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Chapter 1041

Chapter 1041

Vivienne Quinn quickly reacted.

Jeff Nicholas took his own life to drag Marina Maya into the


Jeff Nicholas’ mouth is the proof.

What he wants to say, what he wants to say, is what he wants to say.

He said that it was Marina Maya who was behind the scenes, and that was Marina Maya.

In order to prove what he said, the police must investigate. Once they investigate, Marina Maya will

never be able to pick it up.

Because, that incident was instigated by Marina Maya.

Vivienne Quinn has little appetite, ” Damien Smyth, so can I see Jeff Nicholas now?”

“It’s best not to go.” Damien Smyth said, “I also asked Bob Mendoza, now that visits are not allowed,

what should you do on weekdays, or what to do, and the rest, don’t worry about it, I will take care of it.”

Vivienne Quinn hesitated to speak, and she still didn’t say anything.

At this time, nothing she said would work.

Jeff Nicholas, that idiot, she said before that she didn’t need


him to do anything for her, and she couldn’t repay his favor, but he still did it.

Damien Smyth knew what Vivienne Quinn was thinking. He patted her head and said softly, “Honey,

take Evangeline to school today. I’m going to Ximen today. I’m not on my way. I’m running out of time.”

No matter how big things happened, Damien Mr. Smyth was kind to her, even to the point of


In the eyes of outsiders, they are very surprised, and they are all curious about what means Vivienne

Quinn has to make the president of Skyreach Group bow his head and obey his


Vivienne Quinn nodded, “Alright, go ahead and leave Evangeline to me.”

Damien Smyth started first, Jesse Hudson and the driver were already waiting in the yard.

Damien Smyth left, Evangeline had a good meal, and Vivienne Quinn said, “Pick up your schoolbag

and get ready to go to school.”

“Okay.” Evangeline went to get her schoolbag and got into the car with Vivienne Quinn, “Mom, did

something happen at home? You and Dad are a little weird.”

“The grown-ups will take care of it. You just need to go to school.” Vivienne Quinn was restless, and

she was still worried about Jeff Nicholas.

Sent Evangeline to the school gate, watched Evangeline go in, she drove to find Bob Mendoza.

Evangeline entered the school, she was stopped by a senior boy before she reached her class.

The boy is a bit short, he is in the fifth grade, and looks about the same height as Evangeline. Boys

tend to develop a bit later.

The boy yelled, ” Zona.”


Evangeline stopped and said coldly, “Is there something wrong?”

“Here you are.” The boy stuffed a piece of paper into Evangeline’s hand, “This is a love letter from my

boss. Gol back and read it carefully. The boss said that after school in the afternoon, I will meet you in

the back alley of the school at 5:30.”

Evangeline didn’t even read it, and returned the love letter, “Childish.”

With that said, Evangeline was about to leave.

“Zona.” The boy stopped her again, “Look, our boss wrote a love letter all night. If he didn’t climb the

wall and broke his leg, he would have delivered it himself.”

Evangéline knew immediately who it was when she heard that she had broken her leg climbing the


“You mean Tom in fifth grade?”

Just last week, Tom jumped over the wall trying to play truant, but was caught by the arrogant. In a

panic, Tom fell

off the wall, broke his leg, and was notified by the whole school.

Evangeline often sees the word Tom on the school bulletin board, because this person is not good at

studying, he is the first in fights, he climbs over the wall to play games, and fights are common things.

Just last week, Tom took a few male classmates to make a sworn ceremony, learning what TaoUSD

three sworn brothers, blood for alliance, bloodletting and drinking, a boy fainted from blood, and fainted

on the playground, scaring the teachers even more.

The boy was pleasantly surprised, ” Zona, you know my boss, yes, my boss is handsome and loyal,

and many girls like it. From now on, you will be our sister-in-law.”

This is because I have watched too many TV dramas, and everyone is loyal, and I am called a sister-


Primary school students don’t know what love is, they simply like it, like to play with this one, like to

play with that one, maybe they are still good friends one second, and the next second they break up

because of the pencil case.

“Childish.” Evangeline waved her hand, “I’m going to class, I’m going to be late.” novelbin

As for love letters, Evangeline doesn’t accept them.

Eight-year-old Evangeline has received many love letters.

The primary school students’ writing style is immature, with many typos, and the writing is messy like

chicken claws.

The boy yelled, ” Zona, you don’t accept love letters, my boss is very embarrassing.”

Evangeline went into the classroom without looking back.

The love letter couldn’t be delivered, and the boy had to give the boss an explanation, ran out of

school, and went to the hospital to see Tom.

Tom is about the same age as Alger London, but their personalities are very different.


At a young age, with eyebrows and star eyes, and exquisite facial features, when he grows up, he must

be a monster, and he does not know how many girls he will harm.

As soon as he heard that Evangeline does not accept love letters, Tom became more interested, ” Bird,

you don’t even want my love letters, you have a personality.”

After finishing the words, a childish female voice came, “Cousin, your legs are better.”

Tom turned around, saw the person coming, and said, “Why are you here?”

It’s Susanna Wallis.

“I came to see you.” Susanna Wallis asked, “Cousin, is it still hurting?”

“Try to see if it hurts if you drop it.” Tom’s mouth was poisonous, and he said something.

Susanna Wallis came with Erica Booth. Seeing Tom talking to Susanna Wallis like this, Erica Booth

reprimanded, “Tom,

why are you talking to your sister? She cares about you.”

Tom is related to Erica Booth, and Susanna Wallis and Tom are also cousins.

Tom didn’t look at Susanna Wallis, and said to the boy, “You send the love letter to Zona, and she must

accept it.

Chripter 1042

150 Vouchers.

Susanna Wallis was very sensitive when she heard the word Zona, and even more so when she heard

the word ‘love letter’.

Susanna Wallis took the love letter over and read the content, “Dear little girl…”



Susanna Wallis, who told you to watch it.” Tom became annoyed, grabbed it, and said ferociously,

“Why are you so rude.”

This is the first time he has written a love letter. Tom is shy. Boys need face. Susanna Wallis read the

content of the love letter in public. Where should he put his face?

Erica Booth said displeased, ” Tom, why are you always being mean to my sister? Today, my sister

specially asked for half a day off to see you. What did you write? Let her see what’s wrong.”

Tom carefully folded the love letter and handed it to the boy. He frowned and said to Erica Booth,

“Cousin, my mother gave birth to me. Where did my sister come from? I didn’t ask her to come to see

me. Things, there is no family education at all, and those who come from small places have no


Tom is the little devil of the Will Family, and he doesn’t give face to anyone. The Will Family is just such

a child, and one can imagine how precious he is.

Susanna Wallis grew up in an orphanage since she was a child, and was later adopted by the Maya

Family, and was later recognized by the Maya Family. During the years when Susanna Wallis was

born, she was at the bottom, with no

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