son.” Erica Booth looked extremely painful, and there was a

cry in her voice.

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